Title: Linoleum
By: weirdbagel
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: David Hodges/Greg Sanders
Summary: Just a kooky lil ficlet...
PS: You guys HAVE to check out the song "Through the Glass" by Stone Sour. I think it is SUCH a David/Greg song!
Disclaimer: I'm currently sleeping on a very itchy floor in a cold room with no light... If that doesn't say "I don't own CSI or the song" I don't know what will.

"HELP! God, somebody! Help me!!" Came a shriek from the kitchen.

David Hodges rounded the corner, quite well-composed for the screams of utter horror filling the near-empty apartment. He looked down to see a very frustrated Greg Sanders sitting on the linoleum floor. The blonde was locked in a fierce struggle with a tape-gun and a very stubborn cardboard box. He had somehow managed to attach one hand to the top of the box while a huge streak of tape encircled his arm and across his back to the tape-gun in his other hand.

David twitched and considered just leaving Greg like that for a while. Greg looked up at him and pouted his best stranded-puppy pout, even going as far as to add a tiny whimper. David twitched again.

"I don't even want to know how you managed this." David sighed and kneeled down, tearing the tape a bit with his teeth before slowly begining to unravel his boyfriend.

"It's not my fault, the box just hates me." Greg groused.

"Greg, boxes don't hate."

"THIS one does! Look!" Greg dropped the tape-gun and held up his hand, revealing a long, shallow gash across his palm, and another up his thumb and ring fingers. "It fights back,"

"How did you... Nevermind..." David groaned, finally detaching Greg from the box. "I don't care." He stood and turned, stepping out of the kitchen as he shook a bit of tape off his hand.

"Aren't you gonna kiss it better?" Greg pouted again.

David turned back to Greg. "No."

"Oh!" Greg clasped his uninjured hand over his chest dramatically. "To be trapped in a loveless romance! To be wounded by my one and only! Leave me to parish! Leave me to wallow in the tears of unrequited love!" The blonde fell over the box over-enthusiasticly, feigning his own tragic demise.

David stared, raising a brow as he watched the weight of Greg's body slowly crush the poor, defenseless box. After a moment he once again kneeled next to his lover. "Real dead bodies don't breathe, Greg." The trace tech smirked and ruffled Greg's already messy hair.

Greg pulled himself up, grinning broadly. "Yes, but still..." He looked to his hand, then held it up a bit, his brown eyes pleading lovingly at his boyfriend.

David rolled his eyes and grabbed his wrist. " I really don't like you, you know that right?"

"It shows." Greg replied with a smile as David gently kissed his wounded palm.

David moved upward, catching Greg's soft lips with his own. Once again he proved that Greg could indeed do more with his mouth besides gripe. Greg more than willingly returned the kiss, sucking gingerly on David's tongue. The kiss is sweet and chaste, with only just enough underlying fire to make Greg's heart tremble and his cheeks grow warm. They broke reluctantly, though Greg immediately went to feverishly attack David's neck with his hot, hungry mouth.

"Greg..." David meant to stop the man, but his voice began to tremble and he had to swallow the nervous quiver first. This gave the other apt time to lick hotly at his throat, turning whatever sentence David had thought of into a lustful growl.

"Let's do it one last time..." Desire dripped sensuously off Greg's every whispered word. "For old time's sake?"

Fire flickered in his lover's dark, wanting eyes. Who was he to say no? David's lips curled into that smile he only reserved for Greg. His "I'm going to fuck you so hard." grin. Oh yes, Greg liked that one.

Chuckling evilly, Greg leaned back, using his hands to support himself. "You know, we have yet to break in your floor." He bit his lip seductively as David crawled over him.

"Our floor." David corrected him as he once again claimed Greg's lips and lowered his lover slowly onto the cool linoleum below.