Title: Itchy Fingers
Author: Dee
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 784
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil Grissom and Nick Stokes.
Warnings: Fluff, AU and smutty-talking.
Spoilers: No.
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments. I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N: I read on a comms somewhere a discussion about Nick's nipples in last week's episode.....and this just popped up! I actually saw the epi last night and I'm afraid as much as I squinted I couldn't see Nick's nipples, or any part of Greg - doesn't mean they weren't there, I may need new glasses or maybe an HD telly...or probably both!

Nick caught sight of Gil just as he walked into the locker room. In the hope of spending just a few minutes with him before he had to go out to a scene he strode off down the corridor and as he entered the locker room saw the men's bathroom door still swinging.

So, a little small talk over a urinal; better than no talk at all, but as Nick entered the bathroom the urinals were empty and Gil was holding his hands under a running faucet at a sink.


"Nick, what do you want?" This was not the welcome he'd expected - an irritated Gil.

"I just wanted a quick word."

"In the john?"

"Why not....we've done it before? Why so mad, man?"

"Oh, I'm not."

"No." Nick plainly didn't believe him but then realised that Gil had continued to swill his hands under the running water. He wasn't soaping them and Nick noticed it was cold water. "What are you doing, Gil?"

A look that quite clearly said ‘what do you think I'm doing?' prefaced Gil's, "I'm cooling my hands down because I've got itchy fingers."

"Hey, you okay....did you spill something on them?"

"No I didn't, I'm fine."

"There must be something wrong, are you having an allergic reaction to something?" Nick was actually concerned now and wanted to see if he could help.

"That's most likely exactly what's happened." Gil was thawing a little and smiled at Nick.

"So what have you touched then - to make them like this?"

"I haven't touched anything; I think that's the problem."

"I don't understand...how can they be itchy from not touching something?"

"Quite easily I would say, having just experienced it."

"Gil, you're not making much sense here. Start at the beginning and tell me what happened."

"Okay. Well....I came to work after a particularly spectacular lovemaking session with my partner of some years. And, when we got to work and we were working in the lab - in scientific conditions I might add - I noticed that my partner had a tight shirt on and that his nipples were straining, hard and prominent against the cloth. They'd remained like that, I think, because of our previous lovemaking.....anyway I had this almost overwhelming desire to touch those hard little nipples, through the cloth...to rub my fingers over them; to gently tug at them with my fingers. And then, because my fingers were denied the experience, they started itching and I had no alternative than to leave the scene and cool down those itches with cold water. Is that sufficient explanation for you, CSI Stokes?"

"Well...I get what you're...." Nick stopped talking to smooth the cloth of his shirt over his nipples with both of his hands and the prominent little nubs of his nipples became very obvious again. "....saying....but they're not that...erect.....I mean it's been a few hours since you sucked them and licked them and nibbled them and rolled them between your fingers and then soothed them with the tip of your tongue...are they?" He was the picture of serious innocence.

"You cock teaser...we're at work." Gil hissed this out...but it wasn't an unfriendly ‘hiss', by any means.

"Oh, God...you haven't got an itch there have you? Man, you're going to have to put it under the cold water with those pesky fingers of yours." Nick was, naturally, very concerned for Gil's well being.

"Not under cold water Nick...heat, it needs heat, I think; it needs somewhere hot and tight to satisfy that itch."

"Got you. You mean an ass don't you, or maybe even a throat, in an emergency situation, of course?"

"You're getting closer to the mark now."

"I understand this particular problem entirely...but I do have another problem."

"You do?"

"Yeah....my boss...he's strictly forbidden any sort of fornication in the lab...stems from a few years back when there was a close encounter of the Ecklie kind, when only one unlocked storeroom door separated someone from being discovered on his knees with a subordinate's cock shoved down his throat. It was very nearly a scandal."

"Maybe your boss would be willing to relax his strict rules for a short engagement....after all it could be the boss's cock down the subordinate's throat this time?"

"And Ecklie's on vacation."

"A timely observation. The file store door has a lock and your boss has a key. Would the subordinate be willing to undertake such duties, do you think?"

"If my boss has an itch it would be my duty to scratch it....if he ordered me to do so."

"It would be a direct order and disobeying an order......"

"....is a serious matter."

"Exactly....two minutes?"

"He'll be there."

The End