Title: Cup of Coffee
By: nigaishin
Pairing: NickxGreg
Rating: PG
Betas: blackangel_life and redleaf0
Disclaimers: characters are not mine, nor is the song "Cup of Coffee" by Garbage.
Note: I can only guess an italian coffee pot's not something you can easily find in your typical american household. The family I lived with when I was staying in Toronto (ok, that's not in the US, but still) had one by mere chance and had no idea of how to use it. And no offense meant, but american coffee tastes weird. So I guess our Greggo might have one, since he likes coffee so much ;)

Nick knows just how much Greg loves his coffee.
His expensive, dark, rich coffee.

Last time Grissom snagged him a mug, Nick knew for certain it was a great thing that the guy was the boss and that Greg knew when to shut up.

He never, ever drinks the one their colleagues brew in the break room for everybody else. He's sure he's actually caught him glare at it a couple of times, while holding the safe cup of Blue Hawaiian coffee closer.

But it's not that he doesn't want to share. He just wants to be asked, mostly.

When they're at home, he's always the one bustling around the kitchen when it comes to the coffee.

But Nick also know there's a reason for that.

It took a cup of coffee to prove he loved him.

Greg drank it all. Didn’t make faces or anything until the last sip.

But after that, Greg never, ever wanted to see him within 3ft from a coffee pot again.

How was Nick supposed to know how an Italian coffee pot works, anyway?