Title: Calling Back
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: I don't own them. They are owned by various executives, producers, studios and writers who have more lawyers on retain than I ever want to mess with. Not making any money and promise to return them....some day.
Summary: Tim makes a phone call and gets the wrong number.
Beta: Lynn (Janet)
Series: Escort Service, The Phone Call, The Meeting, Dinner, Dessert & Morning After
Genre: Slash
Challenge: Lover 100 - Horatio/Speed
Prompt: #46 - Healing
Word Count: 1514


Weeks had gone by and Horatio still hadn't received a phone call from Timothy. Of course it hadn't stopped him from researching the young man. He discovered that Dr. Timothy Speedle was a renowned Spinal Surgeon at Miami University Hospital. He also discovered that he was in the middle of an ugly malpractice suit. Once he had read over the whole case, he couldn't believe that anyone had taken it seriously. Tim had done nothing wrong, and this was a case of the parents looking to get money.

It irritated him that they were hell bent on destroying Tim, even to the point of taking their story to the press. He had watched as they cried on national television about the tragic loss of their all-star son who only dream was to be a doctor.

Horatio Caine snorted and began his own investigation into the matter. It seemed that the all-star son had a juvie record, mostly related to gang activity. He had asked Tripp about the young man. Frank had a few things to say about the kid, including the fact that the 'tragic' car accident that put him in the hospital had killed a mother and child in the other car. He had run a red light and was broadsided by the other car.

"Why the interest in this guy?" Frank asked over coffee.

"Read it in the papers and was curious," Horatio lied easily.

Tripp's eyebrow rose. "Horatio, how long we've known each other?"

"Since I was on the bomb squad." Caine looked up at him. "Why?"

"So I know when you're bullshitting me," he leaned back in his chair. "Now what the hell is goin' on?"

"Remember how I told you I get calls for that escort service?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Frank leaned forward. "Do I want to know?"

"Let's just say I've met Dr. Speedle," Horatio stood up and tossed his empty cup into the trash.

"Spare me the details." Tripp shook his head. "This isn't going to hurt you is it?"


"You're not going to do anything stupid?" he asked. "Wait, this is Horatio Caine, of course you are."

Horatio slipped on his glasses and gave Frank a wave goodbye. Frank Tripp resisted the urge to slam his head against the table, but only barely.

~ Hospital ~

Timothy sighed and slammed his head into his locker door. "Sugar."

"Hey Alexx," he lifted his head and smiled at her.

She stared at him, arms crossed, her motherly instinct telling her something was seriously wrong. "You look even more tired than before.”

"Hasn't been a good couple of weeks," he shrugged.

"You were quieter after your night off..." She frowned when Tim stood up and moved for the door. "Timothy Speedle you will sit down and tell me what is going on."

He turned and looked at her. "Fate fucking with me."

"Sit." She pointed to the bench.

"Tim? You in here?"

Doctor Speedle turned towards the newcomer. "Robert what brings you here?"

"Your case," he grinned widely. "It's been dropped."

Timothy frowned. "What?"

Alexx smiled brightly. "That's great. Did the judge finally see that it had no merit?"

"The Hendersons dropped it," Robert grinned. "When I pointed out that their sympathy levels would be shot to hell once I released new information I received, they decided it was in their best interests to drop the case."

"What new information?" Alexx asked.

"It seems that if their darling son had lived, he would have been charged with vehicular manslaughter." Robert shook his head. "He had run the red-light and was hit by the other car, killing a mother and her child."

"I remember that, they came in as DOAs." Alexx nodded. "It was shame, but I didn't realize it was the same accident."

"Add the fact the kid had a record and was reportedly running with gangs..." The lawyer growled. "They had the fucking nerve to go after Tim, claiming they had the perfect all-American son, when he was a hoodlum."

"Timmy, this good news..." Alexx turned to see the locker room empty. "Tim?"


Tim sat down on the park bench and watched the children play. Despite the malpractice suit being dropped it still didn't change the fact he had lost the kid on the operating table. William had still died because he wasn't good enough.

"Honey," Alexx sat down next to him.

"The situation doesn't matter, he still died..." Tim winced and backed away from the irate woman. "You hit me."

"I should have done it a while ago." She glared at him. "You are not God. You can't save everyone. You are only human. Don't try to be anything more than you are. I know you loved Andrew and it hurt to lose him, but your life is a testimony to how much you loved him. You have saved countless lives and he would be proud of you. William Henderson was a tragic accident. It doesn't matter why or how it happened - we are doctors and don't care about the how - it's our job to help those in need. You did all that you could to save him, but you can only do so much. I hate the Hendersons for making you doubt yourself. I understand hurting from the loss of a child, but not to the point of destroying something good because of your own grief."

"How did Robert get the information?" he asked.

"Seems a Lt. Caine from the Miami-Dade PD sent him the information. He had read about the story in the papers and remembered Henderson from one of his cases." Alexx informed him.

Tim stared at her in shock. "Horatio Caine?"

"You know him?" she asked, puzzled.

Timothy smiled and shook his head. "Yeah we've met."

"Well I'm glad, because it was his information that got them to drop that stupid lawsuit." Alexx leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "You don't have anything scheduled, and you're off for the weekend. Go relax."

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and stood up. "Thank you for believing in me."

~ Regency Hotel ~

Timothy looked down at the card in his hand; he took a deep breath and dialed.

'How may I help you?'

"I... I've never done this before." He closed his eyes, his heart hammering in his chest.

'It's okay.' The voice was warm and inviting. 'We all have needs. What are you looking for?'

"Someone tall, older, red hair..." Tim whispered.

'I've got the perfect person for you. Where do you want me to send him?'

"Regency Hotel, Room 897."

'He'll be there in the hour.'

Tim hung up the phone and stared at it, before checking to make sure he had dialed the right number, because with his luck he would have actually got the escort service. After checking and triple checking, he tossed the phone onto the dresser and poured himself a drink.

He really wasn't sure what the future held for them, but he knew that he had been happiest sleeping in Horatio's arms. He fixed a second drink to steady his nerves when a knock startled him. He glanced at his watch; it had only been thirty minutes. He set the drink down and opened the door.

Horatio was leaning up against the door, wearing a dark suit, his badge and gun in plain view. "Hi."

"Hi," Timothy opened the door. "I'm Dr. Timothy Speedle."

"Lieutenant Horatio Caine," he answered as he walked in.

"How does this work?" Tim asked as he handed Horatio a drink.

"How about dinner, and then we'll go from there." Horatio sipped his drink.

"Do you roleplay?" Timothy looked up at him a sly smile on his face.

Horatio set the drink down and pulled him into his arms. "I don't have to pretend to love you." He bent his head and took Tim's mouth into a deep kiss. Dinner was soon forgotten, as the two men became lost in each other. Horatio soon learned that Tim purred when he tickled the dragon's tail.

~ Months Later ~

Tim grabbed the phone as he walked into the kitchen. "May I help you?"

'I'm not sure if I'm doing this right...'

The brunette rolled his eyes. "You got the wrong number." He clicked the phone off and tossed it onto the counter. "You so need to change your number."

Horatio grinned as he set dinner on the table. "It brought you to me."

Tim gave him a deep kiss. "I love you."

"Love you, too." Horatio answered.

~ The End ~