Title: Comfort Food and Friends
By: Daisyangel
Pairing: Prentiss/Hotch & Morgan/Gracia & JJ/Reid
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What's better when your life's falling apart then comfort food and friends? Oh, and possibly an eventual romance? Emily is about to find out.


Jack Hotchner looked up from the movie he was watching at the knock on the door. He'd finally convinced his father that at the age of twelve he could stay at home alone for a couple of hours while his father went out with Morgan for a couple of drinks. Hearing his father's voice in his head to not open the door unless it was his team or his mother Jack looked through the window by the door. The figure standing outside was shaking and getting wet from the rain coming down in sheets. Quickly he opened the door, letting Emily into the apartment. As she walked in he went directly for the kitchen grabbing the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream out of the freezer a long with a spoon before heading back into the living room and handing it to her as he simultaneously popped The Princess Bride into the DVD player.

"Hey Em," he said.

"Hey," she replied as she sniffled.

"Your sweats and t-shirt are in the spare room from last time he said," pointing to the hall. Nodding she turned and headed down the hall. Jack sucked in a breath when he caught sight of the bruise on her cheek and the ones he could see above the collar of her shirt. He was only twelve, but Jack Hotchner wasn't stupid. He knew that her boyfriend was abusing her and it must have been a really bad night if she was showing up at his father's door. He knew she usually went to his dad's or his Uncle Derek's house. This had become such a common routine that they always kept a gallon of her favorite ice cream in the freezer. Five minutes later Emily came out and sat beside him on the couch. She gave him a shaky smile before digging into the ice cream and beginning to watch the movie. Her tears continued to fall and her hands shook so she could barely hold the ice cream. Reaching over Jack placed a hand on hers to steady the carton.

"Thanks," she said softly.

"Your welcome, you wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm fine, where's Hotch?" she questioned.

"He went out with Uncle Derek. He should be home soon," Jack said. Emily nodded quietly as she turned her focus back to the movie. Jack looked over about an hour later to find that Emily had cried herself to sleep. Knowing that she would be more comfortable in the guest room Jack carefully lifted her into his arms and carried her in and placed her in the middle of the bed and covered her up. He was surprised at how light she was. He wasn't by any means weak all the running he'd been doing to make himself stronger was helping but she looked so frail and small.

"Dad will fix it, Emily. He always does. He always does," he whispered as he closed the door and made his way back into the living room. Not for the first time wondering why his dad didn't just ask the pretty brunette out. Jack liked her they'd always had a special bond that he didn't have with the rest of the team. Just as he walked into the living room he heard the key in the lock and the laughing voices of his dad and his uncle Derek.

"Hey Jack," Hotch said as he walked in.

"Hey, kiddo," added Derek.

"Hey," Jack replied.

"Wait a minute, are you watching The Princess Bride?" Morgan asked. Jack nodded. Hotch's attention was caught by the statement. He looked from his son to the TV to the empty carton of ice cream on the table.

"She's here, isn't she?" he asked.

"Yeah, she got here a little over an hour ago. She looked pretty bad. She was crying," Jack replied.

"I'm assuming you're talking about Em?" Derek asked.

"Yeah," both men answered in unison.

"Where is she now?" Hotch asked.

"She's sleeping. I carried her to the guest room..." Jack stopped talking.

"What aren't you telling us, kiddo?" Morgan prodded.

"Darn profilers," Jack grumbled. Hotch suppressed a smile.

"He's hitting her," Jack said bluntly. Hotch and Morgan turned identical angry expressions on Jack.

"Are you sure, Jack?" Morgan demanded.

"Yes, I saw the bruise on her cheek and the bruises that were just above her collar.

"I'm gonna kill the damn SOB!" Morgan almost yelled.

"Morgan, calm down. I want to kill him just as bad as you do, but we can't. At least not yet, we have to talk to Emily first," Hotch argued.

"Yeah I know," Morgan agreed. Hotch was about to speak but was stopped by the sound of the guestroom door slamming against the wall and the sound of running footsteps before the bathroom door was slammed. The sound of someone throwing up followed. Concerned Hotch headed for the bathroom. He knocked gently on the door.

"Emily, it's Hotch, can I come in?" After a mumbled yes in-between bouts of vomiting Hotch gently eased the door open and walked into the bathroom. Frowning at the sight before him he knelt down behind Emily and held her hair out of her face with one hand and rubbed her back with the other. After a couple more minutes of throwing up Emily sagged against him.

"You okay now?" Hotch asked softly. Emily nodded slowly.

"You wanna tell me what's going on? Jack said Jake's been hitting you?" Hotch told her. Emily was about to lie but then she looked into Hotch's eyes and saw the concern shining in them.

"Yeah but it wasn't this bad until tonight," she explained as she started to cry.

"What made tonight so different?" Hotch wanted to know.

"I told him I'm pregnant and he went ballistic. He hit me in the face and in the stomach. He even wrapped his hands around my throat. It was only because I grabbed my gun and threatened him with it did he let go," she explained shakily. She'd began to shake when she was telling her story. Gently wrapping her in his arms Hotch rocked back and forth trying to soothe her.

"Shh, you're safe now," he whispered in her ear. He stood up and filled a glass with water before handing it to her so she could wash the taste out of her mouth.

"Thanks," she said. The sound of a cell phone ringing caught their attention. Emily stiffened she recognized the ring it was Jake.


Morgan was watching the end of the movie in silence with Jack. He was worried about Emily and didn't want to leave until he knew she was okay. The sound of her cell phone ringing startled him. He rummaged around in her purse before extracting it. He got off the couch and walked to the bathroom door.

"Hey, Em, your phone's ringing," he said as he handed it to her.

"H-h-hello?" Emily answered.

"Where the hell are you?" Jake shouted into the phone.

"I'm out," Emily answered evasively.

"Out where, with Hotchner? Are you fucking him on the side? Are you sure that child isn't his?" Jake roared.

"N-n-no, I'm not sleeping with him. The child is yours, but you made it pretty clear when I told you I was pregnant tonight that you didn't want anything to do with me or the baby," she spat acidly.

"Your damn right, it's too bad one of those punches to the stomach didn't kill the little brat," he snarled. Both behavioralists stared with open mouths at what they had just heard. Emily tried to speak but was crying to hard. Morgan gently eased the cell phone from her hands while Hotch gathered her into his arms and held her tight.

"Listen here, buddy. I don't know what your deal is, but if you ever contact Emily again I'll have your ass, do I make myself clear?" Morgan snarled.

"Who the hell are you?" Jake inquired.

"Derek Morgan, FBI, I work with Em. If you ever come near Emily or the baby again, you'll wish you had never been born," Morgan warned. Hanging up the phone he joined Hotch and Emily on the floor.

"You've got to calm down or you'll make yourself sick again, sweetheart," Hotch whispered. Emily took in a shaky breath and tried to compose herself. Deciding to lighten the mood slightly, Morgan spoke.

"Did I hear you right, are you pregnant? Am I going to have a little girl or boy to be Uncle Derek to?" he asked with a smile. Emily smiled and nodded.

"Yep, I'm pregnant," she answered.

"How far a long are you?" Hotch wanted to know.

"About six weeks."

"Well congratulations," Hotch told her.

"Yeah, congrats," Morgan agreed.

"What do you say, you ready to get off the floor and head back to bed?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah sounds good," Emily said. Morgan held out a hand after he stood up to help Hotch and Emily off the floor. Both men followed her to the guest room to ensure she didn't fall. Jack was standing in the doorway with some ginger ale and crackers.

"Here, Emily, this usually helps me when I'm sick," he said sitting it on the nightstand.

"Thanks, kiddo," Emily said as she hugged him before climbing into bed and sipping slowly on the Ginger Ale.

"You know where my room is if you need me," Hotch said as he motioned the other two out of the room.

"Thanks, night, Hotch," she said.

"Night, Em," he replied before closing the door.


It was a sore and tired Emily Prentiss that walked into the BAU the next morning. She had to admit she felt some better when she woke up to find Hotch and Jack waiting in the kitchen with breakfast. She just hoped she could keep it down. So far the morning sickness hadn't been to bad but some of the time it was really intense.

"Morning, Em," JJ called as she walked into the kitchen to see if there was any coffee.

"Hey, JJ, how are you?" Emily asked.

"I'm good, you look tired, you okay?"

"Yeah, didn't sleep very well," Emily answered.

"Then I think you could use this," Reid said as he appeared next to Emily and held a steaming cup of coffee under her nose. The reaction was instantaneous clamping a hand over her mouth; Emily turned first White then Green as she spun on her heels and ran.

"Em? You okay?" Reid called as he stared after his friend worriedly.

"Hmm, I wonder what's wrong with her?" JJ asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know, maybe she's sick?" Reid guessed.

"Hmm, maybe," JJ agreed. She just hoped that whatever was wrong with her friend it wasn't anything serious.


Morgan looked up as Emily nearly barreled into him.

"Whoa there, Em, what's the rush?" he questioned. Ignoring him Emily just shoved passed him and kept running. It was then that Morgan got a good look at her face.

"Shit!" Morgan cried.

"Hotch! Look out!" he called as he saw the unit chief exit the elevator and nearly get bowled over by Emily. Hotch quickly took stock of the situation and determined she wouldn't make it to the employee bathroom she was undoubtedly heading for so he took hold of her arm and turned her towards the guest bathroom letting the door slam behind them. Releasing her she dropped to her knees in front of the nearest toilet and threw up her breakfast. Waiting patiently until she was done Hotch handed her a cup of water and a paper towel. He was still rubbing her back with the hand that hadn't been just holding back her hair.

"You better now?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I think so. I hope so," she added.

"Me, to. Any idea what caused it this morning?"

"The smell of the coffee, Reid held it under my nose. I guess that was too close for the babies comfort," she explained.

"You ready to go back to the team? I'm sure everyone save for Morgan is wondering what's going on," Hotch commented.

"Yeah, and Hotch?" she said.

"What is it?"

"Thanks for everything, for last night and for now," she thanked him softly.

"No need to thank me, we're friends, no family," Hotch corrected himself. "We're family and family helps each other." Nodding Emily gave him a smile before using the hand he held out for her to pull herself off the floor. Satisfied that she wasn't going to throw up anymore she freshened up before turning towards the door and opening it. A few people gave Hotch strange looks as he followed Emily out of the women's bathroom. He just ignored them and guided Emily back to the BAU with a hand on her lower back.


Everyone was gathered around Reid's desk when they walked into the bullpen.

"You okay, sunshine?" Garcia wanted to know.

"I'm fine now," Emily answered as she gave everyone a smile. Morgan returned the smile. Hotch just kept his hand on her back.

"Wait a minute, what do you two know?" Rossi asked looking between the two men.

"What do you mean?" Morgan asked impishly.

"Morgan, stop it, I'll tell you what they know and why they know it first," Emily told them.

"Well go on then," JJ insisted.

"Well, I'm pregnant," Emily said. JJ's, Rossi's, Spencer's and Garcia's mouths dropped open.

"How far a long are you?" Garcia demanded.

"Why do Morgan and Hotch know first?" JJ asked.

"Who's the father?" Reid added. Emily threw a frantic look at Hotch.

"Guys! One at a time," he requested.

"Okay, how far a long are you?" Garcia repeated.

"About six weeks, according to the doctor. So far everything looks good," Emily answered.

"Why do Hotch and Morgan know first, and who's the father?" Reid asked combining two questions.

"The father's Jake, but he won't be involved in the baby's life," Emily said bluntly.

"Why?" JJ wanted to know.

"Well it ties in with why Hotch and Morgan were the first ones to know..." She explained the previous night's events. "So I stayed at Hotch's and here we are now," Emily concluded.

"I'm gonna kill him," Rossi snarled.

"I'll help you," JJ agreed. Reid and Garcia nodded.

"Guys, no ones killing him, I told him about the baby and he made it very clear that he doesn't want to be involved. I'm going to get a restraining order on him and serve him with papers to sign over his custodial rights," Emily explained.

"Well let me know if there's anything I can do," Rossi said patting her shoulder.

"That goes for all of us," Garcia added.

"Thanks, guys, now that's out of the way, lets get to work," Emily said heading for her desk and picking up the folder on the top of her stack and opening it. The others followed her lead but not before they each offered their congratulations once again.

/We just might get through this, baby, / Emily thought as she began reading.


Emily growled in frustration as she flung another pair of pants across her bedroom. She was four months along and none of her pants fit. She was close to bursting into tears which wasn't like her, but the pregnancy hormones were reeking havoc on her. Accepting defeat Emily reached for her phone and called JJ.

"Hello," came Will's voice.

"Is JJ there?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, just a sec."

"JJ, it's for you, I think it's Emily," Will called into the kitchen. Nodding JJ walked into the living room handing him a fed and happy Henry as she took the phone.

"What's up, Em?" At the sound of her friend's voice Emily's hormones took over and she started to cry.

"Oh JJ," she sobbed.

"What's wrong, Em?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm fat and none of my pants fit anymore," Emily complained. Stifling a laugh JJ spoke.

"Your not fat, your pregnant."

"Same thing, I still can't fit into my pants," the other woman argued.

"I'd continue arguing with you, but I know it's a lost cause. I said the same thing as you did when I was pregnant with Henry. As for having nothing that fits I'll run some of my maternity pants by you this morning for you to borrow until we can go shopping. We can talk to Garcia when we get to work," JJ offered.

"Thanks, Jayje, I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, I've been there. If I had to guess I'd say that every pair of pants you own is strewn across your bedroom floor right now, would I be right?" Emily chuckled at the accurate description.

"Yeah," she admitted with a laugh.

"Okay, well I'll be by with some clothes in about 15 minutes or so," JJ said.

"Thanks see you then," Emily said hanging up and picking up the mess on her bedroom floor. True to her word JJ showed up at Emily's fifteen minutes later with clothes and breakfast in hand. It was a much calmer Emily Prentiss who walked into the BAU 45 minutes later a laughing JJ just behind her.

"No cases as of yet, JJ review the next three on your desk and we'll meet after lunch to discuss them. Everyone else, work on paperwork," Hotch instructed.

Hotch's stomach grumbled loudly alerting him to the fact that he needed lunch. He would have just kept on working, but he now had a purpose, make sure Prentiss ate lunch. After all it wasn't just about her anymore, it was about the baby as well. Standing at the rail he looked down at the bullpen observing his team. Morgan was organizing the files on his desk while chatting to Reid. The two of them headed off presumably to get some lunch leaving Emily on her own. Descending the stairs Hotch made his way over to her.

"Hey, Prentiss, let's grab some lunch," Hotch called as he reached her desk. She was about to protest but her stomach growled letting them both know just how hungry she was.

"Well, I guess that would be fine," she said.

"The deli just down the street?" Hotch suggested.

"Sure sounds good," Emily agreed grabbing her purse and jacket she followed him out into the cool street. They were sitting in the deli enjoying their meals when all of a sudden Emily stopped eating and pressed her hand to her stomach. Hotch frowned in concern.

"You okay, Emily?" he asked softly. Emily smiled at Hotch's use of her first name. She must have hesitated too long in answering because his frown deepened. "Em?" he called placing his hand on top of hers.

"The baby moved, would you like to feel?" she asked in awe.

"I'd love to," Hotch replied. Taking his hand Emily placed it on her slightly rounded stomach.

"Feel that, Aaron? That's my baby," she said with a bright smile.

"I do, Emily, I do," he answered tenderly. Their eyes locked and something passed between them. A new bond in their relationship had formed.


The others had noticed the shift in Hotch and Emily's relationship over the next few weeks. He would bring her little snacks or one or the other of them would suggest they go to lunch. On more than one occasion Emily was seen taking coffee to Hotch despite the fact that the baby still wouldn't let her drink more than half a cup without making her sick.

"So what do you thinks going on with Hotch and Emily?" Morgan asked one day before shift started as he, Garcia, JJ and Reid stood by Reid's desk.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's good for both of them," Garcia interjected.

"I agree," JJ said.

"I say 20 bucks says they're officially an item by the time she's six months pregnant. Who's in?" Morgan asked.

"I'm in," Reid said.

"Me to," Garcia agreed.

"You guys should be ashamed of yourselves," JJ scolded.

"So are you in or not?" Reid prompted.

"I say 30 bucks," JJ said suppressing a smile.

"So I say they're together by the time she's six months pregnant what times do you three pick?" Morgan questioned.

"I say five months," Reid answered.

"I say by the end of this week," Garcia decided.

"What about you, JJ?"

"Hmm, lets see, I say when she's five and a half months pregnant. Trust me if the looks they keep giving each other are any indication it'll happen sooner rather than later," she pointed out. The others laughed then hurried to appear as if they were working when Hotch appeared at the railing. The fact that Emily was standing next to him wasn't lost on the rest of the team.

"You taking over Hotch's job?" Morgan teased Emily.

"Nope, just turning in some paperwork," she responded making her way down the steps.

"But you'd make a much hotter unit chief," Morgan argued.

"Well I think the one we have right now is just fine," Emily flirted turning and giving Hotch a wink causing him to blush crimson just as she put her foot down on the next step. She was three steps from the top when her foot slipped and she fell. For one brief moment it appeared as if Emily would be able to catch her balance but then she tumbled and crashed down the stairs. Hotch froze in abject horror before jumping into action and rushing down the stairs.

"Emily!" he shouted as he ran. The rest of the team surrounded her instantly. Morgan was the first to reach her. Rossi came flying out of his office and ran hurriedly down the stairs getting their just after Hotch.

"Em?" Morgan called reaching for her.

"Don't move her, we need to be careful because of the baby," Hotch cautioned. Reaching out he brushed a strand of hair out of Emily's eyes before calling her name.


"Yeah I'm fine," she grumbled.

"Are you hurt?" Reid asked.

"Just my pride," she admitted. Pulling herself into a sitting position Emily began climbing to her feet.

"Stay still, we're taking you to the hospital to be checked out," Hotch told her.

"I'm fine, Hotch," she protested.

"Prentiss, you fell down a flight of stairs and your four and a half months pregnant, your getting checked out."

"I'm fine, Aaron," she snapped. The team's eyes widened at her blatent use of his first name.

"Emily, please? If not for me, then for the baby?" he pleaded. Sighing in defeat she turned to look at him. Supervisory Special Agent In Charge Aaron Hotchner never said please, but her friend Aaron Hotchner did and when he was saying it he really meant what he was asking.

"I'll go if it'll make you happy," she replied.

"It will," Hotch assured her as he held out a hand pulling her to her feet before leading her out of the bullpen with a hand at the small of her back. Thirty minutes later a declared healthy Emily and Hotch were walking out of the hospital hoping to continue the rest of the day as uneventful as possible. They'd definitly had enough excitement to last them a while.


"I'm glad your coming over for dinner with Jack and I," Hotch said as Emily stood next to his desk at the end of shift on Friday.

"Yeah, me, to," she replied. Standing up Hotch made his way over to her and drew her into an embrace and kissed her. Emily melted into the kiss and returned it happily. They pulled apart when they heard cheering. Glancing out the window they saw Garcia doing a happy dance in the bullpen and JJ, Reid, and Morgan handing over money.

"What do you think that's all about?" Hotch questioned.

"Well if I had to guess, I'd say they bet on how long it would take us to get together," Emily answered. Hotch just laughed and took her hand.

"Lets go, Em."

"MMM, yeah," she said.

"Well we have a dinner to get to," he whispered in her ear kissing her once more before walking out of his office and heading down the stairs.

"That was delicious thank you boys very much," Emily complimented as she carried her empty plate to the sink.

"I'm glad you liked it," Jack replied shyly.

"What do you want to do now?" Hotch questioned.

"How about a movie and popcorn?" Emily suggested.

"Sounds good, what movie?" Jack wondered.

"Why don't we let your dad pick?" Emily offered.

"Sure," Jack said. Nodding Aaron made his way into the living room and began browsing their movie collection.

"How about Father of the Bride Part two? It's funny but romantic and it's got babies in it," Aaron called back. The others agreed and after Jack popped the popcorn they settled down to watch the movie.

Things were going good until the movie ended. Just as the last scene ended Hotch heard a sniffle and a quiet sob come from Emily who was snuggled against his side.

"Emily? You okay, sweetheart?" Wiping her eyes and sniffling once more the expectant mother tried to compose herself.

"Yeah, it's just pregnancy hormones," she explained. Nodding in understanding he handed her a couple of tissues and she finished wiping her face. Looking at his watch he noticed it was already 10:30.

"Time to head to bed, Jack," he told his son.

"Okay, night, Dad, night Emily," the twelve-year-old called as he headed for his room.

"Night, Jack," they called back in unison. A loud yawn escaped Emily's lips much to her embarrassment.

"Tired?" Hotch questioned.

"MMM hmm, I should probably be getting home. Baby usually has me in bed by 10:00," she answered slowly climbing to her feet. Standing up as well Aaron gathered his girlfriend into his arms and kissed her sweetly on the lips. Pulling back they rested their foreheads against each other.

"Good night, Emily," Hotch said.

"Good night Aaron, see you Monday," she replied. After sharing one more kiss Emily gathered her belongings and made her way out to her car happier than she'd been in a very long time.


The knock at the door took JJ by surprised. Walking over to the door she looked out the window and smiled when she saw Reid standing at her door. Opening the door she forced a smile on to her tired face. It had been a tough couple of months. Will had decided two months ago that he wasn't cut out to raise a child so he fled back to New Orleans leaving JJ to raise Henry on her own. He was now almost eight months old.

"Hey, Spence," she greeted.

"Hey JJ, I hope you don't mind me stopping by," Reid said.

"No, not at all," she said with a smile. Walking into the house Reid scanned his surroundings. He noted the baby toys scattered on the floor and the laundry piled on the couch. He took a long look at his best friend. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was going in all directions. Simply put she was exhausted. Spencer couldn't believe that Will would just abandon his girlfriend and child. Sure his father had done the same thing but he didn't understand that either. He knew it had been hard for her since Will had left, but she refused to admit it. This was why he made it a point to stop by as often as he could. Just then the sound of Henry's crys came through the baby monitor. JJ turned to take care of her son but was stopped by Reid's hand on her arm.

"Let me, you sit down and take a break," he gently commanded.

"Thanks, Spence," JJ said as she sank on to the couch.

"No problem, I love that little guy," Reid called back as he made his way to the nursery. Henry was sitting up in bed crying while rubbing at his cheeks. Reid winced sympathetically, the baby was teething and Reid knew that was very painful.

"Hey there, kiddo," Reid cooed as he lifted the infant into his arms and cuddled him to his chest. Henry's whimpers subsided some once he was in Spencer's arms. Walking over to the changing table Reid picked up the numbing medicine and coaxed the babies mouth open.

"This will make your mouth feel better, I promise," Spencer said. Henry relaxed instantly as the numbing agent took affect. Smiling Spencer walked back to the living room a much happier Henry in his arms.

"Hey, baby," JJ greeted happily as she saw her son. Henry giggled and clapped his chubby hands when he heard his mother's voice.

"He's getting another tooth on the bottom," Reid said.

"Yeah I know, poor baby," JJ responded. Settling on the clean part of the couch beside JJ Reid began tickling the babies feet. Everytime he giggled a smile spread across Reid's face. JJ could feel her heart melt as she watched Spencer with Henry. He was the closest thing to a father figure the little boy had. The other guys loved him to, and Emily and Garcia spoiled him rotten but Reid had been there for her and her son the most. She'd lost count of the number of times he'd showed up at her door and helped care for Henry. Everyone gave him a hard time about not being good with kids, but that wasn't the case with Henry. He was fantastic with the infant. He adored Henry and Henry adored him, and if she was being honest with herself, JJ did to.

"What you thinking about JJ?" Reid asked breaking into her thoughts.

"Just how lucky Henry and I are to have someone as wonderful as you in our lives," JJ answered honestly.

"It's nothing," Spencer argued modestly as he ducked his head. Reaching out JJ covered his long slender hand with hers.

"It's something to me," she said softly. The next hour was spent with them watching a kids movie and Spencer giving Henry his nighttime bottle. The movie had just ended and he looked over to see that JJ had fallen asleep. Looking down he noticed that Henry was still wide awake.

"What do you say we put Mama to bed then I'll read you a bedtime story? How does that sound?" Spencer whispered to the baby. Henry kicked his legs. "I'll take that as a yes. You stay put for a moment while I put your mama to bed," he said as he placed the baby in his playpen before walking back over to the couch and lifting the blond into his arms. She was wearing worn sweatpants and a t-shirt so she would be comfortable sleeping in them. Having been in her house numerous times he knew exactly where her bedroom was. Walking into the dark room he made his way over to the bed and after pulling the covers back gently placed the sleeping woman on the bed then covered her. Leaning down he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.

"Night, JJ," he whispered. Backing silently out of the room he closed the door. Making his way back to the living room he reached the playpen just as Henry was beginning to cry.

"Hey, shh, buddy. Don't cry, you'll wake up your mama." Shifting the baby in his arms he noticed the smell coming from the baby's diaper.

"Looks like you need a diaper change," Reid commented as he walked down the hall to the nursery. Five minutes later he was placing a changed and sleeper clad eight month old in his crib. Settling into the rocking chair, he picked up a well worn copy of "Goldie Locks and the Three Bears", and, began reading. Spencer finished the story and glanced into the crib observing the rise and fall of the baby's small chest. He was pleased to note that the baby was sleeping peacefully. Getting up from the rocking chair he walked out of the room turning out the overhead light, but leaving the night light on bathing the room in a pale blue glow.


Still wide-awake Spencer looked around the living room and decided he'd clean up a bit. Picking up the various toys he placed them in the toy box in the corner of the living room. Then he began putting the laundry away. Most of it was Henry's. The laundry that was JJ's he placed in a pile on her dresser allowing her to put everything in its proper place. Making his way into the kitchen he noticed the dishes in the sink. As quietly as he could he rinsed them off and placed them in the dish washer, starting it once it was full. Yawning he glanced at his watch surprised to find that it was already 11:30. Making a decision he walked silently into JJ's room and picked up the baby monitor from her nightstand and after grabbing a blanket and pillow settled on her couch for the night. He was woken at 2:00 for a diaper change and at 4:00 because the baby's mouth was hurting him. At 4:00, however, Henry refused to be put down. Understanding the babies need to be cuddled and held, Spencer got comfortable in the rocking chair and rocked back and forth succeeding in putting them both to sleep, which is exactly how a well rested JJ found them the next morning. Spencer sprawled in the rocking chair and Henry cuddled to his chest his thumb in his mouth and his other hand clutching Spencer's shirt.

JJ's eyes snapped open at the sound of her alarm. Instantly she sat up looking around the room in confusion. She didn't remember going to bed. Oh my gosh, what about Henry? Where was Henry, she wondered. Jumping out of bed she rushed to the door. On her way she caught sight of the folded laundry on her dresser. Hurrying to the nursery she sucked in a breath of relief when she saw Spencer holding the baby in the rocking chair. A soft smile crossed her face when she saw that they were both sound asleep. Deciding this deserved to be captured forever she went in search of her camera. Her admeration for the young genius grew when she took in her clean living room and kitchen. Finding the camera she walked back into the nursery and quickly snapped a few shots. Placing the camera on the dresser she walked over to the rocking chair and tried to lift her son into her arms. Reflexively Reid tightened his hold. Smiling gently JJ called to him.

"Spence, it's okay, it's me, JJ." Slowly the sound of JJ's voice broke through the sleepy fog of Reid's brain and he cracked his eyes open.

"MMM, hey," he croaked.

"Hey yourself, let me take him. There's coffee in the kitchen," she invited. Nodding sleepily he allowed the baby to be lifted from his arms before standing, wincing at the cracking of his back.

I'm sorry about falling asleep on you two. What happened?" JJ asked.

"I put you to bed then put this little one to bed. He woke up twice and the last time he didn't want to be put down," Reid answered.

"You also cleaned up," JJ added.

"It was no problem," Reid argued turning towards the nursery door. Slowly he made his way to the kitchen and filled two mugs with coffee fixing JJ's just like she liked it.

Unaware that Spencer had moved the baby monitor into the living room she began talking to Henry as she changed him.

"We're lucky to have Spence in our lives, kiddo. He does so much for you and I. Honestly I don't know how I would have made it once your dad left me. If it weren't for Spencer I'd be so lost. I wish he was your daddy," JJ said wistfully.

"Bababa," Henry babbled.

"I take it you agree with me, huh?" JJ questioned softly. Henry squealed as he waved his hands. "Let's go get some breakfast how about it, kid?" Scooping the baby into her arms she walked out of the nursery tickling Henry as she went.

Scrambling Spencer hurried into the living room and turned off the baby monitor.

"Coffee's on the counter and Henry's breakfast is ready," he said as he walked passed her the baby monitor in one hand and his coffee in the other.

"Thank you," the blond replied placing a quick kiss on Spencer's cheek as he walked by.

"Don't mention it," he mumbled blushing. An hour later the three of them were heading out the door for the BAU. JJ had to drop Henry off at daycare so she got to the office a few minutes behind Reid. Everyone noticed how well rested she looked and Emily and Garcia couldn't wait to get her alone and find out what had happened.

"Okay, spill it, missy," Garcia demanded. She, JJ, and Emily were in her office for a midmorning break.

"Spill what, Pen?" JJ asked sweetly.

"Why you look more rested than you have since Henry was born and why our resident genius is walking around with a smile the size of Texas on his face," she told her.

"He came over again last night," JJ said.

"Again?" Emily repeated. JJ's eyes widened she just realized what she'd said.

"He came over again last night to help with Henry. He's been there for us a lot since Will left. At least twice a week or so he comes over to help me out. Last night he came over and we watched a movie with Henry after he'd put some of the medicine on his gums. He's getting another tooth. Then he fed him his nighttime bottle as we watched the movie."

"Awww," the girls said in unison.

"This is where it gets a bit fuzzy for me," she admitted.

"What do you mean fuzzy?" Garcia asked.

"I must have fallen asleep because Reid put me to bed then read Henry a story and put him to bed as well. Then he cleaned up and put laundry away. He then must have taken the baby monitor into the living room because the next thing I knew it was 6:00 and my alarm was going off. He slept on the couch and got up with Henry twice in the night. The last time Henry didn't want to go back down so Spence held him. Oh you have to see this picture," JJ gushed as she pulled out her phone and brought up the picture she'd transferred from her camera. Emily and Garcia crowded around to see the picture.

"They're both sound asleep that's so cute," Emily cooed.

"MMM hmm," JJ murmured in agreement as her eyes became unfocused. The other two girl's gazes zeroed in on their blond friend.

"Jayje?" Garcia called softly.

"Hmm?" she replied.

"You have a crush on him, don't you?" Emily challenged.

"No I don't," JJ denied quickly.

"Welcome to the Denial Express, trip for one," Garcia said with a laugh.

"Okay, I'll admit it, I like him. I'm scared, though, what if he doesn't like me? I don't want to ruin our friendship," JJ explained.

"He feels the same about you and he loves that little boy more than anything else in this world," Emily assured her.

"She's right, sweetie. If he didn't love you and that baby so much would he come by and help you out like that?" Garcia wondered.

"You guys help out to, though," JJ argued.

"Yeah, but when was the last time you had Hotch or Rossi stay the night, clean up your house and get up with Henry in the night?" Emily asked. Nodding JJ knew they were right. Blowing out a sigh JJ decided to come clean.

"Every time I see him with Henry I can see us down the line. Maybe a little girl with her daddy's eyes. He's so good with Henry; I wish he was his dad instead of will. When I saw him and Henry sleeping this morning I just wanted to grab him and kiss him senseless and never let him go," she whispered. A surprised squeak escaped Emily's lips as she stared at something just over JJ's left shoulder. Garcia glanced puzzled at Emily's face. Noticing where she was looking she shifted her gaze their. A similar sound of surprise came from the tech's mouth.

"What's the matter?" JJ asked in confusion. Emily tried to form words but couldn't.

"Pen?" she questioned.

"Uh, behind you," she stammered. Slowly JJ swiveled her head to see behind her. Her eyes widened when she saw a shell shocked Reid standing in the doorway. Jumping to her feet JJ fled leaving three stunned people in her wake.

"W-w-what just happened?" Reid stammered staring at the two remaining women.

"JJ just admitted to having feelings for you," Emily answered.

"So what now?" he wondered.

"You sit down and we talk. We figure out if you have feelings for her," Garcia said.

"I do," he admitted softly. He tried to move out of the office but was stopped by both girls.

"Sit," the instructed in unison. Reluctantly Reid sat preparing for the hardest interrogation of his life.

Later that same day Emily and Hotch were driving to Emily's doctors appointment.

"What was up with JJ and Reid today? When she came back from Garcia's office she looked like she needed to be talked down off a ledge and Reid just looked confused."

"Let's just say something tha'ts been a long time in the making is hopefully going to happen soon. Hotch smiled at the thought of two of his agents getting together.

"You ready to find out what this little baby is?" Hotch asked leaning over and kissing her deeply. Pulling back Emily nodded breathlessly.

"Okay, let's see if this little one will cooperate this time," the doctor said. She squeezed some gel on Emily's swollen belly. Emily shivered at the contact. Hotch reached out and grabbed her hand. Picking up the probe she scanned it across Emily's stomach. The sound of the heart beat brought tears to the couple's eyes.

"Here we go, in three months or so you will be welcoming a baby girl," the doctor announced happily.

"We're having a little girl, Em," Aaron said with a huge grin.

"I know, sweetheart, I know. A baby girl. Jack is going to be so overprotective," she commented with a laugh.

"Yes he will," Hotch agreed. The rest of the appointment went well. At the end they left with pictures for everyone. The team was thrilled to learn that there would soon be a baby girl joining their family. The rest of shift went off without a hitch and everyone went home on time.

Having just placed Henry in his playpen, JJ was startled by the sound of someone knocking on her door. Walking over she opened it without looking out the window first. Standing in front of her was a very determined looking Spencer Reid. Before she could speak Reid reached out and pulled her into his arms leaning forward he crashed his mouth on hers kissing her for all he was worth.


"So is it a boy or a girl?" Jack asked over the phone. He was at his mother's house and had been waiting anxiously for his dad and Emily to call with the news.

"It's a girl," Emily said happily.

"That's great, Em," he cried.

"Jack, Emily and I have something important to ask you," Hotch said.

"What is it, Dad?" Jack asked.

"I've asked Emily to move in with me, and she's accepted."

"But only if your okay with it," Emily added quickly.

"Of course I am. It'll be better for you and the baby. Plus it means I can keep an eye on the baby better that way." The adults laughed at the protectiveness of the young man.

"She's lucky to have someone so kind and caring looking out for her," Emily commented.

"Thanks," Jack mumbled embarrased. Quickly he disconnected the call and went to do his homework with a giant smile on his face. His dad and Emily would be living together, maybe eventually he'd ask her to marry him and Emily and the baby would be a permanent part of their family. Only time would tell.


The kiss went on for what seemed like forever. Reluctantly they pulled apart when oxygen became necessary. They kept their foreheads touching and dove back in for another kiss as soon as their oxygen supply had been replenished. Finally JJ pulled back and looked deep into Reid's eyes.

"Even better then I could have ever imagined," she whispered.

"Me to," he agreed softly capturing her lips for another kiss. This one was much softer and sweeter. Taking her hand, Reid guided her to the couch and tugged on it until she sat down. Seating himself beside her he turned to ask her a question.

"Why'd you run earlier?" She didn't have to ask what he meant she knew.

"I don't know, I guess because I was scared," JJ reluctantly admitted.

"Scared of what?" he wondered.

"Scared you didn't love me," she whispered her voice shaking.

"Look at me, Jen," Spencer requested gently. Slowly she lifted her head and met Spencer's gaze. She was biting her lip and he could see the fear in her eyes.

"I love you, I've loved you for a long time. When you announced you were pregnant with Will's child it broke my heart. I almost left the team because I couldn't bare the fact that he had your heart and I didn't," Spencer admitted.

"Oh Spence," she cried a tear escaping her eye. Reaching up he gently brushed it away. "What made you stay?" she questioned.

"I decided that if I couldn't have you as my girlfriend being your friend would have to be enough. When you made me Henry's godfather I was so honored that you thought that much of me," he answered.

"I dated Will because I never thought I had a chance with you. I thought that if I dated someone completely different would make it easier to accept that I couldn't have you. The fact that dating could ruin our friendship if it didn't work out was another reason," she said. "Your who I want, Spencer. You always have been," JJ whispered leaning forward and kissing him. He happily returned the kiss. They would have continued kissing but were distracted by a rattle thrown at them. Jerking back in surprised both adults turned to face the laughing baby.

"I think someone's jealous," Spencer commented laughing as he got up and picked up the tiny boy from the playpen.

"What's wrong with Mama gettin' kissed by the man she loves?" JJ teased tickling Henry's feet. Henry squealed and kicked his feet.

"Don't you mean by one of the two men you love? You love this little guy to," Spencer reminded her.

"Your right, I do," she said kissing the babie's pink cheek.

"What would you say if I wanted to take the two of you out for dinner?" Spencer asked.

"I'd love to," JJ responded beaming at him. Smiling back Spencer held out his arm which JJ took and pulled herself off the couch. Ten minutes later they were walking out the door heading for a dinner as a family. After all that was exactly what they were whether Henry was Spencer's or not.


"We have a case, conference room," Hotch called walking across the cat walk. Nodding everyone scrambled to their feet and began heading for the bullpen. Emily struggled to lever herself out of her chair. Noticing a hand appear out of the corner of her eye she looked up to find it attached to a smiling Hotch.

"Need some help?"

"Yes, please," she replied. Nodding Hotch took her hand and helped her out of her chair. He moved the hand to the small of her back and gently rubbed it as they walked to the conference room.

"MMM, that feels good," she murmured. Hotch just smiled he remembered when Haley was pregnant with Jack that her back had ached. Morgan held open the door and let them pass before shutting it and taking his place next to Garcia.

"What've you got, JJ?" Rossi asked.

"Four women in the Quantico area have been raped and strangled over the last month and a half. The unsub rapes them then strangles them before redressing them and leaving them on the side of the road to be found," she informed the team hitting the remote to bring the screen to life bringing up the crime scene photos.

"The fact that he redresses them indicates remorse," Reid said.

"He places them where people will find them. He wants to make sure he's getting the attention of the public," Morgan added.

"He doesn't seem to have a particular type. One blond, one redhead, and two brunettes," Rossi pointed out.

"There's got to be a reason he's picking these women. Are there any known connections?" Emily wondered.

"Michelle Hanks is a high school principal. Courtney Douglass a divorce lawyer. Danielle Wells and Amy Higgins were both executives at major design firms," JJ read from the file in front of her.

"So it's about the power for him. He goes after powerful women trying to knock them down a peg or two," Reid hypothesized.

"probably a guy who believes that women should be at home barefoot and pregnant not holding down a job let alone a high power one," Emily added.

"Reid, you and JJ go talk to Michelle Hanks family. Rossi, you go talk to The Douglass family. I'll talk to the last two. Morgan, you help Emily with victomology, and Garcia?"

"Yes Bossman?"

"Work a little magic," he instructed with a smile.

"My pleasure," she said standing and heading back to her bunker to use her babies to find anything she could on this creep.

"I'll be leaving at quarter to three to pick up Jack from school. See you at home?" Emily asked kissing Hotch quickly.

"Yeah, see you at home. I'm not sure what time, though," he answered.

"I know," she replied completely understanding where he was coming from. "Be careful," she begged.

"Always," Hotch said squeezing her hand before walking away to talk to the families of the last two dead girls.


Finally 2:45 rolled around and Emily left to pick up Jack from McKinly Junior High. A broad smile crossed the twelve-year-olds face when he saw Emily waiting for him.

"Hey Em," he exclaimed climbing into the front seat.

"Hey, how was school?"

"It was okay, I have a history quiz tomorrow," he grumbled.

"I'll help you study if you want?" she offered.

"Thanks that would be great, Dad on a case?"

"Yeah, it's a local one, so he should be home sometime later tonight." The rest of the drive went quickly and before they both knew it they found themselves sitting on the couch Jack's history notes and study guide in front of them. The next hour was spent with them studying for his quiz.

"I think you'll do fine, you've got this down pat," Emily complimented.

"Thanks, would you mind looking over my english paper? If your to tired it's fine," the pre-teen assured the expectant mother.

"It's no problem, let me see it," she said. Nodding Jack pulled the paper from his english folder and handed it to her.

"Well?" he asked anxiously.

"It looks pretty good. Think about if there is a way to combine these two sentences right here," Emily suggested pointing to two sentences about halfway down the first page with her finger.

"Okay I will, anything else?"

"In the last paragraph here, change like to as and you'll be fine," she instructed pointing to the second to last sentence of the last paragraph. Taking his paper back Jack made the corrections Emily had advised him to do then stretched.

"Got any more homework?" she asked.

"Nope, I did it in study hall."

"Well then, what do you want to do for dinner?" she asked.

"How does hamburgers and Mac and Cheese sound?" he suggested. At that moment the baby gave a solid kick causing Emily to wince slightly.

"Baby girl likes that idea," Emily said rubbing her stomach.

"Did she just kick?" Jack questioned.

"Yeah, would you like to feel?" she offered.

"Can I?" he asked shyly.

"Sure you can, put your hand here," Emily instructed taking his hand and placing it on her stomach. As if she knew she had an eager audience the baby gave another hard kick. Jack's eyes widened and a smile crossed his face.

"Wow, that's amazing," he breathed.

"It is, isn't it?" Emily agreed. Just then Jack's stomach grumbled causing the two of them to burst out laughing. "What do you say we get started making dinner?" Emily suggested. Nodding Jack held out a hand and helped her up before walking into the kitchen to get out the things they'd need to cook dinner.

Dinner had been eaten and the dishes put in the dish washer. They were sitting in the living room watching some random comedy.

"Hey Emily?" Jack called.


"Are you and my dad going to get married?"

"I don't know, I hope so. How do you feel about that?" she asked carefully.

"I think it would be awesome. I mean your practically family already, why not make it official? Plus I'd love to have a little sister," Jack admitted.

"I'm glad to hear you say that. Now we just have to convince your dad to ask me," she said with a chuckle.

"I'm sure he'll ask you when the time is right," Jack assured her.

"Your probably right," she agreed. Just then the phone rang. Looking at the caller ID it read, Hotch, Cell.

"Hey," she said answering the phone.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know we're close to catching the unsub. How are things going there?" Hotch questioned.

"Things are going fine. Jack and I studied for his history quiz and I helped edit his english paper then we had dinner. Now we're watching TV," she informed him.

"Sounds like a nice evening. I have to go for now but I'll be home as soon as I can," Hotch told her.

"Okay, I love you, Aaron."

"I love you to, Emily," he replied.

"See you when you get home," Emily said softly.

"MMM, see you then," he answered hanging up a smile on his face. The rest of the night went by with little fuss. Around 10:30 Jack went off to bed and Emily decided she was too tired to wait up for Hotch even though she wanted to so she hauled herself off the couch and slowly made her way to their bedroom. After grabbing one of his t-shirts she slipped into it and a pair of stretchy shorts and climbed under the blankets falling asleep almost instantly.

Knock, knock, the persistent sound of someone knocking on the front door drug Emily out of sleep. Glancing at the clock she groaned. Who in the world would be knocking at 12:45 at night? Slowly she pulled herself out of bed and after slipping into her slippers she shuffled to the living room. The knocking started anew.

"Hold on, I'm coming," she called to the person who was impatiently knocking on her front door. Reaching the door she unlocked both locks and opened the door. The sight of a somber faced Morgan with blood covering his shirt brought Emily to complete wakefulness instantly.

"M-m-Morgan?" she questioned shakily.

"Hotch's been shot, Em. It doesn't look good," Morgan reported his voice cracking on the last word.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooo!" Emily shouted as her legs gave out and she fell to the floor. Emily's cry of distress woke Jack and without thinking he jumped out of bed and rushed for the living room. The scene that greeted him made his heart speed up and fear flood him. His uncle Derek was knealing in front of a sobbing Emily.

"Em'ly?" Jack called just above a whisper. Emily's head shot up at Jack's use of the name he hadn't called her since he was five and couldn't say Emily correctly. She could tell he was scared. The devastation in her eyes paralyzed him with fear.

"What's going on?" he asked anxiously.

"Your d-d-dad was shot and it doesn't look good," she explained. Watching Emily fall to pieces once again Jack hurriedly ran to his room and shoved his feet into his shoes before running back into the living room.

"Let's go," he said forcefully as he grabbed Emily's cell phone and purse off the foyer table. Nodding Morgan jerked his head at Emily. Understanding the request Jack got on the other side of the distraught woman and eased her to her feet. Morgan held one hand and Jack held the other as they guided her to Morgan's SUV then climbed in after her heading to the hospital praying Hotch would pull through.


Forty-five minutes earlier at the unsubs house

"Rossi, you and I will take the front, Morgan, you JJ, and Reid take the back. On three," Hotch instructed. The others nodded as they got into position.

"One… two… three…" Hotch called into his ear peace.

"FBI!" Rossi shouted as he kicked in the front door. Simultaneously Morgan called out as he kicked in the back one. The agents swarmed the house clearing each room as they went. Hotch and Rossi reached the kitchen just as the unsub, Franklin Donaldson came out of the shadows brandishing a gun.

"Put the gun down, Franklin," Hotch demanded.

"No, I refuse to go down without a fight," he snarled raising the gun. He squeezed the trigger just as Hotch fired his own weapon. The shots were fired simultaneously hitting their targets almost at the same time. Hotch's mark hit square in the middle of the unsub's chest killing him instantly. Rossi couldn't tell exactly where Hotch was hit, but he knew it was in the area of his chest and it looked like it was almost in the very center. Hotch cried out in agony as he crumpled to the floor.

"We have an officer down! I repeat we have a down agent!" Rossi shouted to anyone who could hear. The rest of the team came running at Rossi's shout.

"Hotch!" JJ cried as she caught sight of her unit chief. The three younger agents took everything in at a glance before jumping into action. JJ and Reid walked over to the unsub while Morgan rushed over to Rossi and Hotch.

"He's dead," Rossi called to the other agents. After she checked for the unsub's pulse she nodded in confirmation before turning and heading to the rest of the team, Reid in tow.

"Call for an ambulance," Rossi demanded. Nodding JJ pulled out her phone and dialed 911.

"Morgan, help me stop the bleeding," Rossi instructed. Nodding Morgan reached out and applied pressure on the wound causing blood to spray hitting his shirt.

"Aaron, can you hear me?" Rossi called.

"D-Dave?" came a hoarse voice.

"Yeah it's me, hang in there, help is on the way," Rossi said.

"I called 911, Hotch," JJ told him.

"Hurts…" the unit chief hissed through his teeth.

"Sorry, man, but I've got to apply pressure," Morgan apologized.

"Damn it! Where's that ambulance," Rossi snarled as he noticed Hotch's eyes closing.

"Hotch, Aaron, you have to stay awake for me," he demanded.

"Tired, tell Emly that I l-l-love her and j-j-jack and t-t-the baby. Love them all," he whispered as his eyes closed.

"Aaron! Don't you do this to me, to us? Wake up right now, damn it! Emily and your son and that baby girl need you. Emily needs the love of her life and Jack and this baby need their father. Wake. Up. Right. Now.!" Rossi shouted shaking Hotch slightly.

"Rossi!" Morgan shouted. Dave ignored the other man and continued to shake Hotch. "Dave!" Morgan yelled again.

"What!" Rossi yelled back.

"He's not breathing," Morgan bit out. Looking down Dave swore when he realized Morgan was right. Placing Hotch on his back he and Morgan began doing CPR. The paramedics arrived while they were administering CPR and they pushed the two agents aside and took over. It took three agonizing minutes but finally Hotch began breathing again.

"We need to move, and we need to move now! He's critical, his BP is 80 over 50 and his heart rate is almost nonexistent. It'll be a miracle if he even makes it to the hospital alive, but if we leave now he'll have a fighting chance," the EMT said as they intubated the unconscious unit chief and hurried towards the ambulance. Rossi jumped in at the last moment leaving the rest of the team staring after them.

"Emily," Reid gasped as the realization of what had just happened hit full force. "Someone needs to tell Emily and Garcia," he said.

"I'll tell Garcia," JJ offered.

"I'll come with you," Reid told her.

"I guess that leaves me with Em," Morgan said sadly. He hated to have to do this, but he knew that if anyone was going to break the news to her he'd rather it fall on his shoulders. After sharing a tight hug the three agents headed off to notify the rest of the team, promising to keep each other posted if they learned anything new about Hotch.

Present Time: George Washington Memorial Hospital

The appearance of Emily, Jack, and Morgan launched the rest of the team into action. Garcia leapt to her feet and flew into Morgan's arms. Morgan staggered momentarily before finding his balance and cradling her to his chest and trying to comfort her as she wept. Rossi took hold of Emily's arm and guided her to a chair against the wall. JJ and Reid were ushering a clearly shaken Jack into a chair beside Emily. The rest of the team took seats surrounding Emily and Jack.

"What happened?" Emily choked out.

"Well," Rossi began. "And that's how we got where we are now," he concluded. Climbing to her feet Emily headed for the waiting room door.

"Em?" Morgan called.

"I need some air," she answered bruskly.

"But Emily," Reid protested.

"Let her go," Jack interjected softly. Everyone turned to the pre-teen and took in his appearance. His hair was standing up in all directions from his running his fingers through it and his eyes were blood shot from crying. His cheeks were tearstained and he looked like he could start crying again any minute. Nodding Reid slumped back into his seat letting the pseudo mother of the team walk out of the waiting room. After about 10 minutes Emily still wasn't back and Jack got to his feet.

"I'm going to go find her," he addressed the group.

"Do you want one of us to come with you, sweetheart?" Garcia offered.

"No thanks, Aunt Pen."

"Okay," she replied gently hugging him before letting him go.

Emily was pacing up and down the hall a few feet from the waiting room when Jack located her.

"Emmy?" he called using a nicknamed used only by him and his father. Normally she detested it but she was willing to make an exception for the Hotchner men.

"Hey, kiddo," she greeted reaching out an arm and pulling him close.

"H-h-hey," he answered his voice shaking. He'd tried to stay strong but as the wait continued his strength was disappearing. Emily took a long hard look at the young man standing next to her. She could he was crumbling slowly. Tightening her hold on him, she spoke.

"You don't have to be strong for me, Jack. It's okay to be scared," she reassured him.

"I am," he quietly admitted.

"So am I," Emily agreed.

"I d-d-didn't tell him I loved him the last time we talked. What if he doesn't know?" the twelve-year-old explained brokenly as he began to cry. Pulling him as close as her swollen belly would allow, Emily stroked his hair as she began to speak.

"Oh, sweetheart, he knows you love him. He loves you to," she swore.

"But I may never get the chance to actually tell him that again," Jack wept bitterly.

"We have to stay positive, your dad's strong, and he's a fighter. He'll make it through this," she vowed.

"Yeah, I hope so," Jack mumbled. Emily was about to respond when an alarm sounded.

"Code Blue in OR 2, Code Blue in OR 2!" came a voice over the PA. They both knew that Hotch was in OR number 2. At the same time the call came across the PA Emily felt a sharp pain shoot through her stomach.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" she cried out as she crumpled to the floor clutching her stomach.

"Uncle Derek! Uncle Dave! Someone anyone help!" Jack shouted as he went down to his knees reaching out and pulling Emily against him doing his best to comfort her as she'd just been doing for him. She has to be okay, she just has to be, Jack prayed silently. I can't lose her to, he thought. He couldn't bare to lose someone who was a second mother to him.


"What happened here?" Rossi questioned as the team came running at Jack's distressed cry.

"We heard the code being announced and she cried out in pain and grabbed her stomach as she went down," Jack told the assembled group. JJ flagged down a passing nurse.

"Nurse! We need help," she called. Taking in the group specifically a pregnant Emily curled in on herself being held in Jack's arms she jumped into action.

"We're going to take her for an ultrasound. I'm sure everythings okay, but she's under a lot of stress from what I can tell. It's her boyfriend who was shot the FBI agent is that correct?" the nurse confirmed. Garcia nodded as she twisted her fingers together.

"If you two will help me lift her on to the stretcher," the nurse requested looking at Morgan and Rossi. The three of them made their way to Jack and Emily.

"Ma'am, can you tell me your name?" the nurse asked.

"Emily," she whispered through the pain.

"Don't worry, Emily, we'll take good care of you and your baby," the nurse soothed. "Do you know what your having?"

"A little girl," the agent answered. Nodding she motioned to the two men to lift the pregnant agent on to the stretcher. It was then she fully noticed Jack who had his arms wrapped tightly around Emily rubbing her back.

"I need you to move back so we can take care of her, son," the nurse said addressing Jack. The young Hotchner shook his head, refusing to leave Emily.

"The baby and Emily need to be checked out. You'll be able to see her as soon as that happens. She'll need you to tell her that your dad's okay," JJ said softly. Sighing in defeat Jack released his hold on Emily and after placing a kiss on her forehead much like his dad did he stood up.

"I'll see you soon, Emmy," he whispered before turning and walking dejectedly back to the waiting room.

The remaining team members filed back into the waiting room and settled into a worried silence. Now they had two agents to worry about. All of a sudden JJ slapped her forehead.

"What is it, JJ?" Reid wndered.

"I need to call Haley," she exclaimed. Nodding in understanding Reid patted her hand comfortingly. Giving him a shaky smile she stood up and made her way back out of the waiting room to make the call. Thirty minutes later a frazzled Haley Hotchner rushed through the surgery waiting room door seeking answers.

"How are Aaron and Emily?" she asked immediately.

"No word on either of them," Reid informed her. Nodding in acknowledgement she scanned the room her gaze stopping on her fitfully sleeping child. He was leaning against JJ and had finally lost the battle with sleep shortly before. Making her way over to the chairs Haley sat down next to her son and gently brushed some hair out of his face and gently kissed his cheek. Jack's eyes fluttered open at the contact.

"Dad, Emily?" he asked.

"Nothing yet, honey," Haley told him.

"Mom?" asked the twelve-year-old.

"Yeah it's me. JJ called me." Jack's shoulders slumped at the fact that there was no news on his dad or Emily.

"Family of Emily Prentiss?" came a nurse's voice. Everyone got to their feet and turned to face the young woman.

"How is she?"

"Miss Prentiss is doing much better now. She went into preterm labor, but we were able to stop the contractions. The baby and Mis Prentiss are both just fine. A sigh of relief ran through the room. "Her doctor has been by to see her and she's comfortable releasing her. The fact that she'll be at the hospital waiting on word of your colleagues condition sealed her decision. Just as she finished speaking Emily walked back into the room a nurse walking beside her.

"I'm fine," Emily protested moving from the nurse's side and seating herself on Haley's other side.

"Haley," she greeted the other woman.

"Hey Emily, I'm glad your okay," Haley said.

"Any word on…" Emily broke off as a doctor in green scrubs entered the room, consulting a clipboard.

"Family of Aaron Hotchner?" Everyone jumped to there feet. Noticing Emily's struggle Haley held out her hand for Emily to use to get to her feet.

"Thanks," Emily said.

"Your welcome, I've been there," she commented.

"I'm looking for an Emily Prentiss," the doctor said. Emily raised her hand.

"If you'll come with me."

"No, everyone in this room is Aaron's family and they deserve to know how he is," she argued. Nodding the doctor spoke.

"Agent Hotchner is a very lucky man. The CPR your colleagues administered on scene before the paramedics got their was what saved his life. We lost him twice on the table, but were able to get him back. We've done all we can, now it's up to him. I think he'll make a full recovery, but there are no guarantees. The next 24 hours are critical. If he makes it through the next 24 hours his chances at a full recovery are significantly higher."

"Can we see him?" Jack questioned.

"How old are you?" the doctor asked.

"I'm twelve years old, sir."

"He's in the ICU, but your old enough to see him. We don't allow children under the age of twelve in the ICU accept for a few exceptions," the doctor said.

"What room is he in?" Emily asked.

"He's in room 222, and I'll have to limit it to two people visiting at a time." Everyone nodded and headed to the elevator to visit their unit chief.


The next day dawned clear and bright. Emily and Jack were sitting on either side of the man in the hospital bed. The rest of the team and Haley had taken their turn sitting with the two. No one wanted to leave the hospital until they knew Hotch was going to make it.


Pain, excruciating pain was the first thing Hotch felt when he became conscious. Forcing his brain to focus he tried to remember what had happened and where he was. He could hear the sound of a heart monitor and other machines so he knew he was in the hospital, but how had he gotten their. Franklin Donaldson, the unsub. He'd shot him, but Franklin must have shot Hotch at the same time. Realizing two people had a hold of his hands he cracked his eyes open trying to see who was at his bedside. His vision was blurry and unfocused so he closed his eyes and opened them more slowly this time. A soft smile came to his face when he saw Jack and Emily holding his hands. Deciding he'd let them know he was awake he forced his fingers to curl and squeeze their hands. Glancing over at the two sleeping people he was only slightly discouraged to not see a reaction. Making a determined effort he curled his fingers and squeezed a bit harder. This time, he got results. Emily's and Jack's eyes shot open at the pressure on their hands. Instantly they looked at Hotch and were elated to see his eyes open.

"Aaron! Dad!" they cried in unison as they leaned over and hugged him gently but tightly.

"I love you, dad. I'm so glad your okay," Jack exclaimed tears shining at the corners of his eyes.

"I love you to, Jack," Hotch said returning the hug as best he could. At that Emily lost it and the tears she'd been trying to suppress all night began streaming down her face as sobs racked her frame.

"Emily, please don't cry, sweetheart. I'm okay," he promised as he did his best to comfort her.

"I t-t-thought I was going to lose you, that we were going to lose you," she corrected placing a hand on her stomach.

"You'll never lose me," Hotch vowed reaching for her hand. Jack had left the room giving them a moment alone. He'd found the rest of the team and his mom sleeping in the waiting room. They were happy to hear that Hotch was awake and understood about giving Emily and Hotch sometime alone.

After about five minutes or so Emily's sobs subsided and she pulled back. Hotch still held on to her hand. Feeling something plastic brush his hand he frowned as he looked down and saw the hospital bracelet that was on Emily's wrist.

"What's this?" he asked.

"What's what?"

"The hospital bracelet," he said. Emily refused to meet his gaze.

"It's nothing," she answered.

"The truth, Em," Hotch demanded. Sighing Emily turned to face him.

"I went into preterm labor because of all the stress, but they were able to get the contractions to stop and my doctor released me because she knew I was staying here until I knew you were awake," Emily explained. Hotch's eyes were wide with shock. He was stuck on the phrase preterm labor.

"But your both okay?" he whispered moving his hand to touch her stomach.

"Yes, we're okay," she answered placing her hand on top of his just as the baby kicked.

"Hey there, baby girl," Hotch greeted softly.

"She's glad to have her daddy back," Emily said with a smile.

"I'm glad to be back," he agreed as he yawned. Noticing that his eyes were drifting close Emily leaned over and kissed his forehead before standing up.

"Sleep, Aaron, we'll all be here when you wake up," she said walking out of the room closing the door behind her.


The next two weeks went by fast. The doctors were so pleased that Hotch woke up so quickly. They kept him for two weeks but it was finally the day he was being released. Everyone showed up at the house to welcome him home.

"Glad to be home Hotch?" Morgan asked.

"Yes, I hate hospitals," Hotch grumbled.

"Coffee anyone?" Emily asked as she walked in carrying a tray with mugs and a pot of coffee.

"Yes, please," JJ requested. Garcia and Reid nodded as well.

"Here you go, JJ," Emily said handing her the mug.

"Thank yo-"the media liaison broke off as the glint of something sparkly caught her eye.

"Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, what is that?" JJ shrieked.

"What's what?" Emily questioned.

"The thing on your hand!" JJ cried.

"What?" Garcia demanded whipping her head around so fast Morgan stared in amazement that she hadn't given herself whiplash. Garcia squealed and after taking her coffee and Reid's from the tray and handing it to him she jumped up and hugged the older woman.

"Would you two like to share with the rest of the class?" Rossi teased. JJ looked at Emily who nodded.

"Hotch and Em are engaged!" she shouted happily. Congratulations came from everywhere. Hotch and Emily smiled at their friends.

"It's about time you asked her," Jack interjected from his place on the couch holding a sleeping Henry. Everyone laughed at the true statement.

"When did you ask her?" Garcia wanted to know.

"When we got home just before all of you got here. I wanted to wait and do it in a more romantic setting but if anything getting shot taught me life's too short to wait," he said.

"Well right now is perfect," Emily said kissing him.

"Awww," the others gushed in unison. The party continued until Reid noticed that Hotch and Emily who were sitting on the couch were both fast asleep. Grabbing everyone's attention he pointed to the two sleeping agents.

"Let's clean up then get out of her and let them sleep," Morgan whispered. The others nodded and began throwing away trash and cleaning up the dishes. Twenty minutes later Rossi had taken out the last bag of trash and was telling Jack bye.

"See you later, Uncle Dave," Jack said as he closed the door behind Rossi before walking over and covering his dad and soon to be step-mother with a blanket.


Next part of story - Comfort Food and Friends.