Title: Paths Merge

Author: Bj Jones
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Various executives, producers and CBS own them. If I did – do you think Speed would be dead? I'm not making any money – and will return them back to the lab when I'm finished.
Pairings: Horatio/Speed (AU)
Summary: Two paths merge together.
Beta: The wonderful Calypso looked over this series for me.

Challenge: [info]au100 - CSI: Miami

Prompt: # 75 – Shattered
Word Count: 6069


Firm hands roamed down his chest, caressing, touching pulling a strangled moan from his throat. His head thrashed from side to side as words tumbled out of his mouth incoherent, he wasn't even sure if he was speaking English. A talented mouth followed the path of those previously talented hands. He moaned deep and guttural as something warm engulfed his hard cock. He arched into the warm touch moaning his name – a loud obnoxious sound broke through his haze of pleasure. Horatio groaned as he glanced over at the phone on the nightstand. He released his aching erection, as he reached for the phone.

"Caine," He answered his tone mildly irritated – he was having a pleasant fantasy, a very pleasant fantasy. Three months since he had seen Speed, three long months – he wasn't sure if he could make it a year. He was seriously tempted to call Judge Stella Withers and ask her about Speed's retirement fund and how he could contribute.

"Horatio, its Frank Tripp." Frank was always straight to the point. "I have a case and I think you need to be here."

"Frank," Horatio looked over at the clock. "It's three in the morning; night shift can take care of it."

"No, Horatio, you need to get down here," Tripp voice was firm there was no arguing.

"It’s not a member of my team is it?" Horatio sat up in the bed worried that one of his team had gotten injured.

"No, it's not the team," A pause from Frank. "It's about you."

Horatio sighed, "Where are you?" He wrote down the location on a notebook lying on the nightstand. "I'll be there in thirty."

"Make it twenty," Tripp stated as he hung up the phone.

Horatio groaned as he got out of the bed. He grabbed a quick shower, got dressed and was out of the house in ten minutes. He pulled up to one of Miami's top nightclubs seven minutes later, a record – he wasn't going to mention the half a dozen speed laws he had just broken. He saw Tripp standing by the front entrance with an unreadable expression on his face. Horatio eased out of the Hummer and walked up to the detective.

"Tripp," Horatio cocked his head to the side. "What's so important you dragged me out of bed at three in the morning?"

"This," Tripp handed Horatio his own business card.

Horatio looked down at it, "And?"

"That was in the pocket of a high priced hooker that just got the shit beaten out of him in the clubs back room," Tripp looked at Horatio. "I think you can understand how sensitive this can be."

Horatio took a deep breath, his hand gripping the card. "Is he okay?"

"He's on his way to County, he was beaten pretty badly, plus a gun shot wound to the shoulder." Tripp informed him. "No one saw or heard anything or didn't want to see or hear anything."

"Wake my team," Horatio voice was stern. "I want Ryan down at the hospital to process him. I want Eric and Calleigh to process the back room. You and I are going to talk to the patrons of this establishment. I want DNA and fingerprints from every person that was here when it happened." Horatio looked towards the club his hand still gripping the business card.

"Horatio," Tripp stepped in front of him. "If this gets out…"

Horatio looked at Tripp, his blue eyes cold and hard. "Wake my team."


Eric and Calleigh walked up to the club with their kits in their hands; they spotted Horatio talking with the clubs manager. Eric yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, Calleigh smiled at him, "late night?"

Eric just snorted, "Let's just say, I had just gotten to bed an hour before the call came from Tripp. Why are we working this?"

Calleigh shrugged, "Don't know."

Horatio walked over to the two, "Calleigh, Eric the scene is in one of the back rooms. The victim was attacked, beaten, and then shot. I sent Ryan over to County to process him when he gets out of surgery."

"He's still alive?" Eric asked a bit shocked.

"Strong will to live," Calleigh responded impressed.

"Process the room and see if you can figure out what exactly happened. So far no one saw or heard anything." Horatio's eyes swept over the room, his hands in his pocket. He held onto the business card with a strong grip, refusing to let go. He couldn't be at the hospital and at the moment that card was his only link to the man he loved.

"More like didn't want to get involved," Eric followed Horatio's sweep around the club. "H, this club caters to all types of clientele – do we know why the victim was attacked?"

"We won't know until we talk to the victim," Horatio looked away from them. "Something you should know." He dropped his eyes to the floor to take a deep breath, and then looked back up at them both. "The victim is a high priced escort, and he had my business card in his pocket."

"Planted?" Eric asked concerned, not sure were Horatio was going with this.

"No, I gave it to him." Horatio's mask dropped a look of vulnerability shown through, in a second it was back up and the Lieutenant was back in charge. "His name is Timothy Speedle; we crossed paths a time or two."

"Should you be working this case?" Calleigh asked her blue eyes full of question.

"Doesn't matter, I'm working it," Horatio responded back to her. "I want everything double checked no short cuts. We don't want to give any type of defense attorney a way out."

They nodded, "If you don't mind me asking." Calleigh paused for a moment not sure how to state her next question. She just couldn't fathom Horatio hiring, "How did you meet him?"

"Long story," Horatio grinned, a far away look in his eyes. "I'll give a formal statement later, if it becomes necessary." He paused then looked back at Calleigh, "Remember the guy you asked so insistently about at the banquet?"

Calleigh's mouth dropped, "HIM? Oh God. He was with…and you…" Her eyes were wide, placing the pieces together.

"Now you know why this has to be treated extremely careful," Horatio eyes bore into hers.

She nodded as she grabbed a shocked Eric and headed down the hallway. "I don't know what shocks me more," Eric commented as they walked. "Judge Withers or Horatio…"

"Or the fact Megan seemed to know him also," Calleigh pointed out. This was going to have some serious repercussions. She didn't know all the details but it could explain the tension between Horatio and Megan. Though she didn't know how Megan fit into the scheme of things.

"Oh, this is going to get dirty," Eric, moaned as they opened the door to the crime scene. "Damn, there's a lot of blood."

Calleigh looked around the room. It was one of the clubs private rooms -- a room that consisted of a couch, two chairs, and a coffee table in the middle. Rooms where patrons could go for privacy. No one asked what was going on inside the rooms, and as long as no one was injured or caught the owners didn't care. It was a well-known hidden fact that a patron could score drugs, sex, or any other illegal contraband in those backrooms.

The coffee table had been shattered with blood splatter surrounding the debris. One of the chairs had been turned over, the other slammed into the wall. The couch was in shambles, pillows torn and scattered. There was blood everywhere, on the floor, chairs, couch, and a pool by the far wall. "Let's get started, this is going to take a while." Calleigh set her kit down and pulled on a pair of gloves.


Ryan looked down at the young man in the hospital bed – he looked bad, really bad. His right eye was swollen shut, his jaw bruised, a deep cut along his hair line – Ryan had pulled a small piece of debris out of his hair. The dark hair was matted with blood and sweat as it lay in contrast against the white sheets and pillow. Ryan carefully maneuvered around the ventilator, heart monitor, and IV stands. He was able to get some skin and blood from under the victim's fingernails. He set the bruised hand back down onto the bed, careful of the IV. Ryan labeled and photographed the samples and set them in his kit. He once again picked up his camera and started taking pictures of the injuries. He lowered his camera his eyes taking in the scene before him.

"You really put up a fight didn't you?" He stated as he snapped a few more pictures. His hands were bruised and bloodied, nails broken and jagged. "That will help us in the long run. You must have something to live for, the doctors weren't sure you would come through the surgery. They lost you once, but you stubbornly hung on." Ryan looked up when he heard the door open, "Horatio?"

"You almost finished?" He asked, though his eyes never left the man lying quietly in the bed.

"Just finished," Ryan packed his camera away. "There was some type of debris in his hair; I'll get it to Trace. Also there were traces of blood and skin under his fingernails, plus blood on his knuckles. He fought back -- hard." Ryan glanced at the victim. "The doctors say if he gets through the next 24 hours he will fully recovery."

"What about sexual assault?" Horatio looked over at Ryan. Horatio steeled himself for the answer.

"Rape kit was positive for semen; the doctors said there was some bad tearing and bruising." Ryan turned and picked up his kit, missing Horatio's pained expression. "They are running his blood now for any traces of STD, drugs or any other type of toxin."

"Compare the semen with the DNA found under his nails," Horatio's hands were on his hips. He was having a hard time controlling his emotions. He just needed Ryan to leave so he could drop his guard. "I want to see that blood work as soon as possible."

Ryan stepped up to the door and turned back towards Horatio, he could see the tension in Horatio's shoulders. "It's the same guy from the banquet. The one you followed out of the hall…" Horatio tuned and looked at him; Ryan smiled at him as he opened the door. "Sensitivity surrounding all results and inquires."

Horatio turned back to Speed lying in the bed, "God." He slumped down in the chair next to the bed. His emotions surfacing, he stubbornly stopped the tears from forming. He had to be strong for Speed, and couldn't break down. Later when he got home he could lose it, but only then. "Speed, you have to pull through this. I can't…I just can't."

Horatio leaned forward gently taking Speed's hand in his, "We're going to find out who did this. Then you're going to retire and I'm never letting you out of my sight."

"Oh, God!" A voice came from the doorway.

Horatio turned from his chair, "Judge Withers." He was glad she was here. He could trust her to watch and take care of Speed while he found the bastard that had put him in the hospital.

Stella walked to the opposite side of the bed, tears in her eyes, "Oh Tim." Her hand soothed back his matted hair. "I refuse to lose you, so you're just going to have to get better. Besides we have plans to go to Vermont – you were going to teach me to ski. Who am I kidding; we were going to tour the Ben & Jerry's factory and eat ice cream." She chocked on her words as she sat down in the chair. She took a deep breath then looked up at Horatio. "Horatio, you will find out who did this. Then you will bring him to my courtroom."

Horatio smiled slightly. "That, I will do."

"And once he is well, we are going to throw that damn little book away, tell his 'John' to take a hike and he is going to retire!" Stella looked back down at Speed. "And you aren't going to argue with us. You're going to get well and let Horatio take you away so you can relax and heal." She looked up at Horatio her blue eyes full of emotion.

Horatio stood up, laying Speed's hand gently back onto the bed. "I promise you," He looked directly at Stella, a look of determination on his face. "He won't be going back, not if I have anything to say about it." His hand softly caressed Speed's face. "And I think you have an excellent idea. A vacation is just what he needs, and it's been years since I've taken time off."

"You love him," Stella stated, watching Horatio's closely. She had seen his look of pain and love when he had watched Speed leave the room. She then watched him leave, moments later. Speed never told her what happened that night, but he had seemed content, yet sad, the next day.

"From the moment I met him," Horatio leaned over the bed kissing Speed on the forehead. "I have to get back to the lab. Keep me posted?"

"I will," Stella nodded her head. Horatio took one last look and headed out the door. Stella ran her hand back through his hair. "He loves you, and I know you love him. He's a good match for you. Keeps you grounded, gives you boundaries. And you're good for him. Make him live life and be happy."

Stella settled into her chair, she wasn't going to leave his side. Tim had always been special to her; he helped her heal from her husband's death. She kept a hold of his hand talking softly pleading with him to wake up and show her those dark brown eyes. He had a lot to live for -- A future with a certain redhead.


"What do we have so far?" Horatio asked his team when he walked into the evidence room. Seeing Speed had helped him get his emotions under control. Knowing Stella was there to watch over him let him focus all of his attention on the case.

"The semen matches the DNA found under the victims nails and the blood on his knuckles," Ryan answered. He handed Horatio a folder with a small smile, "The victims blood work up."

"Thanks," Horatio nodded in appreciation. He held the file in his hand waiting for later to look through it, "Anything else?"

"Still working up what happened in the room," Calleigh informed him. "We don't know yet how many people were in the room. I dusted the door and came up with at least a dozen or more prints; they are running through AFIS now."

"The debris Ryan pulled from the victim's hair, matches the wood grain and consistency of the coffee table." Eric explained. "We found traces of blood that matches the victim on one of the legs from the coffee table."

"We know the victim was an escort," Horatio looked at the group smiling inwardly at Eric's blush. "Ryan, the two of us will go through his home, see if we can figure out a client list. He probably knew his assailant. Which means…?"

"Possible beef with a client," Calleigh nodded in understanding. "This could get tricky…I mean we know, well…" She blushed a bit. "We know he has clients in law enforcement."

Horatio smiled at her, "That's why this is going to stay quiet until we figure out what happened."

They all nodded, "How is he?" Eric asked. He was impressed that the victim not only fought back against his assailant but also was still holding on.

"If he makes it through today, he'll be good." Horatio informed them, "Ryan pack your gear, I want to get out there as soon as possible." Horatio left the room and headed towards his office.

"This is going to sound really weird," Eric looked at the other two. "But do you feel as if – I don't know…Like Timothy Speedle is more than…"

"Like we've know him, but don't." Calleigh finished for him.

"Yeah," Eric nodded. "It's almost as if we or he had turned left instead of right…"

"He would be here and not there?" Ryan concluded.


Horatio looked around the penthouse, his eyes seeing Speed in all aspects. It was soft, comfortable, and full of personality with little touches that made it a home. The kitchen was large and fully stocked with every imaginable appliance, gadget, and cooking utensil. The living room was equipped with latest technology, plasma TV on the wall, state of the art sound system. Ryan looked thoroughly impressed at the set up. He glanced through the titles on the unit. He smirked at Horatio, "I don't think he brings his clients here."

"Why do you say that?" Horatio called from the kitchen eyeing the fancy pots and pans.

"If you were a high priced escort would Dumbo be in your DVD player? Especially if you were entertaining a client?" Ryan held up a DVD case of Disney's Dumbo.

"Probably not," Horatio smiled. "I agree though, this is where he goes to get away." Horatio left the kitchen and proceeded up the stairs.

The penthouse had two levels. The bottom level had consisted of the kitchen, living room, and an office. The top level was the bathroom and bedroom.

Horatio entered the bedroom it was simple, warm – Speed. The king size bed had an iron cast frame, images of Speed and handcuffs slipped into his conscious thought, he shook his head and focused on the job. The dresser was oak, a matching standing dresser stood on the opposite wall. An overstuffed chair that had seen much used sat in the corner surrounded by windows. A stack of books was at its side and along the base of the lamp. A movement caught his eye; he turned back to the chair the quilt had moved – a small head popped up from underneath it. Horatio watched as a large black cat got up, stretched, arched, yawned, eyed Horatio, then curled back up and went to sleep. Horatio smiled, he would make sure there was some food and water for the cat before he left.

"Horatio," Ryan called up from the bottom level. "I found his computer."

Horatio stepped into the office it was cluttered with books, papers, and journals. An old oak desk sat in front of the window, with an elaborate computer sitting on top of it. A recliner was in the corner next to a small table and lamp, surrounded by books. An architectural map was up on the wall, rolled plans on the side table; business plans and proposals lined the desk.

Horatio looked through the business plans, loan documents, and rental agreements. He then looked up at the plans on the wall, it was a restaurant – it was Speed's retirement plan.

"He's got a degree in micro-biology with honors from Columbia," Ryan stared at the wall his voice showed his shock. "He's also has a degree in Business from Miami University and one for cooking."

"He loved to learn new things. The degree in business and cooking was his retirement plan," A new voice entered from the office door.

Horatio turned and looked at the intruder, "Who are you?"

"Robert," He smiled, "A friend of Speeds." He looked directly at Horatio.

Horatio understood the meaning of the use of the nickname, "What are you doing here?"

"Look lets just be frank, shall we." Robert leaned against the wall. "Speed works for me. I'm here to protect my clients."

"Even if one of them put him the hospital?" Ryan asked as he leaned against the desk.

"You of all people should know the consequence if various names got out," Robert looked over at Horatio. "I'm willing to help in all aspects; except give up my client list."

"Who would want to hurt Speed?" Horatio asked hands on his hips.

"I know you can at least think of one person who hates him," Robert smirked at Horatio's frown. "As for this incident – there is one client that had gotten rough with him in the past."

"Same one that tore him up last time?" Horatio demanded. The image of the bruised hips and backs had angered him. The fact that Speed wouldn't name the client had frustrated him.

"I informed the client, that I didn't appreciate my people getting hurt and that he was not welcome anymore." Robert informed them, "Of course he didn't take that very well. He had really taken a liking to Speed."

"Name?" Horatio demanded a slight growl in his tone.

"One question," Robert straightened away from the wall. "Will Speed be charged with anything?"

"He's the victim," Ryan commented from the sideline more intent in watching the two men fight over Speedle.

"He's also a paid escort," Robert glanced over at him. "Courts love to make an example."

"Was he working last night?" Horatio asked not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

"No," Robert smiled at Horatio's tight tone. "He was out with some friends. I meant what I said; he was very close to retiring. He would have been out of this business, years ago, but medical bills are expensive."

"Medical bills?" Ryan glanced over at Horatio. "Is he sick?"

"No," Robert shook his head. "I discovered him about eight years ago. His uncle had just been diagnosed with colon cancer, and was on the verge of losing everything. I set him up – gave him an advance to pay the mortgage. Unfortunately cancer is a hell of disease, and it took three years for his uncle to die from complications of colon cancer. Speed paid all the medical bills, paid off the mortgage for his aunt, and finally the funeral expenses. Once he made sure his aunt was secure, he began working on his own plans. Lately though," He looked at Horatio, "He had gotten a push to retire even sooner. Told me he had gotten a glance of what his life could be."

"These friends?" Ryan asked to ease the tension in the room.

"Sorry," Robert smiled at him. "As much as they want to help, they won't come forward."

"They work for you?" Horatio looked over at the plans on the wall. He swore to himself that he would see Speed get this. He wanted to see Speed's brown eyes light with joy and happiness – he wanted to see them filled with contentment. He wanted Speed to be happy and most of all he wanted to be there with him and for him, every step of the way.

"Yes," Robert watched Horatio study the drawings. "The client's name is Paul Townsend."

"The banker?" Ryan asked a bit shocked.

"How much of your organization does he know?" Horatio turned and looked at Robert.

"He's only seen Speed," Robert informed them. "All arrangements are made over the phone. They give us a name or description of what they want – then my person is called with a name, place, and time."

"So he can't hurt your organization," Ryan grinned. "Good set up, but he can expose Speedle."

"No," Robert smirked at Horatio.

"Nothing is exchanged on site, no deal is made and no money is exchanged so there is no crime." Horatio finished for Robert. "A real good set up."

"So if there is no actual proof Paul ever paid Speedle," Ryan spoke out loud. "So he couldn't say that the altercation was a sex thing gone wrong."

"As far as I'm concerned, Speed no longer works for me." Robert locked eyes with Horatio. "I don't know who Paul Townsend is, except what I read in the business section of the paper." Horatio nodded understanding the statement. They couldn’t use his statement to get a warrant for Townsend's DNA, but they could find out if he was at the club. If he was at the club, they can get a warrant for his DNA.


Horatio walked into his office he wanted to call the hospital and check on Speed's condition. He looked up and stopped short. Megan was sitting behind his desk looking through Speed's case file. "What the hell are you doing?" His tone was cold and deadly she should be wise, take the hint and leave him alone – now was not a good time.

Megan looked up at him, "Timothy Speedle?" She held up the case. "You know rumors are going around that your business card was found in his pocket."

"And, that is supposed to concern the case how?" Horatio demanded a growl in his throat. He had worked hard these past months not to accuse, demand or out right attack her or her husband. His emotions were barely under the surface; if Megan opened the door he would walk right through it and damn the consequences.

"Horatio," She walked around his desk eyes flashing. "This looks bad on you and this department." She couldn't believe that Horatio would stoop as low as doing a whore. Let alone this particular one.

"Megan, you don't want to get into this argument with me." Horatio warned her. One move and what was left of their relationship would be over.

"Horatio," She got up in his face not heeding to his warning tone or body language. "How does it look that you're fucking a whore?"

Horatio snapped, his eyes flashed with anger. He stepped up to her letting his height dominate. "How does it look that you turned down his application because your husband was fucking him?" Horatio smirked at her wide eyes and shocked gasp. "Oh, don't look shocked. I checked out his application. His credentials were beyond expectations; he had three recommendations - letters from professors and CSI professionals in New York. He had no criminal record, and his drug tests were clean, not even caffeine was present. Yet, you turned him down, why? Because Shawn, we know it wasn't Tim, either confessed, or you found out he was fucking a whore, so he named Tim. So you decided to not only deny his application for no reason, but also blacklist him with every lab in the city. What were you hoping for, him to leave Miami? Well you didn't do your research. He had family here."

"I did the right thing, he was a junkie," Megan spat back at him refusing to have her professional reputation called into question over some whore that Horatio was screwing.

"He's been clean for over ten years, besides his drug test was negative. You had no proof Megan, no evidence of any drug habit." Horatio growled at her, anger surfacing. "It wasn't enough to lead him along, and then deny him the job, but to blacklist him."

"You wouldn't understand," Megan stepped back a scowl on her face.

"You're right I wouldn't, and I don't understand," Horatio stepped around her. "You destroyed a man's life because your husband was an ass. The idea of a whore; is that they get paid. Which means, Megan, Shawn went out, looked, asked, opened his wallet and handed Tim the money. This wasn't about Tim's past – this was about the fact you couldn't stand the reminder that Shawn looked for paid whores to satisfy him. What pissed you off more, that he stepped out? Or that it was with a man?"

Megan eyes flashed, "You should be careful when fucking whores Horatio – you don't know what they may have."

Horatio smirked as he threw the medical file across his desk. "The final piece to the puzzle, Shawn brought something home. Let me guess he said it came from the one whore he slept with, Tim? I guess he lied."

Megan grabbed the file quickly scanning it; all tests for STD came back negative. No drugs in the system; not even a drop of alcohol or caffeine. She sat down in one of the chairs in front of Horatio's desk. "But?"

"You ruined a man's life over a lie your husband told you," Horatio voice held no sympathy. "If you excuse me I have a case to work." Horatio stormed out of his office, fuming, slamming the door so hard that frames fell off the wall crashing to the floor. He had to calm down before he hit someone, preferably Shawn Donner.


Horatio stopped in the middle of the hallway hands on his hips. He looked at a grinning practically bouncing Calleigh. "You've got that smile on your face," Horatio cocked his head towards her.

"What smile?" She smirked at him bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"The one that says, 'I've got something that could break this case wide open'." Horatio couldn't but be caught up in her eagerness.

"Ballistics came back," She practically bounced. "The weapon used was a Glock 9mm. I pulled registrations for that type of weapon, and one name came up…"

"Paul Townsend?" Horatio asked a true smile forming on his face.

"Yep," She handed him the report. "Also Taylor was going through the surveillance tapes from the club and guess who he saw in the hallway leading to the back rooms?"

"Paul Townsend?" Horatio looked up from the report.

"Yep," She smirked again. "And guess who's already in the interrogation room."

"Paul Townsend," Horatio smiled at her, "DNA?" Horatio asked as they headed towards the interrogation rooms, eager to confront the suspect.

"Ryan is tormenting Valera now," Calleigh informed him. "Eric already printed him; and is comparing them to the ones we found on the door, and the leg from the coffee table."

Horatio grinned at her as he walked into the interrogation room. He was finally getting a good look at the suspect. Townsend was a large man, taller than Eric by at least few inches, possibly six foot and five inches and a large build. He could easily rough up someone Speed's size.

"What is my client charged with?" The high priced lawyer asked, he was sitting next to Townsend.

"That depends," Horatio informed them. "Were you at Club Chase, two nights ago Mr. Townsend?"

"No," Townsend answered with a shrug like he had no care in the world. "It's not my style."

"That's funny," Horatio cocked his head a confused look on his face. "The surveillance cameras say something else entirely." He threw down photos of Townsend entering the club, at the bar, and in the hallway.

"Okay, so I was there," Townsend looked back up at Horatio. "It's not a crime."

"No, but assaulting someone is," Horatio tossed down the photos Ryan had taken of Speed. "He's alive, critical but expected to recover. You own a gun Mr. Townsend?"

"Yes," Townsend didn't look down at the photos. "It was stolen a few months ago."

"Of course it was," Horatio placed his hands on his hips. "So did you see him at the club with some friends? Upset that he refused to see you any more. Decided to teach him a lesson, beat him up and get your rocks off at the same time by raping him."

"I don't know who he is," Townsend looked straight at Horatio.

"Do you know anything about DNA?" Horatio asked him as he leaned over the table. "We're comparing your DNA to the DNA found under his nails and with the semen you left behind, should have used a condom."

"Unless you have something, this interview is over." The lawyer stood up pulling Townsend up. Ryan walked into the room handing Horatio a piece of paper.

"I don't think so," Horatio looked over at Townsend. "We have a match." He motioned for Frank, "Arrest him for assault, attempted murder, and rape."

"He's a whore," Townsend spat. "I paid for him to spread them."

"Get him out of here," Horatio watched as they escorted him out.

"He's a high priced whore," the lawyer stated to Horatio. "We'll tear him to shreds on the stand."

"He doesn't need to take the stand," Horatio informed him. "We have more than enough evidence to convict Mr. Townsend." Horatio walked out of the interrogation room a smile on his face. He would enjoy seeing the lawyer go up against Judge Withers - he didn't stand a chance.


"I can walk you know," Speed informed him as Horatio helped him lean against the wall.

"Humor me," Horatio grinned at him as he opened the door to Speed's penthouse. He helped Speed into the living room, sitting him down on the couch. "You need anything?"

"No, I'm fine." Speed leaned his head against the back of the couch.

"You sure?" Horatio looked down at him, his hand caressing Speed's still bruised cheek.

"I'm sure," Speed smiled at him. "Just sit with me."

"That I can do," Horatio slid next to him pulling Tim into his arms. Speed leaned back relaxing against Horatio's chest. "How's the pain?"

"Tolerable," Speed muttered sleepily. "What happens now?"

"Townsend goes to trial then jail," Horatio kissed the top of Speed's head.

"Do I have to testify?" He took comfort in Horatio's arms. When he had woken up Stella was by his side. She had told him Horatio was out hunting the man who had done this to him. He told her it was Paul, but he didn't want to testify. If they asked him on the stand what he did, he couldn’t lie, but he wouldn't expose Robert or his clients. He later found out Horatio had followed a trail of evidence to Paul, and if he was lucky he wouldn't have to testify.

"The evidence speaks for you," Horatio shifted a bit letting Speed settle into him.

"When he attacked me, I just knew to collect as much evidence as I could," Speed sat up wincing slightly at the pain in his shoulder, and looked at Horatio. "I made sure to dig into his skin, get some shots in myself, and just get through it alive. When he shot me, I focused on surviving, so we could be together."

Horatio leaned forward kissing him softly, "I'm glad you did. I don't know what I would have done if I had gotten there and you were laid out on the floor dead, a gunshot wound to the chest."

Speed smiled softly at him, "Take me to bed."

Horatio stood up and held his hand out, "for sleep only."

"One of these days I'm going to blow your mind," Speed whispered into Horatio's ear.

Horatio gulped at Speed's sly smirk. He then took matters into his own hands and kissed him passionately. He smiled at Speed's dazed expression, followed closely by a yawn, "Okay, bed with you." Horatio led him up to the bedroom. "By the way, what's the cats name?"

Speed laughed slightly, "You'll find it humorous."

Horatio helped Speed into the bed careful of the bandaged ribs, "really?" Horatio asked as he stripped off his own shirt and slipped off his shoes, crawling into the bed next to Speed, wrapping his arms around him.

"Destiny," Speed curled into Horatio, he was finally home.

Horatio kissed Speed's temple "it fits."

"I love you," Speed whispered, his eyes drooping.

"And I you," Horatio pulled him closer. "Sleep, we've got time."

Speed closed his eyes feeling for the first time in a long time safe and secure. Tomorrow he would wake up with Horatio next to him. He would wake up every morning with Horatio beside him, and that thought alone put a smile on his face as he fell asleep. It was destiny that led them down their alternate paths to each other. Paths that were always meant to cross and intersect – paths that were now merged into one. Though he had to wonder who hired him for Horatio in the first place.