Title: Of Glasses and Geeks
By: weirdbagel
Rating: PG
Pairing: One-sided Sanders-Hodges flirting
Disclaimer: Don't own them... blah blah blah

"I... I don't." David protested, having only moments to adjust his glasses before the blond unloaded a large box into his arms.

"I really appreciate it, you know." Greg was already stomping up the spiral staircase.

David stared a moment, bewildered. He looked at the box in his arms. "KITCHEN" was written in thick, black marker across the top. He never had a box of kitchen stuff when he'd moved into his own apartment. In fact, he had very little things now. Everything was disposable; plastic and paper. He saw no reason for wasting money on clutter. This Greg character apparently thought otherwise.

"You coming?"

The voice startled him. He glanced up to the other man, who now peered over the railing of the second landing. Greg waited, expectantly, and David caught himself staring again. "Oh! I uh... Yeah." He blushed. Way to make an ass of yourself, Hodges, he chided himself, stepping carefully up the stairs. Alas, no matter how careful he was, those damned glasses of his continued to slip further and further down his nose. By the time he'd reached the landing, the frames were perched dangerously on the tip of his nose.

He must have looked quite ridiculous, looking cross-eyed at his glasses, eying them closely as he tried to negotiate the easiest way to adjust them. His nose wrinkled a little in frustration. Greg's stifled snort of a laugh drew him out of his personal conundrum; he blushed hotly. "Um..."

"Here..." Greg shook his head and shifted his own box into one hand, balancing it effortlessly as he reached to David's nose and gingerly shoved the glasses up along his nose into their rightful place.

"Thanks..." David mumbled, averting his eyes. God, this guy must have thought he was a complete geek.

"No problem."

David looked back to the smiling blond. And, oh what a smile that was. So bright and jubilant, even his eyes seemed to be smiling. David fidgeted, unsure of what to make of such a smile.

"My place is this way..." Greg directed with a nod of his head before turning to lead the way.

David hesitated only briefly this time, following shortly after the man in the dark green hoodie.