Title: Scars Are Beautiful
By: Ericalynn
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG
Summary: Drabble based upon “Scars Are Beautiful” by Paul Brandt.

The first brush of lips against skin produced a choked off sob. Large, warm hands ghosted over the trembling limbs, soothing and caressing with each gentle touch. Lips whispered words of promise and comfort next to his ear before they drifted away.

A moment later they were laying gentle, butterfly kisses against the untouched portions of Greg’s damaged back. And even as his back arched up the slightest bit into the soft touches, tears slipped down his cheeks, a breathy sob breaking loose from his chest.

“Shhh, its okay, baby. Don’t cry.” Nick’s lips were back to his ear again but his fingers kept up their work, gently pulling away the bandages. “You’re still beautiful.”