Title: With Ease
Author: muse127
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Small one for "Profiler, Profiled"
Warnings: fluff, drabble
Disclaimer: I would love to own them, but sadly, I don't. I make no money with this, please don't sue...
A/N: My title is kinda lame. Also, so am I because this is complete and utter fluff. I was writing and was bitten by the sap bug. *shrugs* This is a little drabble, and I stress the little part. Comments are lovely.


“I love you.”

Three little words. Three little words that he had thought would be so hard to say, slipped easily from his tongue.

But with Spencer, everything had been easier.

Asking Reid out had been a breeze compared to the many horrible ways Morgan had imagined it could go. Getting past what Carl Buford had done to him wasn’t easy, but Spencer was like a cooling balm over his wounds and helped him heal. It had even been easy to tell the team about their relationship because Spencer had been standing right there with him.

But, by far, the easiest thing that Derek had ever done was to stand up in front of his friends and loved ones at their small service and declare his love for a certain skinny, geeky genius.
