Title: Untitled Prentiss/Morgan
By: Daisyangel
Pairing: Prentiss/Morgan
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG
Summary: 2013 25 Days of Christmas story.


"The cabin will be a nice little vacation before this little one is born," Emily commented as she sat in her and Derek's living room with JJ and Garcia who had stopped by to check on her. She was eight-and-a-half months pregnant with hers and Derek's first child.

"It most definitely will, when are you guys leaving?" JJ asked.

"We're heading out once Derek gets home tonight. I'm glad Rossi is letting us use it since he and Strauss are going to visit her daughter in New York," Emily commented.

"That will be nice especially since you and my chocolate thunder won't have any alone time for quite a while after she's born," Garcia interjected.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Emily said laughing then wincing as the baby kicked.

"Well, we'd better get going since lunch hour is almost up," JJ said, standing.

"Let Derek know I'm fine and to stop worrying, please?" the brunette requested.

"Sure thing, Em, see you at the New Years celebration at Hotch's," Garcia said hugging her.

"Be safe and have fun," JJ told her.

"We will, Merry Christmas, and see you both on New Years Eve," she said as she walked them out then locked the door behind them. She couldn't believe that she and Derek were in a relationship and that they were expecting a baby. Clyde had approached her to take the Interpol job in London. She'd considered it and was about to tell him yes, when Derek showed up at her door one night and admitted that he was in love with her. She admitted that she was also in love with him, and that's how they started dating. Needless to say, she'd called Clyde that next day and turned down the job offer. She wasn't sure they'd ever get married, but she hoped one day they would. She knew her mother was having a fit because she was pregnant and they weren't married. Oh well, they were happy, and that's what mattered.


"Do we have everything?" Derek asked as he came back in from loading the car. He'd just checked to make sure the oil and such were all at the right level which they were.

"Yes, I think so, accept this," Emily said lugging the car seat box behind her.

"First of all, why are you trying to carry that, it's too heavy for you to do so," her boyfriend argued. "Second of all, why do we need it, she's not here yet?" he wondered. He knew pregnancy sometimes made women nuts, but so far Emily had been pretty normal.

"It's not that heavy, just awkward," she argued. Derek just rolled his eyes. "It doesn't have to be put in the car, but at least please put it in the trunk? I don't know why, but I have a feeling, just humor me," she requested. Nodding, he took it from her. He knew she was probably worrying for nothing, but he'd learned that sometimes it was just better to go along with her, rather than argue with her.

"Okay, after I load this, we're ready to go. Rossi said he stocked the cabin with everything we could ever need and that if there was anything we need there we could either go to the store about 20 minutes from the cabin or call the care taker for the cabin and have her get it," he told her.

"Okay, well as soon as I go to the bathroom, I'll head to the car," she said kissing him gently.

"Okay," he said kissing her back then rubbing her stomach, receiving a solid kick in return. "Hey there, little girl, stop kicking your mama so hard," he scolded. The baby seem to calm down at his voice and touch.

"You have quite the way with her, and she's not even here yet," Emily commented as she turned and made her way to the bathroom knowing that even though she didn't have to go right then, she would soon, and she wasn't sure how many places to stop there would be between their house and Dave's cabin.


"We're almost there, you guys doing okay?" Derek asked as he merged into the next lane.

"Yeah, getting a bit stiff, but other than that, I'm okay." "What do you want to do when we get there?" she asked through a yawn.

"How about you take a little nap while I unload the car then we can figure out what we want to do for dinner and the rest of the evening?" the male agent suggested. Normally Emily would have fought him about taking a nap while he unloaded everything, but the baby was wearing her out and a nap sounded heavenly right about now.

"Sounds like a perfect plan to me," she agreed. Ten minutes later found them at the cabin and Emily heading for a much needed nap.


The next several days were spent cuddling in front of the fireplace and enjoying some much needed down time.

"I can't believe it's Christmas Eve," Derek stated as he came back in with a load of firewood. It had started snowing during the night and according to the weather report it looked like it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"I know, she'll be here in two weeks, can you believe it?" Emily murmured as she rubbed a hand over her ever-expanding stomach.

"I know, I can't believe it. We've waited for her for such a long time," he breathed.

"Too long in some ways," she commented with a chuckle. Derek chuckled in response before joining her on the couch and pulling her feet into his lap. He started massaging them causing her to moan.

"You like that, Princess?" he asked softly.

"I sure do, baby. Oh, that feels absolutely amazing," she mumbled.

"Funny, that sounds kind of like what you said to me the night this little one was conceived," Derek teased giving an impish smile. Reaching out Emily hit him with a pillow while trying to smother her laughter.

"You're incorrigible, what am I going to do with you, Derek Morgan?" she wondered.

"Love me and have a baby with me," he replied easily.

"Well lucky for you, I do love you, and would you look at that, we're going to have a baby," she said pointing to her rather large baby bump.


Later that night Emily hung their stockings while Derek was wrapping a present which she'd been banned from the bedroom since she couldn't see it. Once the stockings were hung, she made her way to the window to look outside. A gasp left her lips at the snow covering the ground. It was already a good nine inches and was still falling thick and fast. Looks like a white Christmas for sure, she mused.

"It's quite pretty, isn't it?" Derek asked as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her as far as they would go.

"Mmm, hmm," she agreed, leaning back into him. "I just hope the road is cleared by the day after Christmas so we can head home," the expectant mother stated.

"Yeah, me, to, I know that everyone is expecting us for New Years, and you're mother is expecting us at her house the day after tomorrow," he answered. Emily frowned, she loved her mother, she really did, but spending an evening with her at one of her hoity-toity parties wasn't how she wanted to spend an evening.

"Maybe the baby will come early and we'll get out of it," she teased. A look of fear crossed Derek's face at her words.

"How about we wait and let the baby come once we're back home and a 15 minute drive from the hospital?" he requested.

"Oh, fine, if you're going to be picky like that," she said laughing then wincing as a sharp pain hit. Reaching out she rubbed her back and whimpered in pain.

"Hey, you okay, Emily?" her boyfriend checked.

"Yeah, just my back, it's really hurting," she admitted.

"Why don't we head to bed and I can rub it," he offered.

"That sounds like the best idea you've had all day," she said as she headed to get into her pajamas and climb into bed for a very much needed back rub. She loved being pregnant, but she was definitely ready to have the baby out of her. Little did she know how soon she'd get her wish.


The baby pressing on her bladder woke Emily around 2:00 Christmas morning. Climbing out of bed, carefully so as not to wake Derek, she headed for the bathroom. After using the facilities, she stood up to head back to bed. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror she saw the baby's foot as she jabbed her mommy in the ribs. Easy there, sweet girl, that hurts, she whispered as she headed for the bedroom and climbed beneath the warm covers. It took her a little while to get comfortable, but she finally drifted back off to sleep. Sleep was short lived however, when she was awoken by a sharp pain in her stomach. A quiet gasp escaped her lips and she sat up. Glancing over at the man lying beside her, she smiled to see he was still sleeping. I sure hope I'm not in labor, she thought to herself as she tried to get comfortable again. Ten minutes later another pain gripped her. This time, she couldn't keep her gasp of pain quiet. Derek slowly rolled over and opened one eye.

"Em, you okay?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Uh, I think I'm in labor," she said as her eyes widened at another pain, this one wasn't as bad, but it still hurt.

"Oh my gosh, are you sure?" he checked.

"I think so. I've got to use the bathroom," she said trying to get up. Helping her to stand he couldn't help but smile, even in pain and tired, she looked beautiful. Emily had made it about half way to the bathroom when she felt a gush of fluid and a puddle began forming on the floor. "Either I just wet myself or my water just broke," she said. Her voice had gone up slightly and she sounded slightly panicked. Making it the rest of the way to the bathroom, Emily used the bathroom and tried to clean up after her water broke. Not that it really matters considering it's only going to get even messier before it's all over, she thought. After cleaning up the mess left by his girlfriend, Derek went to the living room and looked out the window. A groan of frustration left his lips. The car was covered in snow, and it was still falling. A cry from Emily had him rushing back to the bedroom. She was squatting on the floor panting as she rocked back and forth. It was then he knew this baby was coming quick and fast and they were stranded.

"Damn this hurts so badly. Arg!" she yelled. "All of a sudden her face turned a sickly shade of green.

"Em, are you okay?"

"No, I think I'm going to be sick, oh god I'm gonna vomit," she cried beginning to heave. As quickly as he could, he grabbed the trash can and put it in front of her. Once it was in front of her she proceeded to throw up, crying as a contraction hit at the same time. Finally the contraction ended and so did the vomiting.

"Can I take this away?" he checked. Wearily she nodded. After he disposed of the liner and put another one back in the can he made his way back to Emily who was squatting again on the floor.

"I can feel her moving down, it's not comfortable at all," she complained.

"I'm sorry, honey, you know all the pain will be worth it, though," he reminded her. She just nodded, she knew he was right, but right then all she could think about was the pain. He knew he had to tell her about their predicament even though he didn't want to. "Emily, I don't want you to panic, but we're kind of stranded up here. The car is completely covered in snow and it's still falling.

"Then call 911, maybe an ambulance can get up here," she said hopefully, even though she was pretty sure that that wouldn't happen until they plowed and cleared the roads.

"I'll call them, but it could be a while. We may have to deliver this little girl ourselves," he said before rushing for his cell phone which he'd left on the counter in the kitchen.


"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" came the operator's voice.

"My name is Agent Derek Morgan and my girlfriend agent Emily Prentiss is in labor. Our car is stuck in the snow and we can't get out," he explained. "She's also thrown up a couple of times during contractions, is that normal?"

"It can be for some women," the dispatcher assured him calmly.

"Well if you're sure," he responded.

"Yes I am. Are you at the address listed?" the dispatcher asked, reading off Dave's address. The slightly flustered man nodded before remembering the woman on the other end of the phone couldn't see him.

"Yes, we're at this address."

"We're sending an ambulance, but it will be a while the roads are really bad and the road leading to where you are is one of the worst. How far apart are her contractions?" she asked.

"Somewhere between five and ten minutes apart. Her water broke about ten minutes ago," Derek informed.

"Okay, it's a very good possibility that you will have to deliver your baby as she will probably give birth before the paramedics get there. Do you know how to deliver a baby, Agent Morgan?"

"Um, kind of, I read up on it, just in case."

"Okay, the main thing you need to remember is to tie off the chord with a shoe lace and make sure to clean the baby's mouth when it comes out. Do you have blankets and towels as well as hot water?" she asked.

"Yes, we have all of that, and electricity," the FBI agent assured.

"That's good, make sure to wrap up the baby to keep it warm. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to call back and we can give you instructions, okay?"

"Okay, I will, would it be okay for Emily to get into the bath tub if she wants to?" he asked he'd heard of some women wanting to be in the water, they claimed it helped the labor process.

"That's perfectly fine if that's what she wants," the dispatcher assured. Thanking the woman Derek hung up and headed back to Emily, his cell in his hand.


"Are they coming?" she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her worst contraction yet had just ended and she found that walking through them helped.

"Yes, but it's going to be a while due to the roads. The dispatcher instructed me on how to deliver the baby and she said if you want to you can get into the bath tub. She says it might help you be more comfortable," he explained. Nodding, she let him fill the tub then help her into it. Thankfully it did help the contractions and she was able to ride out the next couple of hours with a bit less pain.

"We should tell the team, at least Rossi," she gasped during a contraction.

"If you're okay on your own for a minute, I can call Garcia and Dave then make sure the fire is still going," he said. Emily nodded and sank back into the water. Giving birth was definitely painful, she thought as she felt another contraction begin.


"Everyone knows and they send their best," he said as he walked into the bathroom. Noticing Emily trying to stand he walked over and helped her. "Do you want to get out of the tub?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I think I need to lie down," she said. Carefully, Derek guided her to the bed which he'd put a large piece of plastic over while she was in the tub.

"When was your last contraction?" he asked.

"About two minutes ago," she replied.

"I guess it's a good thing I put the car seat in the car after all, huh?" he mused.

"Yes it is, oh damn, this hurts!" she cried out as she curled in on herself. Climbing on to the bed, Derek pulled the laboring woman against him and rubbed her back. The sun had risen and the contractions were getting closer together. It definitely would be soon, Derek knew. He was nervous, but he couldn't wait to see his baby girl. Noticing he was thirsty, he got up to get himself some water.

"You're doing so good, princess. It won't be long now, I'm sure," he soothed. "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"Some water, please," she requested. Heading into the kitchen he filled two glasses of water, walking back into the bedroom, he handed her one before drinking from his own. Gasping, Emily quickly put down her glass and turned wide eyes on Derek.

"Um, Derek?"

"What is it, baby?"

"I think it's time. I can feel her head, its right there," she moaned. Easing Emily back on the bed, Derek went to the foot of the bed and looked between her legs. He didn't see the head yet, but he could feel it.

"I can feel her head," he breathed. He was nervous, but he could feel the excitement starting to outweigh the nervousness.

"Oh god, I'm feeling a lot of pressure. I think I need to push," Emily declared.

"Push if you need to, sweetheart. I'm right here, we're in this together," he soothed. Putting her chin to her chest, Emily pushed. A scream left her mouth. Taking in another deep breath she pushed again. After she was done, she collapsed back against the pillows.

"This fucking hurts," she growled.

"I know it does, and if I could I'd do it for you," Derek said sweetly.

"I know you would, but you ca..." Emily broke off as another contraction started and she began pushing once again. After pushing twice more she relaxed as the contraction subsided. "Is she coming out soon?" she whimpered.

"I think I see her head. You're doing so well, baby, she's almost here. Just a few more pushes and she'll be here."

"No, I can't," she whimpered. Her body disagreed, though, and she felt herself starting to push.

"Push harder, Em, I can see her head. Come on, give me a good hard push," Derek coached. Taking in a deep breath, Emily gave the hardest push yet.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" she screamed as she felt her babies head come through the birth canal. Carefully Derek cleaned out the tiny rosebud mouth and gently eased her head out more.

"Just breathe for a second, I need to finish cleaning out her mouth," Derek instructed.

"But I need to push. I need her out," Emily begged.

"I know, and you can push in a second," he told her. "Okay, push!" he instructed.

"Good because that's what I was going to do anyway!" she snarled as she bore down and pushed as hard as she could. A cry of relief left her mouth as she felt her daughter slip from her body.

"Oh, Em, she's perfect," Derek whispered, tears filling his eyes and sliding down his face. Leaning up, Emily got a glimpse of her daughter. Carefully, Derek tied off the chord and cut it. Once the baby was free from the chord, he cleaned her and wrapped her in a blanket before placing her on her mother's chest.

"Merry Christmas, Mommy," he said with a smile.

"Hi there, baby," she whispered. She was staring into her daughter's perfect little face when she felt the urge to push again.

"I need to push again, Der," she called out. Moving to deliver the after birth, Derek smiled and disposed of it before joining his girlfriend on the bed.

"She's finally here," he breathed.

"Yeah, what time was she born at?" she asked.

"She was born at 7:23 A.M. Which name do you like for her?" he wondered.

"Neither of them, how about Faith Anne Morgan?" she suggested.

"Faith Anne Morgan I like it. Welcome to the world, little girl. Happy birthday, and Merry Christmas, Faith Anne Morgan," Derek said kissing his newborn daughter's soft cheek. Just then the sound of sirens could be heard.

"It's about time," Emily said. Nodding, Derek headed to let the paramedics in so they could take Emily and their little girl to the hospital. This was definitely one Christmas present he would treasure forever.

