Title: A Promise He'll Honor
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Gil Grissom
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 1, Clouds
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Gil Grissom, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Gil leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes, deep in thought.

Greg would be home any time now; it was just after eight in the morning, and his boyfriend would have had a long shift at work. He'd be tired, and ready for bed.

He had adjusted his schedule to Greg's, so that he stayed up all night working, and slept during the daytime, or the evening hours. It was a schedule that suited him; he had grown used to it when he was working at the crime lab, and it wasn't hard to revert back to those hours.

It felt as though his life had somehow gone back to what it had been like during those years he had been the head of the crime lab, and he didn't mind that at all.

Now that Greg was in his life, he felt happy and fulfilled.

He'd never had that kind of fulfillment in his life before, not when he was doing a job that he had loved, nor by being married to Sara.

Gil was sure that Greg felt just as happy and fulfilled as he did; after all, hadn't his boyfriend told him that he'd wanted them to be together from the time he'd first begun working at the crime lab? They had both carried a torch for each other for all those years.

And now .... now they were together, and the one thing that cast a dark cloud over their relationship was what had been done to Greg.

None of his assailants had been found yet; it was as though they had disappeared into thin air. Nothing had come of the few leads they'd had. It was like running into a brick wall.

It had been a complete dead end, and Gil had to admit that he was both frustrated and baffled by that fact. The men who had kidnapped and raped Greg were somewhere in Las Vegas, he was sure of it. But yet they had managed to cover their tracks completely.

They were the dark clouds on the horizon, the one thing that kept his relationship with Greg from being the perfectly happy union he so much wanted it to be.

Gil's hands clenched into fists, anger sweeping over him.

He would find those bastards. And he would make them pay for what they had done to Greg. He would put them behind bars, all of them.

Somehow, he would push all of those dark clouds that still hung over Greg away, make them back off, and make sure that his boyfriend's life was happy and without stress. He would bring Greg's attackers to justice, no matter how long it took, no matter what he had to do.

It was a promise that he intended to keep -- a promise made not only to Greg, but to himself. A promise that he would honor, one that he didn't make lightly.

He just wanted to get rid of those dark clouds for good.
