Title: With the One I Love
By: carinascott
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Genre: Slash
Rating: FRT
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Author's Notes: Written for a prompt over at comment_fic by scripps : Criminal Minds, Reid/Morgan, candlelit dinner.


"What's all this?" Spencer asked as he entered the dining room.

Derek poured each wine glass full of a generous amount of wine from the bottle Prentiss bought them as a housewarming present last month. "What's it look like, Pretty Boy?"

"You cooked?" Derek could cook, certain things, but Spencer was still learning exactly what those things were.

"No, I ordered your favorite. Chinese."

"Forks?" Reid asked, praying his lover hadn't forgotten.

"Of course." Derek smiled at his lover, knowing how much Reid hated even attempting to use chopsticks.

Relaxing, smiling shyly back at his lover, Spencer took a seat in the chair Derek pulled out for him.

"What's the occasion?"

"Occasion?" Derek asked as he dished a few egg rolls onto his plate.

"Yes, I mean it's not our anniversary or anything. But here we are eating dinner by candlelight. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion. Just wanted to share a nice romantic meal with the one I love."

Smiling again, unable to stop the slight flush that covered his face, Spencer looked at Derek. "I love you too, Derek. Thanks for this."

Derek nodded, reaching his free hand across the table to lace his fingers with Spencer's. The two ate in a comfortable silence, enjoying the good food and the even better company.

