Title: Not Such a Bad Thing After All
Author: somthng__wicked
Fandom and Pairing: CSI: Vegas, Greg Sanders/David Hodges
Rating: PG
Claim and Prompt: 'Need', Fluff
Warnings: None. Not overly fluffy either, but I can't write Hodges as overly fluffy. But for him, this is fluff.
Notes: set during Season 5
Summary: Just a little slice of life.

David's eyes snapped open as he was yanked out of a deep sleep by a dangerously full bladder. The fact that Greg's incredibly bony elbow was digging into his abdomen didn't exactly help matters either. It was at that moment that David noticed just how damn cold it was in their bedroom.

He looked down and gave Greg's sleeping form the evil eye. The temperature in the house had been comfortable when he'd gone to bed. Greg hadn't been home yet and David had no doubt in his mind that the younger man had cranked the central air conditioning unit before joining him in sleep. It never failed. If David got cold while he was sleeping, he'd wake up in the middle of the day needing to pee badly. And he knew that Greg knew this. Yet Greg had set the thermostat to some ungodly subzero level anyway. It took some serious willpower on David's part not to curse Greg out then and there.

Turning his head to the side, David found the clock on the bedside table displayed the time as a little after two in the afternoon. The equivalent to the dead of night to someone who worked the graveyard shift. Cursing Greg out was starting to sound like a really good idea just then.

David had a dilemma on his hands. He could attempt to crawl out from underneath Greg (never an easy task with the way Greg all but clung to David in his sleep) and use the bathroom, or he could close his eyes and try to go back to sleep. Both options had their pros and cons in David's opinion.

If he took the first option, there was a very good chance that he wouldn't be able to get Greg to let him go long enough to make it out of the bed without waking the other man up. And if there was one thing David had learned in their time together it was that Greg despised being woken up in the middle of the night. Day. Whatever.

Unless, of course, he knew he was going to get sex out of the deal. That was a whole other matter altogether and one David didn't want to dwell on now or he'd end up with a bigger problem than an engorged bladder.

David sighed dramatically as he weighed his second option. If he tried to go back to sleep, he might actually succeed and be spared having to deal with a grumpy, sleep-deprived Greg that evening. Of course, he'd probably wake up in another hour anyway and by then there'd be nothing left to debate. He'd be running for the bathroom, Greg's comfort be damned.

Option number one it was.

Maybe he could actually manage to get free without waking Greg. David nearly snorted out loud at that thought. Perhaps he could pull an Indiana Jones move and trick Greg into clutching onto a pillow rather than David himself for a few minutes. It was certainly worth a shot.

Decided on a course of action, David reached over and grabbed the pillow that Greg never used. He placed one hand on Greg's shoulder and started to gently push Greg away from his body, working the pillow between them at the same time. Greg murmured some incoherent protest in his sleep, but he also pulled back further before attempting to get comfortable again. This was the opening David needed.

Quickly, David slipped the pillow the rest of the way down, managing to get it between Greg's arms while simultaneously sliding himself out from underneath the lanky body that had been wrapped tightly around him only a minute before. Greg let out a noise that was a cross between a grunt and a whimper and then promptly wrapped himself around the pillow.

David stood by the bed for a moment with a smug grin, basking in his triumph. There was no large boulder rolling down the ceiling after him and Greg wasn't sitting up and pouting at him either. David congratulated himself on being smoother than Indiana Jones and made his way to the bathroom.

He couldn't help but moan slightly at the blissful relief that washed over him a few moments later as he emptied his bladder. His mind began to mull over what he had gone through just to get to the damn bathroom. It really shouldn't be that difficult to get up in the middle of the day to take a piss. David chalked it up to being one of the many things that you don't realize come as part of the package relationship deal. It was right up there with the three hour trips to the grocery store because Greg would spend at least 20 minutes debating on which breakfast cereal he wanted that particular week and then another 20 minutes deciding if he should get the regular or red bliss potato salad at the deli counter. Combine that with the fact that Greg was the equivalent of a human whirlwind who could manage to destroy a perfectly neat and clean room in under five minutes and well, it was a miracle that David's hairline hadn't receded further back then it already had.

Business taken care of, David washed his hands and dried them on the fluffy towel hanging from the ring by the sink before he returned to the bedroom. He made a pit stop at the thermostat and nearly blanched when he saw what Greg had the temperature set at. Shaking his head, he turned it up to a more humane level before making his way to the bed. He came up short at the sight that greeted him.

Greg was lying in the middle of the mattress, his pillow entangled within his arms and legs in a manner which David couldn't even begin to fathom. His hair was sticking up in every direction, his mouth was open and he was drooling on the mattress. Then there were the little wheezing snores that sounded every time Greg inhaled. David knew he should be exasperated. He knew he should have just woken Greg up and properly berated him for turning the air conditioner on so high. AGAIN. If he had to suffer, then Greg should have to suffer too.

But David didn't do any of those things. Instead, he just smiled softly before crawling back into bed.

Greg's internal sonar must have been pinging madly, because David hadn't even gotten himself completely vertical before Greg had abandoned the pillow and was attempting to crawl on top of David once again. David sighed but pulled Greg closer before he tugged the bedspread up so it was covering them both. He closed his eyes as Greg's familiar scent and warmth lulled him back into sleep.

Okay, so maybe the package relationship deal wasn't such a bad thing after all...