TITLE: From Now On
AUTHOR: Jaxson K.
DISCLAIMER: "I own nothing, just visiting friends....."
SUMMARY: The following is a drabble I wrote for Don and Mac.

Mac looked over at Don as they sat watching television. He was still amazed at just how deep his feelings for the dark-haired detective went. He had no idea how far this would go when they got together because it was so different from what he was used to.

Once he got his head wrapped around the fact that he definitely had feelings for Don, he wasted no time letting Don know. What surprised him even further was the fact that Don returned his feelings, and had done so for longer than Mac realized.

All Mac knew for sure as he looked at Don was that he liked how Don made him feel, and has liked that feeling for a while. He also knows that he wants to keep things this good from now on.