Title: Meet me at 1
Author: Beverly aka Bev *too*
Fandom/pairing: CSI, Gil Grissom
Wordcount: 105
Summary: Based on prompt #057 Lunch.

With a frown, Gil saw the little piece of paper on his desk. It hadn't been there before...he was sure about that. He opened it and read the words: "Lunch at 'Scarpetti's' 1pm"

A blind date? There was no name on the paper, no clue from whom this strange invitation might have come.

In that moment he looked up and caught Nick gazing at him. Expectantly. He put up the paper with a questioning expression. Nick nodded.

Almost on his own accord, Gil reciprocated the nod and was rewarded with an almost blinding smile. And a single butterfly began to dance in his stomach.

The end