Title: Found Out
Bt: girlnorth
Rating: PG
Keywords: Nick/Greg
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine
Challenge: CSI100 - Lost and Found
Word Count: 100, according to MS Word.
Seies: 1) Smashed, 2) Loose Lips, 3) Just Maybe


Nick searched frantically for his notebook. Black leather and spiral bound, he carried it everywhere. Not only did he use it for case notes, but it acted as kind of a journal as well. There were things written in there that he didn't want anyone else to read.

He mentally retraced his steps and realized that he put it down in the DNA lab. A feeling of panic overcame him as he considered the possibility of Greg reading what he had written. He sprinted to the lab and looked around. No notebook.

"Looking for this?" Greg asked from behind him.
