Title: Sid & Nancy: 2006
By: NVenus
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: G
Summary: Cute anniversary sort of drabble-ish thing.

“Nicky, wake up.”

“Wha-what? What’s happening?”

“Nicky, wakie-wakie Nicky.”

“I’m up. What’s going on?” Nick asked, opening his eyes to see Greg kneeling on his chest holding two boxes; he handed one to Nick.

“What’s this?” Nick asked.


“What’s in the other box?”

“Mine. Now open it!”

Nick rolled his eyes and tore open the wrapping on the box. He opened the box to reveal a brown paper bag. He pulled the bag out, and reached inside it. He pulled out his hand and in it he held a thick metal chain and a padlock with the letter R on it.

“What is this?”

“A necklace. Duh. Now hold still,” Greg said as he took the chain from Nick and placed it around his neck, smoothing out all the kinks in the chain. Then he grabbed the padlock and snapped it closed holding the chain together.


“Well, let’s see yours then.”

Greg opened his box and inside was a miniature pistol on a dog tag chain. He put it around his neck and smiled. Then kissed Nick on the nose.

“Happy anniversary baby,” he said smiling. “I love you Sid.”

“I love you too… Nancy,” Nick replied and burst out laughing with Greg.


A/N: Ok, so I just needed a drabble-ish short thing. The title is because Sid Vicious had a padlock and chain necklace and his ‘soul mate’ Nancy Spungen had a necklace with a miniature pistol on it so that’s them then, lol.