Title: Light & Joy
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Nick Stokes
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 19, Light
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Nick Stokes, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Nick sat up in bed, rubbing at his eyes. He didn't know why he couldn't sleep; he wasn't uneasy about anything, and Greg hadn't woken with a nightmare. He had simply woken up and had been lying here for a while, his thoughts centered on Greg.

He looked down at the young man sleeping peacefully beside him, a small smile curving his lips. He loved watching Greg sleep; he looked so peaceful.

Fortunately, the nightmares he'd been having for the past few nights didn't seem to be attacking Greg tonight. He was sleeping quietly, though Nick knew that might not last for the entire night. If it didn't, then he was here to comfort Greg and soothe him back to sleep.

It was something he really didn't mind doing.

In exchange for the light and happiness that Greg brought into his life on a daily basis, soothing a few bad dreams didn't seem like much of a price to pay, Nick told himself with a smile. He really felt that he was getting the better end of the deal.

Did Greg even know what kind of happiness he'd brought into a life that had previously seemed lonely and empty? Before he and Greg had managed to find each other and tell the truth about how they felt, his life had felt like a wasteland.

Oh, he'd had his work and his friends, and he had tried to make himself feel as though his life had a lot of meaning. But at the center, it had been empty without Greg; he'd known all along that no one else would do, that Greg was the only one for him.

And now they were together. There were times when it didn't seem possible that one person could bring so much joy into his life, but Greg had. Just knowing that Greg loved him and wanted to spend his life with him was enough to make Nick feel invincible.

Greg was his soul mate. The one person he wanted to be with.

He knew that the light Greg brought into his life would never fade, and that he would never tire of basking in that light. Greg was everything to him; there would never be a time when his lover wasn't the center of his life, when he didn't take first place in Nick's heart.

Nick knew that he occupied the same space in Greg's heart, and he hoped that he brought just as much light and joy into Greg's life as Greg did to his.

With a soft smile, Nick lay back down again, turning over onto his side and sliding his arms around Greg. His boyfriend snuggled closer to him, reaching for Nick even in his sleep. Nick closed his eyes, feeling loved and soothed, safe and comfortable with Greg in his arms.
