Title: The Perfect Alibi
By: Carina Scott
Pairing: Gil/Warrick
Summary: Someone attempts to murder Warrick.

Doctor Thompson's POV

He needs his rest. I would tell them that, but from the look in their eyes it wouldn't do any good. I watch as the older gentleman, Grissom I think, grasps Warrick's hand. Warrick, my patient, has been shot in the back. He s stable right now, but just a few more inches and things could have been a lot worse. I'm not really worried; he looks like a fighter to me. But even fighters need their rest. As I am about to tell them so, I watch as Jim, the detective, pulls out his notebook.

Looking towards me, he asks, "Doc, I only need to ask a few questions. Do you think he can handle it?"

Seeing the look in Warrick's eyes, I concede. "Yes, a few questions should be fine. Then you all must go." No use trying to fight a battle I know I'll lose.

I watch as Jim, turns back to Warrick, his demeanor changing. Suddenly, he is no longer the tough detective come to question a victim. He is a father talking to his child. "Warrick, do you remember what happened?"

"Yes, I was shot, as I was heading up the walkway to my apartment," Warrick responds, wearily. I can see the drugs are starting to kick in.

Jotting down a few notes, Jim continues, "Do you know who shot you?"

"Yes, it was Sara. Sara Sidle."

The gasp heard around the room is amazing. Whoever this Sidle woman is, they definitely seemed surprised, well everyone except the detective. I watch as Warrick's best friend, whom introduced himself as Nick Stokes, moves closer to the bed, grabbing his friend's free hand.

"Why do you think Sara is the one who shot you?"

"She threatened me earlier that day."

Recovering from his shock, Gil breaks in, "Warrick, you must be mistaken, Sara has no reason to shoot you." Turning to look at Jim, "The drug's must be affecting his memory Sara didn't do this. She wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone."

I have been watching the scene before me in amazement, also keeping my eye on my patient's blood pressure and heart rate. Noticing the rise in both, I move forward to escort each individual out of the room. Suddenly Warrick jerks his hand out of Gil's grasp. I watch as Warrick begins to gasp for breath. Moving between Gil and Warrick, I begin to check his vitals again, all the while trying to calm him. I hear his friend, Nick, trying to cam him, "Rick you need to calm down. I believe you okay. Don't get worked up, we can sort this out later. Just calm down, okay buddy?" I decide that once I have my patient calm, the only one allowed back in is Nick, since he seems to be the only one with a calming affect on Warrick.

Then I hear Gil's voice, still ranting about how this Sara is innocent. "He's wrong Jim; Sara has no reason to hurt him. It's the medication talking, she didn't shoot him."

"GET OUT! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" Warrick suddenly screams. I watch as he grabs the detective's hand, pleading with him, "Jim, I know it was her, please believe me!"

Suddenly, Warrick flat lines. I call in a Code Blue, and as the nurses and fellow doctors rush in, I hear Gil scream, "Oh my God! Warrick!?! Please baby don't leave me, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you!" Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Nick dragging Gil out of the room as the curtain is pulled closed. There are no sounds in the room but the efforts of me and the medical staff as we try to save this young mans life. 'I hope he still has some fight left'.

Jim's POV

I am not a religious man, but I find myself sitting here, praying that God doesn't take my son from me. My son? Thinking back on our tumultuous relationship, I can't believe we have become as close as we have. If not for Gil, we probably wouldn't have gotten this far. Gil? I look at my best friend, eyes red and puffy from tears, face sunk in despair, and brow furrowed in worry. Well he should be worried, if not for him this wouldn't have happened.

"Gil," I say, as I wait for my friend to look at me in the eye, "I believe Warrick. I think Sara tried to kill him."

In a voice, so broken, I hardly recognize it, Gil answers, "Sara was with me and Nick at a crime scene. She couldn't have shot him, Jim"

"I didn't say she shot him, I said I believed she tried to kill him. Or have him killed. It is no secret how much Sara despised Warrick, especially after he started a relationship with you. She has bad mouthed him to everyone in the department that would listen. She hates him, Gil, whether you realize it or not. No matter what her alibi is, I can feel it in my gut. She had something to do with Warrick's shooting."

"I don't work in theories or feelings, Jim. I need cold, hard facts. If she had anything to do with this, you'll have to prove it," Gil replies.

"Well, I'll get you the facts that you so desperately need. But I'll tell you one thing Gil. If, no when, Warrick pulls through, you have your work cut out for you. For a person who claims to only work with cold, hard facts, you are damned oblivious. It didn't take anything for you to believe Sara, just a few words, and she had you eating out of the palm of her hand. Sometimes evidence isn't tangible; sometimes it is in the intangible things that you find the best evidence."

"Like what?"

"Love, Gil. The fact that Warrick, for reasons only known to him, loves you. He has shown you numerous times that he loves you. Shit, I know it was him that helped you through my shooting and held you as you cried when we finally found Nick. Hell, he even stayed with you before you had the surgery to correct your hearing. You weren't even a couple then; he just stayed with you because you couldn't stand to be alone. You told me this Gil. No one else. And after all that, you think he would lie to you about all the shit Sara has done."

"I know all that, Jim. But I also know Sara, and I can't believe she would try to kill him."

"That's because you only see what you want to see. And just how well do you know Sara? Dammit Gil, you didn't even realize Sara had a crush on you until she asked you out! Remember all the times Catherine warned you, but you wouldn't listen. Then you were all stunned when she made a pass at you. How can you be so sure that you aren't wrong about this?

"How can you be so sure I am?"

"It's called trust Gil. You should try it sometime. I believe in Warrick. It took me along time to get there, but I do, and with fewer reasons for it than you have."

"If that's the case, then why do you believe that he is being truthful?"

"He has always been straightforward and honest with me. I have no reason to doubt his word or reasoning for why he thinks Sara tried to kill him. I trust him because I love him. And when you love someone, you believe them no matter what."

Staring at me friend in what can only be described as shock, Gil asks, "You…. You love him?"

Looking at Gil with concern, I reply, "Yes, I love him. Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? My best friend tells me that he is in love with my boyfriend, and you want to know if I'm okay. Hell no!"

"For one, you need to calm down before you hurt yourself. Secondly, I said I love Warrick, I didn't say I am in love with Warrick. See the difference? I love him like the son I never had. He is a good, kind, loving, honest, and hardworking young man. I am privileged to have him in my life. As are you, if you haven't already screwed it up beyond repair. You are a fool to throw away such a good person, and I don't blame him if he never wants to see you again. If that's his choice, it will be your own fault. No one deserves to feel the hurt and betrayal Warrick has undoubtedly felt from you over the last few months, most of all today. If he never forgives you it will be too soon." Walking down the hall, I try to reign in my anger. 'How could Gil be so stupid?"

As I pace back and forth, I hear the soft sobs of my best friend. As much as I wants to comfort him, he needs to realize the mistakes he has made, endure a miniscule amount of the pain he has caused Warrick.

Just as I am about to pull my hair out from the worry, the doctor comes out of Warrick's room.

Nick's POV

I hear them, Jim and Gil. I can hear them talking, Jim fussing at Gil for being such an idiot. I agree with him, Gil is a fool. But still, none of that matters. All I can think about is the look on my friends face before he flat-lined. I can hear Gil's scream, feel the blood drain from my face, still see the doctor's and nurses as they fight to save his life. 'My best friend is dead' that phrase is on repeat in my mind as I wait for the doctor's to tell us what's going on.

I remember the times we have spent together, hanging out watching a game on TV, hazing the new guys at work, arguing over mundane things just to pass the time. When I moved here from Dallas, I didn't know anyone. Sure, I had met a few people when I first moved here, but no one I considered a friend. Then I began working as a CSI for the LVPD. When I first met Warrick, I was skeptical about him. He seemed like an arrogant, know-it-all, ladies man. Then I got to know him and we became fast friends. Fast forward 7 years later, and we are closer than ever. He is like the brother I never had, never knew I even wanted. But now, with the possibility that I might lose him, staring me in the face, I don't know what to do. He is my best friend, confidante, and my hero. I remember the time I spent in that glass coffin. If nothing else happened while I was in there, I realized how many people cared about me. My mother, father, sisters, Gil, Catherine, Greg, even Jim. But the most important of all was Warrick. There were so many times while I was down there that I thought about pulling the trigger. But then I would see Warrick. He would be smiling at me as he joked about my latest failure in the lady department, or congratulating me after catching the bad guy on an especially trying case. He was always there as a shoulder to lean on if needed an ear to listen if I needed to talk, or a stern word or two when I needed my head to be screwed on straight. When the ants began to bite, I would imagine the love I felt as Warrick held me when I cried after telling him about my childhood abuse at the hands of a 'last-minute' babysitter. No pity in his eyes as I recounted the shame I felt afterwards, and how I still felt dirty whenever I think about it. Those memories, coupled with the fact that I knew Warrick wouldn't stop until he found me, kept me sane. And now, the thought that he might be gone from me forever is heart wrenching. Without him I am lost. Warrick is my North Star; I need him to find my way home.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jim get up suddenly, stalking further down the hall. I watch him as he paces. He has every reason to be worried; he and Warrick have become close over the last few years. Warrick confided in me that Jim is like the father he never had while growing up. And I believe Warrick feels the void, left by Ellie's rejection, in Jim's heart.

I hear Gil's quiet sobs to my left. 'Whatever pain you feel, you deserve,' I think to myself. I know it's an evil thought, but I also know what Warrick has been through over the last few months. And Gil hasn't made it easier. Sara is a bitch, she always has been. Gil seems to be the only one that didn't notice it. Sure, I was nice to her, had no reason not to be. One can be civil to those they work with, but I would never call her my friend. Sara is the kind of person that will stab you in the back, while staring you in they eye. I don't need friends like that.

As I watch Gil cry, I can only pray that his ignorance has not caused my best friend his life. "Please let him be okay," I mutter repeatedly.

The door to Warrick's room opens, and Doctor Thompson walks out. The somber look in his eyes does nothing for the churning in my stomach. Turning to me, the doctor says, "Mr. Stokes, you are listed as Mr. Brown's emergency contact, so I can speak with you. Would you rather speak privately or in front of them?" the doctor asks, gesturing to Jim and Gil.

"Just say whatever you need to doc," I answer.

"Sure thing. Mr. Brown is alive, although he did give us a shock. He is breathing on his own now, but I'm afraid he has lapsed into a coma."

I sit down, to keep from falling, as I hear Gil ask, "Can we see him?"

"Mr. Stokes and Detective Brass can see him briefly. You, sir, cannot. After the display earlier, I believe you will only serve to be a detriment to his health. I'm sorry."

I watch as Gil turns to leave, tears streaming down his face. I feel nothing for him, my only concern is Warrick. I hear Jim's footsteps going down the hall as he tries to catch up with Gil. I follow the doctor to Warrick's bedside.

"Fifteen minutes, then you must go. Mr. Brown needs his rest."

I nod my understanding to him and watch as he leaves, closing the door behind him. Turning my attention to Warrick, I fight back the tears that threaten to spill down my face. Here lies my best friend, a broken man. Broken in body, spirit, and most of all his heart is broken. As I sit there, holding my brother's hand, I vow to find all the evidence needed to put Sara away for good.

Leaning down, I place a small kiss on Rick's forehead, and whisper "Don't give up. I believe in you," before leaving the room.

Gil's POV

'Detriment to his health.' Me? How can my mere presence be unhealthy for Warrick? I love him!

"Gil, are you okay?" I hear Jim behind me, as I sit on a bench under a Willow tree in front of the hospital's Emergency Entrance.

Hearing the concern in my friend's voice, I can no longer hold back my emotions. The quiet cries of earlier, become painful, hiccupping sobs as I break down. I feel Jim's arms around me, hands rubbing soothing circles on my back. Finally I am calm enough to sit up. Jim releases me and hands me his handkerchief to wipe my face.

We sit in silence for a long time before I finally speak. "Jim, I need you to find out who shot Warrick."

"Even if it's Sara?"

I do my best to give him the coldest stare possible. In a voice, cold and hard, I don't recognize as my own, I answer, "I need you to find out who tried to kill Warrick. I don't care what you have to do. If it is Sara, God help her, because I will make it my life's work to make hers a living hell."

"Okay, just needed to make sure. Are you gonna be all right here?"


"Yeah right, let me take you home."

"I can't go home...I… its… he... I just can't," I say, giving up trying to explain why.

Understanding what I couldn't say in words, Jim nods, "I'll take you to my place. You can take my room; I have to get back to the lab. Get an update on the evidence collected from the scene. Then I'll go the precinct and get all the leads they have. Let's go."

Warrick's POV

I watch as they try to save me. It's no use; I have no reason to live. I don't want to go back to the living hell I was in. Back to a place where the one person I trusted to believe in me more than anyone else, failed miserably. Back to a job where my ability and integrity are constantly called in to question. Back to a home stressful with all the things left unsaid. Back to a relationship with a man I no longer know.

I had been friends with Gil Grissom for five years before I finally decided to take the chance and ask him out. Okay, so it wasn't a blind leap. Catherine had informed me on several occasions that Gil was interested in me; he was just too shy to approach me first. So I approached him, one day over a breakfast that ended up being just the two of us. Thanks to a lot of conniving and maneuvering by Catherine and Nick, who somehow, managed to get rid of Jim, Sara, and Greg, before excusing themselves. The rest, as they say is history.

Fast forward two years, and here we are. I am in love with a man that doesn't trust me. Over the last six months, Sara Sidle has made it her personal mission to make my life a living hell. She has sabotaged my work, destroyed courtroom presentations, and deleted information from my computer. I thought I was being paranoid at first, as did Gil. Who in their right mind would deliberately destroy evidence just to get back at me? Luckily nothing happened in any of my cases that freed the suspect, but it was just too close for comfort. It took me a while to realize that I wasn't being paranoid when my evidence began missing every time I worked on a case with Sara.

On one occasion, it almost backfired on her though. She had tried to blame a misplaced semen sample results on me, but Greg saved the day. He told Grissom that Sara had, indeed, picked up the results from him earlier that day, saying she was taking them to Warrick. Since she was working on the case with me, Greg saw no reason not to give it to her. But of course, Sara came out looking like the helpful coworker, especially when she miraculously found the results on my desk. It still pisses me off to this day that the only reason Gil believed that Sara had even picked up the results in the first place is because Greg confirmed it. That is one in a long line of incidents that occurred over the last six months. But today was the final straw. Gil doesn't believe that Sara shot me, even now as I lay in a hospital bed. How can the man I love have so little faith in me? Gil even threatened to have me pulled from my cases and the field, placed strictly on lab duty, unless I took some time off to get my head on straight! I left our house that night, too pissed to stay in the same house with a man who had basically called me incompetent. Too embarrassed at the state of my relationship with Gil, I checked into a hotel that night. Looking down at my broken body, I realize that I no longer want Gil in my life. At one time I had believed that love conquers all. What a fool I was! I had once believed that if you put your love, trust, and confidence in another person, they would do the same in return. Gil proved me wrong. After all that we have been through, the one person I expected to stand by me through thick and then, left me high and dry. I had never felt more complete, than the day Gil told me he loved me. And I have never felt emptier than the day I realized his love wasn't enough.

Sara's actions wouldn't have hurt as much as they did, had it not been for Gil's response. She convinced Gil, the man I love more than life itself, to stop believing in me. Gil allowed Sara to step in and destroy our relationship by never doubting her word. By placing his faith in her words, over mine, he had broken my heart. He acted as if the last two years I shared with him, in my bed, my heart, my life, were nothing. Nothing I did could cause him to put the blind faith in me that he had placed in Sara. That was what I had planned to tell him last night, before I was shot. I had already packed my things, as it was my day off. I had left him a detailed note of why I couldn't be with him. Although I planned to break it off, I knew my emotions wouldn't let me tell him everything I felt. So the letter was the best way to do it. Then I was shot, and as I lay there, holding Gil's hand, I had hoped that I would be able to tear the letter up and forget what had happened. Then I listened as he defended Sara once again and all my fight left me.

As the doctor's continue to try to save my life, I look into the waiting room. I watch as Jim rips Gil a new one for his lack of faith in me. After all that we have been through, Jim still believes in me. No proof at all, nothing but my word, and he's ready to send Sara to jail. Why can't Gil believe in me that way? I watch as Jim walks off, leaving Gil crying and alone. 'Good' I think, even as my soul aches to see my Gil in pain. Turning away from Gil, I look at Nick. My best friend, confidante, my brother. After his kidnapping, I realized what a major part he played in my life. The way he was always there with a kind word, never afraid to put me in my place if the need be, always there as a shoulder to cry on, whether I wanted or not. As I thought about Nick, and heard the prayer he keeps repeating, I realize that there are still two people, if not more, that believe in me. If for nothing else, I will fight for them.

"We've got a pulse!" yells Doctor Thompson.


Sara's POV

So he isn't dead. Too bad, guess I didn't try hard enough. The word around the lab is that Warrick said I tried to shoot him. Of course no one believes it. Why would I have any reason to kill Warrick?

Well, they'd be wrong. I have every reason to want him gone. From the day I first met Warrick Brown, he has been the bane of my existence. At first it was simply a work-related hatred. His ignorance and weakness had caused Holly Gribbs to lose her life. How could he be so stupid as to leave a rookie CSI alone at a crime scene? Who cares if the scene had been cleared, there's a reason why we work in pairs.

Gil had called me in to work the case, seeing as everyone else had a personal stake in it. Seems Warrick was well liked by everyone in the crime lab, except maybe Jim Brass. When Gil had called me in, I jumped at the chance. I mean, for Heaven's sake, it was Gil Grissom! Who in their right mind would pass up the opportunity to work with him, even if only for one case?!? Okay, I admit, the fact that he was sexy as hell, made the decision a lot easier! I had been a fan of Gil Grissom's for years, seeing him occasionally at seminars and lectures. We eventually worked up to a sort of kinship. Coming to Vegas, I had hoped for it to become more. I was extremely disturbed by the devotion he showed to Warrick. He was willing to put his career and reputation on the line for such an undeserving man. So when he invited me to stay on, I accepted. This way I could keep an eye on him, prevent Warrick from doing any further damage to his reputation, and hopefully turn our friendship into something more.

As the years went on, our relationship deteriorated. I attribute that to Warrick's manipulation. I first noticed his ability to manipulate Gil in the Holly Gribbs case, but working at the lab I was a witness to several instances of manipulation. Gil's unfettering dedication to Warrick began to grate on my nerves. Couldn't he see that Warrick didn't deserve any of him, not even his dedication? Then when he busts that idiot scumbag Judge Cohen for tampering with evidence, I watch as him and Brass get closer, which in the end brings him closer to Grissom. Being that Jim and Gil have been best friends for numerous years, I'm sure that Jim, Warrick, and Gil had hung out a time or two. Over the numerous months after that, I watched as Gil and Warrick continued to grow closer. They begin to go to breakfast together, just the two of them. 'Yet, he wouldn't even go to dinner with me once! They work on more cases together, Gil actually laughing at Warrick's lame attempts at humor. Then I hear through the office gossip mill, that Warrick has been spending nights at Grissom's house. At his house! Seems Gil was incapable of sleeping in an empty house since his hearing had begun to fade. I didn't even notice that he had been having hearing difficulties. So I start to notice them coming in together, eating lunch together, going home together.

It was starting to annoy me that Gil was so blind to Warrick's obvious ulterior motives. Anyone with eyes could see that Warrick wanted him. The way he was always there for him, always around to help if needed, basically just being a nuisance, in my opinion. `Too bad Gil didn't see it that way.' He even took Gil out to dinner for his birthday. I didn't even know it was his birthday. After that I tried to avoid seeing them together as much as possible.

The final straw was after I had asked Gil out to dinner, again, only to be rejected yet again. I stormed off, pissed beyond belief. Earlier that day, I had walked in on Gil and Warrick in an intimate embrace in the locker room. Gil didn't notice me, but Warrick did. Later that night, after he had learned of my invitation, he confronted me in the break room after most people had gone home.

"Sara, what the hell are you trying to pull?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked in the most innocent voice I could muster.

"I'm talking about you asking Gil out. Look, I know you saw us earlier today in the locker room. And contrary to popular belief you aren't that clueless. It wasn't my intention that you find out about us that way, but know that you know, how could you ask Gil out anyway?"

"Yeah, I saw you earlier. It doesn't mean anything; you just caught him in a moment of weakness is all. He couldn't possibly be interested in you."

"A moment of weakness, huh? Well, what if I told you that this moment of weakness has been going on now for about six months?"

Recovering quickly from the shock that bit of information caused, I replied "Maybe it isn't only a moment of weakness. But it couldn't be more than a fling. There's no way Gil Grissom could be involved with someone as pathetic and undeserving as you! You haven't a clue as to what Grissom needs."

"Well, if I am so pathetic, why is Gil with me? Better yet, why can't you take Gil away from me? I know why. Hell hasn't frozen over yet. And that is exactly what would have to happen before I lose my man to a sniveling, whining, plain as a post, bitch like you! And as for me not having a clue as to what Gil needs, that might be true, but at least he is willing to let me know, let me in. As for what he doesn't need, I know that one without a doubt. You."

"You arrogant, ignorant, worthless bastard! Don't worry, you may have Gil for now, but it won't last long. I'll kill you before I allow that to happen!" Storming past him, I walked out of the break room, happy for once that it was too late to have any witnesses to that little interaction.

Later that night, as I thought about Gil, Warrick, Gil and Warrick, I knew what I had to do. Now all I needed was to find the least obvious way to put my plan into action. "You're days are numbered Warrick Brown, you're days are numbered."

Catherine's POV

I couldn't believe it. It had to be a mistake. But as I looked at the file, I knew it was true. Summing up all my courage and pushing back my rage, I marched to Gil's office. I knew he wasn't there, he had been at the hospital constantly since Warrick had been there. Well, everyday accept that first night. Shaking off the memory of my friend's voice as he told me, over the phone, what had happened at the hospital only a few hours earlier, I enter his office.

"It was Hank Gribbs," I say placing the file on the desk in front of Jim Brass. Jim had been using Gil's office since the day after Warrick was shot. Said it was better than running back and forth between the PD and the lab, since he was spending more time at the lab. Wanting to be the first one contacted when the evidence pointed to a suspect, it was more convenient.

Picking up the file, Brass quickly reads the pertinent details. "Are you sure? It could have been anyone."

"Oh, I'm sure. Remember the witness that was on her balcony during the shooting?" There was a witness to the shooting, a woman that had been sitting on her patio, enjoying the night air. She said she hadn't been able to sleep and thought the night air might do her some good. Then she heard it, a gunshot. She quickly crouched to the ground. Looking up through the wooden slats on the balcony railing, she saw a tall Caucasian man, standing over an unmoving figure. `This is for my sister,' she heard him say before he ran off, going around the back of the building.

"Of course. So you think this is in retaliation for Holly's death. I mean so many years have passed since then, couldn't there be another explanation? As likeable as Warrick is, he has to have made some enemies along the way."

"I'm sure he has, but this is the only case in which Warrick has been the direct, or indirect, cause of someone's death. He has investigated several deaths, but has only been involved after the death has occurred. I think Hank is blaming Warrick for Holly's death. You know that it was all over the media that Warrick left her alone at a scene, they blamed him for her shooting, then later her death."

Jim sighs as he gets up from behind Gil's desk. "I think you're right Catherine. Besides that, it's the only real lead we have had, so I'll follow up. Do you by chance have an address for him," he asks, holding up the file in my direction, "Considering all the investigating you did before bringing me this file."

Blushing slightly, I reply, "Yeah, got it right here. He's staying over on the corner Harts Bluff and Slate Crossing Lane." Seeing the look on Jim's face, "Yeah, I know. That's one block up from Warrick's place. I told you, Jim, we're on the right track."

As we exit Gil's office, I notice the stubborn set of Jim's jaw. Turning to me, he says, "As soon as I know anything, I'll let you know."

"I know. See ya Jim," I say, squeezing his shoulder, as I head to the lab. I hope Jim finds this asshole quickly, the sooner this case closes the better.

Greg's POV

I have always admired Gil Grissom. Since the day I joined the lab, even before that, I have envied him. That couldn't be further from what I am feeling for him now. Not only is the love of his life fighting for every breath he takes, the doctor's refuse to let Grissom in to check on Warrick.

He has been sitting in the hospital waiting room for 3 days now, only going home to bathe and change, which Catherine practically had to force him to do. His normally well groomed beard and hair is unkempt and shaggy. To sum it up, he looks a horrible mess. I sort of feel sorry for him.

Sort of. Yes, I know Warrick getting shot wasn't his fault. Yet, I can't help thinking that the episode that put Warrick into this comatose state is Grissom's fault. According to Nick, if he had only listened to Warrick, or at the very least waited until Warrick was better before defending Sara, things might be different. Or maybe not. The doctor's think the emotional turmoil triggered this, but they have also said that Warrick's blood loss could also be the cause. But at this point, that's not what matters. Whatever happens, the most important thing is for Warrick and Grissom to know that their friends are here for them, no matter what.

This brings me to the present moment. I am walking towards Grissom , making it my mission to sit with him, since I have nothing to do right now. It's my off day, so I have been designated as the one to keep him company. Not that I mind, Grissom is a good guy. Most of the time, but I guess this is the kind of situation in which even the strongest can weaken. As I sit down next to Grissom, I notice the deep worry lines in his forehead, the untouched cup of coffee sitting next to him, and the slump of his shoulders. He doesn't even notice me.

"So, have you heard anything new?" I ask, hating myself the moment the words are out of my mouth. `Of course he hasn't, they won't tell him anything.' Lack of a response from Grissom, lead me to believe he hasn't heard me at all.

No such luck. "No, he's still in a coma," Grissom answers as he slumps forward, rubbing his temples. Probably feels a migraine coming on. We sit there for a long moment, before I hear it. It sounds like hiccups first, but then I realize that Grissom is crying. Gil Grissom crying? Not knowing what else to do, I place an arm around his shoulders, hoping the gesture will give him a little reassurance that things will be okay. We sit that way for a long time, before his tears subside and he calms down again.

In a voice I have never heard from Grissom before, he speaks. "I failed him, Greg. He needed me to support him, but I couldn't see past my own pigheadedness to be there for him. Why was it so important to me that I defend Sara at that moment? My lover was lying there, in a hospital bed recovering from a gunshot wound, and all I could do was defend Sara. Why couldn't I just be there for him?" Grissom straightens up and rises from the chair he has been sitting in, my arm falling to my side.

I am glad that the waiting room is empty right now, because I can tell this is going to be a personal conversation. Not that I'm going to probe Grissom for personal info, but seems to me he needs to get a few things off of his chest. "You have a chance to make it up to him. Maybe you weren't there when he needed you, but Warrick is strong. He is fighting to stay alive, part of that has to be because of you, even if you don't think so. He loves you, Griss, no matter how much it hurts. The best thing you can do is be here for him, and hope to God that when he wakes up he will forgive you."

"If he wakes up."

"No when he wakes up. And when he does you had better do everything to prove that you believe in him, or that will be the end of any chance of you guys being together."

Grissom sighed, leaning against the wall of the waiting room. He looked so defeated, my heart ached for him.

"Look Grissom, I know that we don't know each other very well. But I do know Warrick; we've become better friends since Nick's incident. And in that short time, I have learned that it takes a lot to earn Warrick's trust, and even more to get it back once it's been lost. So my only advice is for you to do everything to prove to Warrick that you are worthy of his trust. The best place to start would be with this Sara thing."

Grissom begins to protest, but I raise my hand, stopping him. "Let me finish, please. Everyone knows that you sometimes miss the obvious social cues. However, I know that you rarely miss the evidence if it is presented in a scientific way. So let me put this to you as if it is a scientific matter. Variable A is a young woman, her life is empty, and she has nothing but her work. By chance she gets the job of her dreams. She works hard to prove her worth and value, but no one really notices. She alienates her coworkers almost as soon as she is hired. The only kindred spirit she has is just as dedicated to the lab as she is. She works hard to impress and please this friend. Slowly she begins to have feelings for this friend, and soon becomes obsessed with them due to mixed signals she has been sent. Variable B is dedicated to his job and by chance he needs someone just as devoted as he to join his team. Seeing this new team member so dedicated to her work, pleases him, so he befriends her. She mistakes the friendship for more, and he lets her down gently. Not wanting to upset her, he tells her that it is inappropriate behavior on the job rather than admitting that he just isn't interested. Then enter Variable C. Variable C begins to spend more time with Variable B, soon becoming more than friends. Variable A puts two and two together and comes up with five. In Variable A's mind, the obstacle in the way is Variable C. Do you understand now Grissom?

Sitting down in a chair across from me, with a look of intense concentration on his face, Gil responds. "I think so. Variable A is in love with Variable B, and thinks that Variable C is in the way. Is that correct?"

"You got it. Look Griss, I'm going to head to the lab, see if I can help out with something. Call me if you need to talk or if anything changes." I get up and head to the hospital exit.

Before I can reach it, Grissom is hot on my heels. "Greg, I understand your equation. What I don't understand is what it has to do with my problem with Warrick."

Sighing in frustration, "Grissom, Sara is Variable A, you are Variable B, and Warrick is Variable C. In Sara's mind, A + B - C = happily ever after. I never thought she would take her obsession with you so far, but I guess she felt love would be a good enough defense." Seeing in his eyes that the realization of what everyone had been telling him is finally registering, "See ya Griss, I'll let you know if we find anything," I say before exiting the hospital.

Jim's POV

So Catherine was right, it was Holly's brother. Seem he's had it in for Warrick since the day Holly died. He had been staying in her old apartment, the one rented out after her death. He's only been back in town for the last six months, making himself at home. His daily routine consisted of whatever Warrick was doing.

Sick bastard. I can't believe this guy has been at this for so long. Why did he wait until now? What set him off? How did he know where Warrick lived? Why hadn't Warrick noticed someone following him? All these questions would be answered as soon as I get to the precinct. Believe me, there is no way this asshole is leaving that interrogation room before I get some answers. By any means necessary.

I have requested that the only people that be allowed in on this interrogation be Catherine, myself, and Nick. Nick, however, will be in the observation room. I'm gonna have enough trouble containing my own rage, and as strong as Catherine is, I don't think she can handle an outraged Texan.

Before I go to the precinct, however, I have one stop to make. As I enter the hospital room, I am shocked to say the least. A man, so strong, vibrant, and full of life, looked so weak and young. The monitors beeping around him, the doctors and nurses coming in and out of his room to check on his progress, these where the only signs of life in the room. If I hadn't been looking closely, I would have missed the gentle rise and fall of is chest with each breath. Holding his hand, I lean over his bed rail, whispering in his ear, "Warrick, son, I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. I just want you to know that we are pulling for you, not one person has slept since this happened, not one. We will get this bastard, you just hang in there. You do your part, keep fighting, and we'll do our part." It might have been my imagination, but I swear I felt at faint squeeze on my hand. "I hear you, son, I hear you," I said before leaving his room, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Arriving in the ICU waiting room, I see Gil. He looks terrible, but more importantly, he looks lost. Like he lost his best friend, which in a way he has. Gil is going to have to work hard to get Warrick to forgive him for this betrayal. "Gil, we know who did it."

"Who?" Gil answers, voice hoarse from the lack of use. No one at the hospital will give him any info and he's tired of asking.

"Hank Gribbs, Holly's brother."

Shock registering on his face, "Holly Gribbs? Why? Why now?"

"Well, I'm sure it's because he blames Warrick for Holly's death. Why he chose to wait so long, I'm not sure." Sighing, I sit down in an empty chair, "Gil, it seems that Hank has been watching Warrick for some time now. I don't know all the details, I'll find out more when I go to interrogate him in a few minutes. I wanted to stop in and check in on Warrick and give you an update. Look, if this thing goes to trial, your relationship with Warrick is bound to come out. Now I know that most of the people at the lab already know, and a few at the precinct have probably figured it out, but once the media gets hold of this info everyone will know. You know how police officers can be, so you need to prepare yourself for that."

"All I care about at this moment Jim, is Warrick. I want the person responsible for this placed in jail. As for our relationship being public knowledge, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Might not have to worry about it now that since Warrick and I aren't together."

"Are you giving up on him Gil? He doesn't need that right now."

"No! I'm not giving up on Warrick, its just that in the last few days, things have changed. A lot."

"What's changed since yesterday?"

"I went home." Seeing my quizzical look, he continues, "Yesterday, I went home to shower and change clothes. I found a note on the foyer table addressed to me from Warrick. Guess I was in too much of a hurry the day before to notice it. Nevertheless, Warrick broke up with me," I can see that he is holding back, but I don't push, knowing Gil will open up when he is ready.

"Things change all the time Gil. All you can do know is change Warrick's thoughts in regards to you. Right now he believes you don't trust him, you have to show him you do. That's the only chance you have to fix things between you two."

"How is he? They won't let me see him and they refuse to give me any info. Since Nick refused to put me on the list for people allowed to visit Warrick, I can only get information from you and Catherine. All Nick says to me is that Warrick is fine, no details. I understand why he's acting like that, Warrick is his best friend, but it is still frustrating being kept in the dark."

"He's doing good Gil. He's still hanging in there. I told him that we were working around the clock on this and that everyone was pulling for him. It might be wishful thinking, but I swear I felt him squeeze my hand. So, crossing my fingers, I think he's doing quite well."

"Thanks Jim," Gil said softly, lost in thought.

"Yeah, I'll see you later. I've got a suspect to interrogate."

Nick's POV

I know everyone thinks I'm being an ass to Grissom, but I can't help it. The doctor's said Grissom could have a bad affect on Warrick's health and I can't risk it. What if Warrick has a relapse? I asked the doctor's that exact question and they said they weren't sure if his body could handle it. I decided then and there that Grissom wouldn't be allowed to see him until he's stronger. A lot stronger.

That doesn't explain my reactions to Grissom's questions every time I go visit. I keep my answers short, never stopping on my path to the hospital's exit. I can't stop myself, even though I can see the despair in Grissom's eyes everyday I leave him wondering how Warrick really is doing. I'm pissed at him for not trusting Warrick, pissed at Warrick for allowing Gil's actions to affect him like this, and pissed at myself for being so selfish. I'm know being irrational. Greg says it's because I'm angry, and anger isn't rational. I laughed and asked him when he became so smart. Being Greg, he responded, `I've always been this smart, you just started to notice.'

Maybe he's right. About anger being irrational, not him being smart. I have no reason to be so mad at everyone. I have snapped at pretty much everyone in the lab. Hodges looked at me as if I had lost my mind, Jacqui tried her best to avoid me, and Catherine, of course, called me on it. "Nick, you have no monopoly on concern. We are all worried about Warrick and snapping at everyone isn't helping, so quit it. We need you on top of your game if we are gonna find the ass, or asses, that did this." Then she stalked away, with that purposeful stride of hers.

So after that, I did my best to control my anger. I prayed that by the end of this case, I still had a few friends left. But first we have to close the case, which brings me to the present moment.

As I look through the observation glass, into the interrogation room, my gut twists in rage. Hank Gribbs, the asshole that had been responsible for Warrick getting shot, sat on the other side, across from Jim and Catherine. Oh yeah, this case can't be closed soon enough.

Hank's POV

She's kind of cute, in a Mrs. Robinson sort of way, but cute all the same. From the way her arms are crossed in front of her lovely chest, I can see that she is livid. I look over to the older gentlemen sitting to her right, he looks even more irate than her.

"So why am I here?" I ask, seeing as neither of them has made any attempt to tell me why I was called in.

"So you like to jump in head first do you? Well, fine, we'll play it your way. Do you know a man by the name of Warrick Brown?"

Masking my surprise, "No, who is he?"

Leaning forward, the redhead places her hand over mine, "You know,drumming your fingers on the tabletop is sign nervousness. What do you have to be nervous about?"

"So, you don't know who Warrick Brown is?" the detective asks.

"I already told you that I don't know who that is." Standing up, "Now, if you haven't anything else, I'll be leaving, thank you."

"Sit down Mr. Grimes, we aren't finished here." Walking back to my seat I sit down heavily. "I know for a fact you know who Mr. Brown is. You've been stalking him for the last six months," he says, opening a folder full of photos that I had taken.

"Well, if he had caused your sister's death, you would be watching him too."

"Maybe so, but your actions went well past watching, didn't they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Look Mr. Grimes, I'm sorry, Gribbs, we have all the evidence we need to put you away. All I want right now is for you to tell me who your accomplice is."

"Since you seem to know everything why don't you tell me."

"Fine, don't talk, just listen for a while. We know you have an accomplice. You know how we know?" Selecting a picture from the table, he holds it up for me to see, "This picture tells us all we need to know. There is no way that you took this picture yourself, since you're in it. And don't try to sell me on `I used a stationary camera'. You see the blur in the photo, the experts tell me that whoever took this photo was in motion. Maybe in a car, walking, whatever the case may be. This photo was taken by a person, your accomplice." I watch as the detective and the redhead stand to leave, only pausing long enough for the detective to speak to me once more.

"I'm gonna give you a little time to think. You may decide not to tell us who it is, but rest assured, we will figure it out. When we do, any leniency we might have had towards you will be gone. Happy thoughts," he says as they leave the room and I am left alone with my thoughts.

Doc Robbin's POV

It's rare that I venture from the cozy confines from the morgue for more than the occasional cup of Greg's terrific coffee. However, when I heard through the CSI grapevine that Jim and Catherine were interrogating the man suspected of shooting Warrick, I couldn't resist. Making my way down the hall, I couldn't help but think about Warrick.

Sure, Warrick was more of an associate than a friend, but I still cared. More so since he had started dating Gil. Gil and I had been friends for years, working with one another the longest of anyone at the lab. In that time as friends and coworkers, I had watched Gil withdraw into himself, shying away from human interaction. Gil had never been much of a social butterfly, but he did date occasionally. However, most people, men and women alike, didn't understand Gil. He was different and he looked at the world differently. Those he dated often tried to change him, make him more like they wanted him to be, before finally realizing that Gil was, well Gil, and he wasn't going to change. After several years of one disaster date after another, Gil pretty much stopped dating all together. Occasionally he would date, for instance Teri Miller, a few nameless others, and his brief infatuation with Lady Heather, but eventually he would go back to the same old Gil. That is until he grew closer to Warrick. Warrick had been working with Gil for several years before they dated, but from day one he had a profound impact on his life.

I was skeptical of Warrick at first, especially when Gil risked his career and reputation for him after the Holly Gribbs incident. But after witnessing the positive affect Warrick had on Gil, I relaxed. Warrick didn't try to change Gil into someone he wasn't, he just accepted him for who he was. Gil soon became more social, going out occasionally, mainly with Warrick to dinner. He laughed more, cracking the occasional joke, which left random lab techs in shock. All in all, Warrick was good for Gil. When Gil told me about Warrick sacrificing his comfort for Gil's sanity, by sleeping on his couch before his surgery, I was amazed. After that, I placed Warrick on the short list of people I truly respected. Although we never became the best of friends, we have a strong kinship. He loves Gil, and so do I. However different our love for Gil may be, it's the one thing that we share, and that's enough for us.

As I enter the observation room, I find it's already full. Nick is standing there, oblivious of my presence, jaw set in a rigid line. Catherine is standing to his right, hand on her hips, wearing the look of a woman ready to let lose all the rage she has ever felt. My eyes then land on Jim, standing to Nick's immediate left, closest to me. He has this smug look of satisfaction on his face. "So what's up guys?" Obviously I break their concentration, because they all look at me as if I just landed here from planet Zoron.

Jim recovers first, "Nothing, just waiting and watching our suspect squirm."

My attention is brought back to my original reason for journeying this far from the comfort of my morgue. I look through the glass, seeing a man looking very uncomfortable, sitting in a chair. Confused, I look back at Jim, "What is Sara's boyfriend doing here?" All I hear in response is a collective gasp from all three occupants of the room.

Sara's POV

I can't believe this. That snake. How could he sell me out? I made all this possible. He got his revenge and I was about to get my man. What could be better than that?

"So Sara, do you wish to explain yourself?" Jim asks me, smug expression on his face. Oh, two can play this game.

"Explain myself about what? Look Jim, I don't know why I'm here, but I suggest you get to the point, because I have more important things to do."

"Fine, I'll get to the point. Do you know Hank Gribbs?" Smiliing, he continues, "I'm sorry, you probably only know him as Hank Grimes."

Acting confused, I ask, "What are you talking about, Jim? Of course I know Hank Grimes, I have been dating him for the past six months! But I don't know any Hank Gribbs."

"You remember Holly Gribbs? Of course you do, she's the reason why you're working here. Well, Hank Grimes, as you call him, is Hank Gribbs, Holly's brother. But, you already know that don't you?"

Putting on my best `shocked' expression, "Hank is, was, Holly's brother? How was I supposed to know that!?!"

"According to Hank, you helped him implement his plan. He said you tracked him down nine months ago, and the two of you came up with a plan to get rid of Warrick. Three months after you met him, you went to Grissom, asking for his help in getting your friend a position in the crime lab. Seeing as Danielle, the Days tech, was leaving in two weeks, so she could be a stay-at-home mom after her baby was born, Gil was desperate for a replacement. So after looking over Hank's credentials, and trusting your judgment, Gil approved the transfer. Pretty smooth if I must say so myself, using Gil to get Hank transferred, too bad that was the only part of your plan that worked out. Hank, being upset over Holly's death wanted to make Warrick pay for his actions. You wanted to get rid of Warrick, seeing as he was in the way of your delusions of a happily-ever-after with Gil. Unfortunately for you, you let your anger get away from you. Had you not threatened Warrick the day of the shooting, he would have never fingered you. Had Hank been a better shot, Warrick wouldn't have lived to say anything. Had you simply realized that Gil doesn't want you, never has and never will, you might have avoided this entire situation. Did I miss anything?"

"Yeah, evidence," I reply, hating how accurate his conclusions are.

"Oh, you mean besides Hank singing like Mariah Carey? Well, we have photos, taken by you. We have fingerprints left in Hanks home, all yours."

Smirking, I reply "Seeing as how you can't determine who took a picture, that is inconclusive. My fingerprints being at Hank's place means nothing, we've been dating for six months. I had no idea he was Holly's brother. So short of all that, you will indeed have to do a lot better."

Catherine, who had been watching the whole time, moved from her post against the interrogation room wall. Removing a photo from the file folder in her hand, she shoves it across the table to me. "What's this?" I ask as I look at the photo in my hand.

"Glad you asked," replies Catherine as she sits down across from me. "This, you ask, is a photo taken by you of Warrick at a restaurant with Gil. See here in the background? That's Hank, your boyfriend. Notice anything else?"

Looking closer, I see nothing. "No."

"Let me show you, but first let me give you a lesson in photography. When you take a picture, using flash, everything in the picture is revealed. Especially when the photo is take in front of a rolled up window. Was it a chilly night? Doesn't matter, what does matter is this," she says gesturing to the photo. "As I said before, flash reveals everything; even what you think may be hidden. When you took this picture, you captured yourself too. To the naked eye it might not be able to be seen, but thanks to our wonderful crime lab and its incredible team of lab techs, we can see that which was not possible to see before. We see you, well, your reflection, in the window. The high fluorescence of the flash made the window act as a mirror, reflecting your image back to you. So had you not thought to spy on Warrick and Gil, you might have never been caught. As you said before, the evidence we had was nothing but pure speculation. However, with this photo, I think that will be enough to convict."

As I sit there reeling from the shock, Jim comes around to my chair. Pulling me to my feet, I hear the sounds of the handcuffs as they click around my wrists. "Sara Sidle, you have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you at no cost. During any questioning, you may decide at any time to exercise these rights, not answer any questions, or make any statements."

As he walks me out of the interrogation room, and down the halls of the lab, I see the looks of shock on the various faces appearing in the hall. Then I see him, and I know everything will be all right.

Gil's POV

As I race to the lab, all I can hear is Nick's voice over and over in my head. `Warrick was right, it is Sara. You need to get to the lab ASAP.' The next thing I know, I'm running out of the hospital, jumping in my Denali, speeding to the lab.

I don't know how I got here without causing any wrecks; my mind was not even focused on driving. All I could think of is that I had failed Warrick. He needed me to believe him, and I didn't. Why, I'm still not sure, but all I know, as I race up the steps, is that when he wakes up, I will make it up to him.

As I enter the lab, Sara is coming down the hall, handcuffed. Although Nick had told me she did it, it's still a shock. As they near, I see Sara's face break into a smile. Why the hell is she so damn happy?

"Gil, you came. I knew you would. I told Warrick that you loved me, not him. He wouldn't listen, but that's okay, I made sure he wouldn't get in the way."

"Sara, what are you talking about? I don't love you, I'm sorry for not saying so sooner, but I don't."

"Gil, you don't have to keep pretending. Everyone knows you love me. And now that Warrick is out of the picture, we can finally be together. I know he didn't die, but still, he is in a coma. He will not be an issue for us ever again. So, you see, we can be together."

"Sara. Sara! You hired someone to kill Warrick!" She looks at me, as if she has just seen me for the first time. "I don't know if I gave you mixed signals or what. But hear me now, I DON'T love you. I never have and I never will. I thought it was fairly common knowledge, but I love Warrick." Hearing a few gasps of shock, I'm sure not as many people knew as I thought, but I don't care. "We can never be together, NEVER!"

Jim drags her away, as she screams behind me, "Gil, please Gil, don't do this! I know you love me, you just need time. We have time! Gil! Gil! I love you!"

I cringe as I hear her voice fade away. "Everyone get back to work, NOW!" I hear Catherine bark to the crowd that has gathered for our little display. Making my way to my office I collapse into my chair. Sighing, I remove my glasses, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Hearing a faint knock on my door, I answer, "Go away."

Hearing the door open, I look up; Nick is standing in my doorway. "Nick, I don't feel like discussing it right now. I know Warrick was right, and I know I should have listened to him. I just don't have the energy to deal with your guilt trip and mine at the same time."

"Warrick's awake," Nick says before closing the door and walking away.


Gil's POV

Grabbing his hand, I looked into his barely open eye, and whispered, "Welcome back, love. How are you feeling?"

Smiling weakly, Warrick signed to me that he needed water. After pouring him some water into a cup, I held it for him as he drank from the straw. "As well as can be expected, I guess. You look like hell though."

"I'm fine now that you are awake. But you should be resting, not worrying over me; I wasn't the one that was shot."

Laughing quietly, "Yeah, I don't think I'll be forgetting that anytime soon." Sighing deeply, "Nick told me Jim and Cath caught the guy that shot me. Holly's brother, huh? I guess I can understand his reasoning. He holds me responsible for his sister's death, so did the media. Hell, I still feel responsible for it, something I have to live with everyday."

"He might have his reasons for what he did, but it doesn't excuse it." Reaching up, I cupped Warrick's cheek, "Baby, you were right, Sara was behind this too. She didn't pull the trigger, but she might as well have, she's just as culpable. So am I. I don't know why I didn't listen to you; I should have known you were telling the truth. Warrick, I am so sorry."

"Nick told me about Sara too; well he gave me the basics. It's still hard to believe she would do all of this because she thought I was a threat to her happiness, but I'll have a scar to remind me. And I do accept you apology Gil, however late it may be."

Trying to ignore the bitterness in his voice, I leaned forward to kiss him, only to feel him pull away. Looking into his eyes in confusion, he continued, "Gil, from what Nick and the doctor's told me, I was unconscious for several days. I'm assuming that in that time you at least went home." Nodding yes, I watch as Warrick's beautiful eyes fill with tears. "So I know you saw the letter I wrote to you. Although I forgive you, I still mean everything that I wrote in that letter. It's over between us Gil." Letting go of my hand, Warrick rolled over to his side, his back facing me. Stunned I stared at his back for several minutes. Noticing the slight tremor he is trying to suppress, I reach towards him, pulling back before I touch him. 'It's over between us Gil,' Warrick's voice echoed in my head. In a matter of my moments I had regained and lost the love of my life. With that realization, I left the hospital. I noticed the shock registering on Nick's face, probably due to the tears streaming down mine, but I didn't care. All that I had ever cared about was lying in a hospital bed wanting nothing to do with me.

That was two months ago, and my life since then has changed drastically. Warrick has returned to work, after requesting to be transferred back to Swing shift under Catherine. I can't blame him; I wouldn't want to work with me either. A day after our break up, he called me. The conversation was brief; he told me that he wanted to send Nick to pick up his things, as he would be staying with Nick until he found an apartment. He asked if I could pack up his things, if I couldn't he said he would just come and get them once he was released. As much as I wanted to see him, I told him not to worry that I would pack the things up for him. Packing his things was torture for me. I had never realized exactly how much stuff I had given Warrick over the course of our relationship. There was the lion I had won for him in at Circus Circus, the green eyes and mane reminded me of Warrick. Then there was the Bob Marley belt I had bought him. Although I thought his taste in belt buckles was a little ostentatious, I knew he would love it, and he did. Then there was the portrait of his Grandmother that I had painted for him after she died. He cried in my arms that night. As I continued to pack his things, I realized how much Warrick had enriched my life and how empty I would feel once he was gone.

When Nick came to pick up Warrick's belongings, he kept apologizing. I told him that he had no reason to apologize.

"But Grissom, I treated you terribly when Warrick was in the hospital. I wouldn't even let you see him!" Nick exclaimed.

"You did what you felt was best for Warrick, Nicky. I think you were probably right anyway. He didn't need me around; he needed his rest so he could heal."

"I'm still sorry, Griss. I should have been a better friend to you."

"Warrick is your best friend Nick; I would have been more upset if you hadn't done what you needed to make sure Warrick was safe. In keeping his best interest in mind, you were a better friend to me than you know. So stop beating yourself up, me and you are fine. Okay?"


"Good, now get outta here."

"Yeah, I guess I better get going," Nick said as he turned to leave, the last box of Warrick's stuff in his hands. "Gil, I'm really sorry things turned out this way, I really wish you guys could have worked it out."

"Me too, Nicky. Me too," I replied as I shut the door behind him.

Nick's POV

When I walked out of Gil's apartment, my heart was heavy. The only time I had seen Grissom looking so sad was the night Rick broke up with him. I knew it was coming, but there was nothing I could do about it.


I had only just hung up with Gil ten minutes before, when Warrick's nurse called me on my cell. "He's awake," was all I heard before I jumped in my Tahoe and raced to the hospital. I knew I should call the others and tell them, but I had to make sure he was okay. It might have been selfish, but I couldn't help it. When I reached the hospital, I parked and ran to Rick's room. The doctor was just leaving when he saw me. "Mr. Stokes, he's fine. There was need for you to rush so quickly."

Breathless, "Well, when I receive a call….saying my best friend… is awake… you bet your ass I rushed."

Laughing, Dr. Thompson replied, "Well, I guess that's understandable. Anyway, Mr. Brown is doing well. He is still breathing on his own and his vitals are strong. He is a fighter; otherwise he wouldn't have been able to make it this far. His body has been through a lot so he needs his rest."

"How long before he can be released?"

"That all depends on Mr. Brown. If he continues to progress at his current rate it will be about two weeks at the very least."

"Can I see him?"

"Yes, but not for too long. Like I said he needs his rest and not too much excitement."

"Thanks, Doc," I said before entering Warrick's room. I stood there watching him as he slept, watching the rise and fall of his chest.

"You gonna stand there staring at me all day, or are you gonna say something?" Warrick asked, opening his eyes, with a slight smile on his lips.

Not missing a beat I replied, "I was just waiting for you to stop playing possum." Pulling up a chair beside his bed, "How are you buddy? You had us all scared shitless."

"Chest hurts like hell, but the meds are helping with that. Sorry about scaring you didn't mean to."

"Don't worry about me; it's not your fault you're here. Man! Everyone's gonna be so happy when they hear you're awake."

"Yeah, especially Sara, she'll be thrilled."

"She was arrested Rick. Jim and Cath found the man that shot you and he fingered her as his accomplice. All the evidence we have proves it."

"I told you. Who was the shooter anyway?"

"I told you I believed you. Anyway, it was Hank Gribbs, Holly's brother. He blamed you for her death, and with Sara's help, he almost killed you to get his revenge."

"Holly's brother? Well, I guess he let his hatred for me grow for years how, not that I blame him. I still blame myself sometimes, but Jim has been helping me get over it as much as possible. How did he meet up with Sara?"

"Rick, we can talk about that when you get more of your strength back, right now you need to rest."

"Yes, mom. Anyway, where is everyone? I thought people would be busting at the seams to see me," Warrick replied with a smirk.

"Conceited much? I haven't called anyone yet, I just rushed over here as soon as I got the call. I was gonna call them as soon as I saw for myself that you are okay."

"Well, could you do me a favor? Call Gil first, I need to talk to him before I see anyone else. Can you do that for me?"

Sensing by the furrow in Warrick's brow that his conversation with Gil wasn't going to be pleasant, I said, "Warrick, now is not the best time for you to talk to Gil, you know what happened last time. We almost lost you. Wait until you get stronger, then you can talk to him, please."

"Nick, you are my best friend, so I know you are trying to do what's best for me. But I have to talk to Gil as soon a possible. If you won't call him for me, I'll have a nurse bring me a phone, and I'll do it myself."

Groaning in frustration, "Stubborn ass. Okay Rick, I'll call Gil, but after you talk to him, promise me you will get some sleep, please."

"I promise. Now go!"

Holding up my hands in mock surrender, "Okay, okay. I'm going!"


When I arrived at the lab, everyone was back to work. Greg saw me coming down the hall and made a beeline for me. "What's up Nick?"

"Nothing much." I know I promised Warrick, but I couldn't help myself, besides Greg wouldn't tell anyone. "Just that Warrick's awake."

"Really?!" Greg squealed.

"Keep your voice down. Yes, really, he just woke up and he's doing fine, but he still has a long road to recovery ahead of him."

"Sorry, I'm just glad he's gonna be okay. I've missed you since he's been sick. I know it's selfish, but maybe know you can spend sometime at home instead of the hospital."

Pulling Greg into the locker room, I looked around before stealing a kiss. "I'm sorry, but I've missed you too. And my back missed our comfy bed," I said as I stretched, hearing the popping of my protesting back.

"Well, maybe if you're good, I'll give you a massage."

"When, am I not good? Even when I'm bad, I'm so good at it," I said with a lick of lips.

"Don't do that! I have six more hours of work, and it's gonna be a little difficult to concentrate with all the little dirty images you are putting in my mind."

Kissing him again, "Sorry, but I promise to make it up to you. Where's Gil?"

"Thanks, that's a great way to kill the mood. He's in his office, why do you ask?"

"Warrick wants to see him. And before you say it, I know. I told Warrick it's not a good idea, but he insisted. Said if I didn't he would do it himself. Knowing him, I don't doubt he would. So, here I am. I'll see you in a bit," I said as I turned to leave. "And Greg? Don't tell anyone that Warrick's awake. He wants to talk to Griss first before he sees anyone else."

"It's my little secret. See ya later, Nick."

Closing the door behind me, I headed to Gil's office, knocking quietly. "Go away," is what I got in response. Peeking my head in, I saw Gil rubbing the bridge of his noise. Before I could say anything, Grissom said, "Nick, I don't feel like discussing it right now. I know Warrick was right, and I know I should have listened to him. I just don't have the energy to deal with your guilt trip and mine at the same time."

I know I didn't deserve his patience, considering how I had treated him during the entire ordeal, so I simply told him "Warrick's awake," before closing the door and walking away.

Moments later, I heard Grissom's hurried footsteps down the hall. By the time he reached the exit, he was running. 'Too bad he doesn't realize what he's running to.'

I reached the hospital just in time to prevent Grissom from throttling the on duty nurse. "I need to see him!"

"I'm sorry sir, but Mr. Stokes hasn't added you to the approved list of visitors and at this time Mr. Brown is not allowed to make that decision."

"Whoa, whoa! It's okay , ma'am. He can see Warrick, I just forgot to put him on the list."

"Okay sir, if you say so. Just as long as he doesn't upset Mr. Brown, it's fine."

"He won't. Come on Griss." I lead him to Warrick's room, then left him and returned to the waiting room. As I waited, I could only imagine what was happening in that room. Before he was shot, Warrick had told me how it seemed Gil was looking for any reason to push him away. Sara's actions didn't help and neither did Gil's obvious lack of trust in him. I always wondered if Gil had done so on purpose, you know pushing Warrick away. There had to be a reason for the sudden unwavering belief in Sara. Leaning against the waiting room, I hoped that whatever it is, Gil could make it up to Warrick. Everyone always spouts off about how much Warrick helped Gil. What no one seemed to notice was just how much good Gil did for Warrick. He wasn't as hot-headed as he once was, he was a lot happier, and he was more relaxed. I know I hadn't been exactly rooting for Warrick/Gil lately, but that was just anger and fear talking. Gil was right for Warrick, they complimented each other in a way I never thought possible.

I looked up when I saw Gil coming out of the ICU area. He was crying! I hadn't seen many men cry in my life, not including myself, and Gil was the last person I ever expected to see tears from. He didn't even acknowledge my presence, just walked right out of the hospital, tears streaming down his face. I immediately called Catherine and told her what happened. She of course promised to rip me apart for not telling her Warrick was awake, but I told her that Gil needed her right away. She hung up with me, telling me she was heading to his condo.

Turning my phone off, I slipped it into my pocket, and headed to Warrick's room. The sight I saw upon entering broke my heart. My best friend was lying on his side, facing the wall opposite the door, trying to control his sobs. Moving closer to the bed, I could hear the soft cries coming from him. I moved the chair from earlier around to the other side of the bed, and sitting down I reached my hand out, squeezing Warrick's hand. That's all it took, and he broke down in my arms, with heart wrenching sobs. I had never seen Warrick so broken, not even after his Gram's died. Yeah, he cried but I had never seen the pain on his face that I saw then. He really loved Gil and it was killing him not to be able to be with him. His sob's became more uncontrollable and his blood pressure began to rise. Pushing the call button, I waited for the nurse to come into the room. Holding my friend in my arm, I asked her if she could get the doctor and explain what was going on. She nodded, leaving the room quietly. Dr. Thompson entered the room just as quietly, upon seeing Warrick, he pulled out a syringe, and emptied its contents into Warrick's IV. "What's that?" I asked.

"A mild sedative, it will help to calm him down. He should be fine tomorrow."

As Warrick's cries got softer, I asked the doctor, "Are you sure? I've never seen him like this."

"Yes, he should be fine. There's nothing that we can do for what he's feeling right now. Heartbreak has to mend on its own," Seeing my look of confusion, he clarified, "The nurse described to me the gentlemen that was here before his breakdown. Mr. Grissom I believe. From what happened before, I gathered that they are, were, in a relationship. It would seem to me that one of them ended it today. So like I said, heartbreak must heal on its own. All you can do is to be there for him when he needs you to be."

"Thanks, Dr. Thompson."

"I'll send the charge nurse in with a blanket for you Mr. Stokes, goodnight."

"Goodnight Doc."

The next morning, Warrick was very quiet, barely touching his food. When Catherine and Greg came by he perked up a little, but not much. They didn't stay long, knowing the reason for his despondency. Warrick, being the good friend he is, told me to go home. "Go home, Nick. Greg probably misses you, ain't that right Greggo?"

"Not really, he hogs the covers. He can stay here as long as he wants. See ya, Rick."

With a small smile on his face, Warrick replied, "See ya Greg. Bye Cath."

Catherine leaned over, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek, "See you later Warrick." As she passed me on the way out, she whispered in my ear, "Take care of him Nicky, he needs you," before placing a kiss to my cheek and heading out the door. Greg squeezed my hand, gave me a nod of understanding, and followed her out the door.

Taking my vacant seat next to his bed, I gently squeezed Rick's hand. "How ya doing buddy?"

"I miss him, Nicky. I didn't think it would hurt this much, but I feel like a piece of my heart is missing."

"I won't tell you I know how it feels, 'cause I don't. All I can say is that it will get easier with time. I'll be here if you need me, you know that."

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Name it."

"Can you pick my things up from Gil's place?"

"Are you sure you want to do that Rick?"

"No, but I have to. It's over between us. As much as this hurts, nothing can compare to the way it felt to see his lack of trust in me day in and out. Believe me, there is no chance I will go back to him."

"If you're sure. Do you want me to call him?"

"No, I'll do it. Might as well get used to talking to him, I will have to see him when I go back to work."

I sat there as he used the phone, his voice emotionless as he arranged for me to pick up his things the next day. After he hung up, he rolled onto his side, facing away from me, and went to sleep.

I sat there and watched my friend and prayed that things would work out somehow.

The next day, as I left Gil's house, I prayed that prayer again. The despair in Gil's eyes was unbearable, but I didn't know what to do.


Catherine's POV

When Sara and Hank reached a plea deal I was happy. I don't think Warrick or Gil could have handled it. Luckily Warrick has had Nick and Greg to help him. They were by his side during the aftermath of his breakup with Gil, picking up the pieces, and slowly putting him back together. He stayed with them for a while after he was released from the hospital, before moving into his own apartment. They helped him get settled in, staying nights, although he hadn't asked them to. Warrick was uncomfortable staying alone, mostly due to the thing with Sara, but also because he was used to having someone around after being with Gil for so long. Eventually he got used to it, and Nick and Greg stopped staying over, except for the occasional time when they had too much to drink and he wouldn't let them drive home. So they slept in his guest room.

Gil on the other hand is a different story. As I enter Gil's office, I find him sitting there quietly doing a crossword puzzle. He looks terrible; the last two months have definitely taken a toll on him. He's lost weight, and he rarely does anything outside of work. He hasn't even ridden a rollercoaster in all this time. Believe me; I actually went down to that damn place to see if Gil had been there. His friend told me he hadn't seen him in months. That was the last straw. Instead of going home after my shift, one of the few in a long time that wasn't a double, I went to Gil's office. "Get up off of your ass and go get your man, Gil!"

Looking at me startled, he replies, "Catherine, I realize you are trying to help, but Warrick made his choice. He doesn't want me."

Sitting down in front of his desk, "Dammit Gil! Even Sara was willing to fight for you. Are you saying Warrick deserves less than that? How can you sit here and let your man go off with someone else without putting up a fight?"

"Warrick's seeing someone? Who?"

"Oh, now you're interested?"

"Please Cath, just tell me."

"Okay. He hasn't been seeing him for long, but I know he has been dating a fireman named Jeff Swanson. All I know is that if you want your man, you better go after him before it's too late."

"If Warrick's dating someone, he has obviously moved on. You should too."

"You know what Gil? As your best friend, I have one thing to say. You are an idiot! No wonder Warrick broke up with you, you couldn't get a clue even if it was put on display in Neon signs. Warrick wants you to fight for him. After you didn't stand by him over the Sara debacle, you think it's gonna be easy? Well, it's not! You are going to have to fight for him. He doesn't trust you Gil, with good reason. You had better give him a damn good reason to even consider giving you another chance!"


"No, Gil. I don't want to hear any excuses. Warrick loves you, and for whatever reason, he still loves you. He is only seeing this Jeff guy on the rebound, but that's now. How long do you think that's going to last? If you keep on waiting for him to come back to you, you will be waiting for the rest of your life. Warrick is a great catch, if he wasn't gay, I would go after him myself. Having said that, there are some men out there that would love to have a prize like Warrick for themselves and if you keep waiting around, they are going to get him. Think about this long and hard, before you let the best thing that ever walked into your life go!"

With that, I walked out of his office leaving a stunned Gil Grissom staring after me. I love them both, and Gil is my absolute best friend, but he can be so oblivious at times! Hopefully that little tirade of mine will be the wake up call he needs.

Jim's POV

"Why don't you give him a call?"


"Don't act stupid Gil, you're no good at it. I'm talking about Warrick. I have been talking to you for the last 20 minutes and you haven't heard a word I said. Plus, you've been holding that damn ladybug statue he gave you since I started talking. Call him, it's obvious you want to."

"Have you been talking to Catherine?"

Confused, I reply, "Catherine? No, I haven't spoke with her since I worked that case with her at the Montecito the other day. Why?"

"She came into my office and told me to get off my ass and fight for Warrick."

"Maybe you should listen to her. Look Gil, I know that it's hard to swallow your pride and apologize for what you've done. But I have also learned that forgiveness can lead to great things. Look at my relationship with Warrick. We started off in the worst way, but we rose above our differences, and we are better for it. I love him like a son, and I knowhe loves me. He loves you too, he's just hurt."

"I apologized to him Jim, he said he forgave me, but he still broke up with me."

"Gil, you always say follow the evidence, the evidence doesn't lie. What exactly do you think the evidence is telling Warrick? You apologized sure, but words are just that, words. You haven't fought for him, mad no drunken tirades for his love in the middle of the night. Hell, Gil you hardly speak to him at work. The evidence is speaking loud and clear. It says, 'Warrick, I don't love you. It was a mistake I ever got together with you. You are not worth fighting for.' At least that what it says to Warrick." Turning to face my friend, "Gil, look at me. Warrick needs you. You need him. Not to sound like a scene from Jerry Maguire, but you guys complete each other. So get up off your ass and fight for your man!"

"How do I do that?"

"I don't know, you have to figure that out for yourself. Think about the one thing that you know Warrick wanted from you when you were together, that you couldn't give. Then give it to him. That's the only advice I can give you."

"Thanks Jim, for everything."

"Hey what are friends for? Now, I've got to get home, my bed is calling me. You gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Goodnight Jim."

"Goodnight Gil," I say as I walk out of Gil's condo into the sunlight. Hopefully Gil will take my advice and prove to Warrick that he loves him. Warrick may be saying he doesn't want Gil back, but the evidence is speaking loud and clear. Putting on my shades, I get in my car, and drive home.

Gil's POV


By the time you read this letter, I have at least let you know that I can no longer be in a relationship with you. Most likely I left a lot of your questions unanswered. You probably have no idea why this has happened. As sad as that is, I know you. So here is a brief explanation.

Over the course of our relationship I tried to over look some of the things you did as just part of you being you. I can understand that you like your privacy, which is why I never pushed you to tell our friends about our relationship. Catherine already knew, and Greg probably had figured it out after that time in your office. He might not have caught us kissing, but they way he avoided my eyes every time I tried to talk to him that night pretty much told me everything. It came out eventually but I think we should have told Jim and Nick sooner. Good thing Brass and Nick took it in stride. So I let that slide, no need to dwell on what I couldn't change. I even understood that sharing your emotions with me is hard; I have the same problem occasionally. So I never held that against you because I understood it. I know you love loved me, you always showed me in the little ways, even if you couldn't say it very often.

Then there's Sara. She has been a constant thorn in my side from day one. First it was only because she hated the thing with Holly, which I could understand a little. She was only doing her job, and our relationship as coworkers began on the wrong foot. I was able to put that aside and keep things between us professional. It only escalated when she discovered our relationship. Remember the day I told you Sara had seen us in the locker room? You were horrified, afraid that she would out us to Ecklie. I told you she wouldn't, that would mean she had to acknowledge that we were actually together, which would eliminate any possibility of her getting together with you. You told me I was being crazy, that Sara wasn't interested in you. Then she asked you out, and you were dumbfounded. You let her down gently, thinking that was the last of it. I told you later what happened between me and her in the break room, the threats she made. I admit, it was inappropriate for me to confront her at the lab, but it didn't excuse her behavior. I know it must have been a shock learning about us, but having the nerve to ask you out afterwards? I told you about her threat when we got home, which you again said was ridiculous, that she couldn't have really meant it. I agreed, feeling that it was simply her anger talking. Then things started to happen every time I worked with her. Evidence mysteriously disappeared, only for her to discover it later. Notes and presentations were deleted from my computer before my appearances in court. I told you I suspected it was Sara, but again, you refused to believe she was capable of it. The only time you believed that she had done anything was when Greg backed me up. Even then you just said it was a miscommunication, so once again, not really serious. Then you had the audacity to tell me that unless I took sometime off to get my head straight, you would restrict me to lab duty only! I left that night, completely bewildered that you could think so little of me. As I lay in that hotel bed, I reflected on our relationship.

When everything happened with Holly you sacrificed everything, your reputation, your peer's respect, and your career, all to stand by me. I think I fell in love with you at that moment; the devotion you showed me was like nothing I have ever experienced from anyone other than my grandmother. After that I made it my mission to prove my worth to you. I worked hard and we even became friends. I had only wanted to earn your respect, but gaining your friendship was a bonus. Then you opened up to me and confided that you were scared to be alone in your home since your hearing had started to get worse. I wanted to alleviate that fear so I decided to stay at your house until you had your surgery. The look of shock on your face was worth the possibility that you might slam the door in my face. But you didn't and we grew closer in that week and the three days after you were released from the hospital. We worked together more often, took breaks together, and you laughed at my jokes, even the lame ones. Then that morning after breakfast, you asked me back to your place for coffee, I took a chance and kissed you. I held my breath until I felt you kissing me back. Today is the first time I have ever regretted taking that chance.

Gil, I don't know what I have done to make you lose faith and trust in me. Whatever it is, I wish I could change it, but I can't. If love, trust, and devotion to you are not enough to earn your trust in me, then I am sorry. I can no longer make myself crazy with trying to please you. You have told me repeatedly that you have no interest in Sara, and while I believe you, I don't believe you can love me the way I need you to. I deserve better than that. As much as I love you, I realize it's not enough. So, as much as it tears my heart apart to do this, I have to. It's over Gil.



That's the letter Warrick wrote me after our argument. I have read it several times since our breakup, but today it strikes a chord with me that I hadn't felt before. As I wipe the tears from my eyes and fold up the letter, I know what I must do.

Getting in my car, I think about what my friends said. Catherine and Jim are right, I have to fight for Warrick. My betrayal cannot be forgiven by mere apologies. I have to show Warrick just how much I love him. I have tell him exactly how much he means to me.

Pulling up to the jewelry store, I take off my shades, before going in. I look around at all of the display cases, waiting until my eyes land upon just what I am looking for. "I'll take that one," I tell the saleslady.

"Great choice sir. Would you like to add an inscription?"

"How long does it take before it will be ready?"

"Two weeks, with an additional fee of $30 dollars. Three days if you want it rushed, which costs and assitional $75."

"Put a rush on it."

"Okay sir, I'll put a rush on it. You can write down what you would like the inscription to read on this form, give as detailed a description of what you want as possible, so our engraver can be accurate. Don't forget to include your contact information, in case we need to contact you for any reason," she said handing me a form.

I quickly fill in the correct information, while she rings up my purchase. Handing the form over, she hands me back my credit card and receipt, "Thank you, have a nice day."

"You too, sir."

I pull my cell phone out of my pocket as I get into my car, turning the air conditioner on.


"Catherine, its Gil. I'm trying to take your advice but I need your help. Can you meet me at my house after your shift?"

"Sure, I'll be there."

"Thanks Cath," I say before hanging up. I know Jim's gonna be pissed, but it was his idea too, so I pull out of the jewelry store parking lot and head to his house.

Once I get to his house, I rush up to his front door. Knocking loudly, I hear him curse as he makes his way to the door, "I'm coming!" Swinging the door open forcefully, "Gil? What the hell are you doing here this early shouldn't you be asleep, I know I was."

"Well, too bad. Put on a pot of coffee, we've got work to do."

Greg's POV

I don't know why he choose me, I just know Gil called and asked me to rush over to his house. I didn't question it, as it is the first sign of life he has shown in two months, and I'm curious as to the change. That's how I find myself here at a restaurant with Warrick, instead of at home asleep, where I would rather be. Don't get me wrong, I want to help Gil, but why did he have to choose my one off day for his little… whatever. I don't even know what's going on, he would only give me instructions as to what he was doing. Once he assured me he wasn't trying to hurt Warrick, I agreed to help him. If this meant that him and Warrick would at least be on speaking terms, who am I to argue?

"Greggo, you look a little nervous. What's up?" Warrick says, staring at me intently.

"Nothing, I just feel a little funny all dressed up."

"So, why did you ask me to such a fancy place?"

"Well, Nick was complaining about us never going out to fancy places, so I thought I would try this out first," I lie. Nick hates getting dressed up to go out to eat. 'I'm a beer and barbecue kinda guy, G. Who needs a suit to eat that?' he always tells me.

"Why did you invite me instead of Nick?" Warrick asks, taking a drink from his wine glass.

"Well, I wanted to try the food out first, before I bring Nick here. It's our three month anniversary next week, and I want to take him somewhere special. It would kinda ruin the mood if the food sucked, right?"

Laughing, Warrick replies, "Yeah I guess so. When are we gonna eat anyway?"

As if on cue, the waiter brings over our meals at that moment, in covered trays, "I ordered for us, I hope you don't mind. It's Nick's favorite meal and I wanted your opinion."

"Well, let's dig in then."

"Go ahead and start without me. I'll be right back," I say, leaving the table before Warrick can protest. My part of the plan is complete, so I am free to go home and collapse into my bed. Once I get these damn clothes off!

Warrick's POV

Something's up, I can feel it. Greg's always very animated, but never this nervous. And I know Nick hates fancy places like the place Greg has bought me to. Greg knows this, I'm sure of it. But I'll humor him.

Eating dinner with him is better than the alternative: sitting at home watching some idiotic sitcome or going out on a date with Jeff and comparing him to Gil the whole time. 'Gil doesn't hold his fork like that,' Gil doesn't laught like that', Gil's smile is so much sexier.' I drive myself comparing everyone I date to Gil. It's been hell since we broke up, especially since he won't even look at me. aS hard as I knew it would be, I had hoped we could at least be friends.

'Where the hell is Greg?' I think as my stomach growls. Looking around, I see he is no where to be found. 'Forget it.' I think before lifting the top on my tray. Instead of food, I find a letter. The envelope simply reads: To Warrick.

'What the hell?' I think as I open the letter. As soon as I begin reading it, I recognize the handwriting. It's from Gil.


Hopefully after you have read this letter you will have a different opinion of me and my feelings about you.

You are one of my closest friends and these months without your friendship have made me realize what a fool I am. You accepted me from day one, bugs and all. You are the only one I have ever shared my passion of riding roller coasters with. While others may know about it, you are the first I ever actually took on a roller coaster ride with me. I could tell that you were uncomfortable, but you did anyway. For me. That was the first time someone had thought about me instead of themselves. It might seem like a nothing gesture to you, but it meant more to me than mere words can describe. The thing with Holly was just a natural response for me. I can admit, I might not have done the same thing for another CSI, but you have always been special to me. From the day I met you, your warmth and openness has appealed to me. I acted out of merely selfish reason during the Holly case. The thought of firing you was painful to say the least. I couldn't imagine working at the lab without you being there. You kind and gentle presence was something I always looked forward to.

Then one night, I confided in you that I was afraid to be home alone since my hearing had been worsening. That alone told me how much I trusted you. I hadn't even told Jim or Catherine about how scared I was, and they were the best friends I had. Al was one of the first to know about my hearing loss, and I didn't even tell him that little bit of info. As much as my confession stunned me, nothing surprised me more than to open my front door and find you standing there. I couldn't believe that you would rather sleep on my uncomfortable couch, at least for a man of your height, just to keep me from being scared. You might not know this, but your display of friendship brought tears to my eyes. Remember me excusing myself soon after your arrival? Even though you said I didn't have a choice, I know you would have left if I had asked you to. What amazed me is that, being uncomfortable around others my entire life, I truly wanted you to say. I don't think anything or anyone could have made me ask you to leave that night. You stayed with me before the surgery and afterwards. I would have loved for you to stay longer, but my guilt over your uncomfortable sleeping conditions made me tell you to go home. You protested, but I insisted and you finally went home. I couldn't sleep at all that night, but I was happy that at least you were getting a good night's sleep, even if I wasn't. Then things between us escalated. We became friends, something I never expected. Before, I had always felt that our friendship was born out of necessity. I thought the only reason you were being so friendly towards me was because I was your boss. After the surgery I realized that it wasn't true. You really wanted to be my friend, something that astounds me even now. The morning you kissed me will always stand out in my mind as one of the best moments in my life. It was unexpected, but as soon as I realized it was not just my imagination, I kissed you back. That morning was amazing, you were so attentive and gentle with me, and I have never experienced a lover like you. You never asked for more than I could give, even though you probably should have. I used my need for privacy to keep our relationship secret, even from our closest friends. There was no reason for us not to tell them, just my insecurity. I had always felt that our relationship was destined to be short-lived, so I felt that the less people that knew about it in the first place, the better. I guess I was right, as much as I regret it.

My insecurities made me push you away. I really didn't think that Sara was capable of the things she did, but that doesn't excuse my behavior. I should have known that you would never come to me with your suspicions unless you were sure. You have never lied to me, even if you thought it was better I not know. I let my demons from past relationships get in the way of our relationship. The thing with Sara was just a good excuse for me to push you away. I have never had anyone love me as completely as you. Every time I have ever had something going good in my life, it was always snatched away. That left me afraid of everything that was happening in our relationship. We were so happy; I just knew something would happen to take that away. I pushed you away trying to protect myself from the pain of losing you. I didn't realize that no matter how I lost you, it would hurt just as much, maybe more.

Warrick, I am sorry if I made you feel as if I didn't respect you or trust you. Nothing could be further from the truth. The situation with Sara made me realize just how big a mistake I had made. If she still thought there was even a remot possibility of a relationship between us, then I hadn't been aggressive enough in showing her that there wasn't. It also meant that I wasn't showing you enough either. I never meant to hurt you, and I hope that one day you can forgive me. I hope you can find someone that can love you the way you deserve, you are worthy of nothing less.

I Love You Always,


As I wipe the tears from my eyes, someone hands me a handkerchief. I look up to see Gil staring down at me.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"May I?" he gestures to Greg's seat. I nod to him and he takes the seat. "Did you read my letter?"


"Do you believe what I said in it?"

"I don't know Gil. You hurt me in a lot of ways, I don't know if I can trust you not to do that again."

"I understand. Warrick, I am not asking for you to let me back into your life. I would love that, but that's not what this is about. Everything I said in that letter is true. I love you. I don't know why I pushed you away. The only explanation I can give you ise fear and ignorance. I was afraid that what we had would be taken away. I have never felt a love for anyone in my life like I feel for you. I have always been insecure Warrick, it's one of my many faults. I have been in past relationships, some I thought would last forever, but eventually they ended. The love dwindled, they became uniterested, or I did,and we drifted apart. I was afraid that would happen to us."

Taking my hand in his, Gil continued, "I pushed you away, and I'm sorry for that. Our problems began before Sara and my standing behind her didn't help at all. I used her as a scapegoat for the problems in our relationship and it almost cost you your life." I watch as the tears begin to fall from his eyes, "When I heard that you had been shot, I didn't know what to do. I felt like my entire world had crumbled down around me and there was nothing I could do. Then I got the hospital and they said you would be okay. When you said Sara tried to kill you I couldn't believe it. Instead of standing by you, I let old habits take place. At the time I couldn't understand why I did what I did. I know now that I acted out of fear. The blinding pain I felt when I thought you had been killed scared me. I had never known it was possible for me to feel so strongly for anyone, Warrick. In an act of self-preservation, I pushed you away yet again. I guess I felt that if I pushed you away, I could protect myself from ever feeling that pain again. Then you crashed, and basically died before my eyes."

I watch as he takes deep breaths, trying to keep his emotions under control so he can finish. After a few moments, he continues, "Rick, the time it took for the doctors to save you, although mere minutes, felt like years to me. All I could see was the pain on your face as you told me to get out, then your eyes as they glossed over and your body slumped down And I kept thinking over and over 'I killed him, I killed him!' I vowed then and there that if God brought you back to me, I would never doubt you again. Then the doctor come out and told me you were alive. He wouldn't let me see you, fearing I would be a detriment to your health. He was probably right. Two days later, I finally went home, to our home. I saw the letter that you had written me. As I read the words, I could feel and see the pain I had caused you. I am so sorry for that Warrick, I never meant to hurt you, please know that. Then, the same night Sara and Hank were arrested for your attempted murder, Nick told me you were awake. I couldn't believe it, even though I am not religious, I still thanked God that he had brought you back to me. Then when I came to the hospital, you told me it was over. I realized that no matter what, I had hurt you beyond repair."

Taking a sip of water, Gil continues, "When you requested a transfer to Swing, I knew it was truly over. So I began to distance myself from you, only talking to you when it was absolutely necessary. It was too painful for me to even be friends with you Warrick. Then Catherine and Jim made me realize something. I don't deserve you. I had betrayed you in the worse way possible, and then I didn't try to make it up to you. Yeah, I apologized, but without actions to back it up, what does that mean? Nothing. This brings me to why I am here."

Reaching into his pocket, Gil pulls out a small box, and looks at me. "Warrick, when we were together, I always had a problem with making our relationship public. You allowed me to do that, although I know that you still would have preferred to tell others about it. Now, I know we aren't together, but I want you to have this as a token of how I feel about you." He hands me the box, and leaves without any more words.

I open the rectangle box, and stare at a pair of engraved dog tags. As I read the inscription, I can feel the tears form in my eyes. The first inscription reads, "I am not the me I want to be without you." The second one is in French, "Mon piété c'est à vous." I sit there for a long moment, looking at the dog tags, noticing the initials below each inscription: G.G. It may seem like a small gesture, but it isn't. It means more to me than any words Gil could have said. I am overcome with emotion as I stare at Gil's token of love for me, tears flowing freely from my eyes.

"Sir, are you okay?" asks the waitress looking at me with concern.

"Yes ma'am, I am very okay. Just in love," I reply, before I get up and run after my man.

All of our problems might not be solved in one night, but at least it's a start. Love isn't perfect, and it doesn't need to be. For me love is a bow-legged, socially inept entomologist, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


***Translation: Mon piété c'est à vous - My devotion is to you