Title: He's Gone
By: Serenity
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Warning: character daeth
Summary: Angsty drabble written for the clothes challenge at livejournal.

I stand before the open closet, my head resting on the door as I survey the colourful array of clothes within. I need to find something suitable for the funeral, something somber. Even though some of the clothes are black, most have a picture of Marilyn Manson emblazoned on the front, and I don’t think people will see that as appropriate for a church service.

I know there’s a black suit in here somewhere. Finally, I unearth it, along with a white shirt and black tie, stuffed right at the back of the closet. “This will do.“ I say to myself, sighing softly. I close the door with a click and stand with the clothes in my hands for a moment, looking around the bedroom that we used to share.

His things are still here, he is still such a big part of my life. Except… he isn’t. He’s gone.

With a tear in my eye I open the closet again and pull out one of the Manson T-shirts. No one will know it’s under the suit. And Greg would have gotten a kick out of it. I fold the clothes neatly and leave for the undertakers, where they will dress the body of my lover for one last time.