Title: A Delicate Matter
By: goosie
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: David Hodges/Bobby Dawson
Warnings: None.
Status: 18 of 50 (csi50 challenge)
Summary: Bobby finally names his cat.

"So how are things with you and the fur ball?"

"Pretty good."

David Hodges smirked at the other man. He could practically hear the wheels turning in Bobby's head. The other man rolled his eyes and continued on his way to the kitchen. Bobby knew what he was going to ask before he'd even thought to open his mouth.

"And before you ask for the seventieth time-No, I haven't decided on a name for 'im."

David would have the man trained in no time.

"Jacqui thinks I should name him Maimer of Worlds, but he just doesn't look like a Maimer of Worlds to me."

David glanced over at the snoozing cat, its tail lazily flicked at the air. It had taken residence on an inch high stack of papers on Bobby's dinning room table.

"More like a Maimer of Shoes if my sneakers have any thing to say about it," Bobby went on half muttering to himself.

"I still think you should name him Lazerath." David said grinning. "You could call him Lazy for short. It seems to suit him."

Bobby chuckled at that. "Cats sleep a lot, Dave, I told you that. It's not like he's abnormal or anything."

"Bobby, he never moves. I've been around cats before-my mother had one-that's not normal. I mean, is he even breathing?"

"Of course he's breathing!" Bobby opened up the refrigerator and gathered the makings of a sandwich.

"You sure? Don't come crying to me when he starts stinking up the place. I don't do dead cat removal Robert Dawson, he's your problem."

"Don't worry, I won't ask. Besides, the food I put out for him keeps disappearing so he's definitely not starving. Obviously he moves. I don't know," He began. "Mia thinks I should name him Winchester. Y'know like the gun."

David made a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat.

"I could call 'im Chester for short. What'd you think, Dave?"

"I think you should name him Lazerath."

Bobby sighed. "You keep saying that but you haven't said why? Where the hell does that even come from anyway?"

"I keep saying it, because it's cool. And I heard it some where. I don't remember." David said gesturing wildly. "Anyway, you're dating me not Mia and I say you should name the lazy bastard, Lazerath."

Bobby rolled his eyes and handed David a sandwich taking a bite of his own. The two of them ate in silence for a bit before David spoke up again.

"You're going to name him Chester aren't you?"

Bobby grinned.

"Fine. Fine. When your cat claws his own throat out cause he can't go on living because you gave him a dorky name instead of a cool one, don't come crying to me."

"Aww, Dave. That's just mean." Bobby smiled. "Besides, you keep saying that but you know it ain't true. You'd baby me. You know it."

"You wish, Dawson. You'd have brought it on yourself."

Bobby just grinned wider and took another bite of his sandwich, nodding decidedly. "Chester." He said around a mouthful. "I like that."

Dave snorted and rolled his eyes. "Just so you know I'm not calling him, Chester. He'll forever be Lazerath to me."

Bobby laughed. "You're going to confuse the poor little guy."

"Why does it matter anyway? It's not like he'd move if I called him."

"David he moves. It's just not when we're around. He's mysterious."

"Mysterious my ass-more like narcoleptic. Isn't that right you lazy bastard!" he yelled at the still unmoving cat.

"Chester." Bobby corrected.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that."