Title: Mullet Boy
By: AzureHart
Pairing: gen
Rating: G
A/N: Just something that popped into my twisted little mind when I read the prompt in the 'writing prompts' group on IJ. The story must contain the phrase "wake me up".
Summary: "Stay away from my sister Sanders."

"Wake me up, before you Go-Go, cuz I don't want to be..."


"...going solo. Wake me up before..."


"Oh hey, Nick. What's up?"

"Greg, what the heck are you doing?" Nick asked.

"I'm trying to piece together this shattered glass door from the Wilson case, just like Grissom told me to," replied Greg.

"What else were you doing?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Nick."

"You were singing Greg."


"You were singing 'Wake Me Up, Before You Go-Go' Greg. I never would have taken you for a big fan of Wham."

"I like 80s music Nick," said Greg, "the more important question is: How did you know I was singing a song by Wham?"


"Sounds like you're a closet Wham fan yourself." Greg said smugly.

"No I'm not."

"Then how did you know what I was singing?"

"That song was everywhere when I was in high school Greg, I could hardly avoid it. I thought I had finally chased it from my memory until you started singing."

"Oh that's right! You were in school during the 80's. I bet you had a mullet and parachute pants, didn't you?"

Greg looked amused as Nick shifted uncomfortably.

"I admit nothing Greg."

"Ooo... You did! Are there pictures?"

"So help me Greg..."

Greg ignored the warning in Nick's tone.

"I bet your sister would send me your yearbook pictures if I asked."

"Wait, what? Why would my sister send you my yearbook pictures?"

"She likes me," replied a grinning Greg.

"Stay away from my sister Sanders."

"She called me a spiky haired stud muffin Nick."

Nick looked a little green at that comment.

"I mean it, Greg."

"Not a chance," Greg said gleefully as he ran from the room.

"Stay away from my sister!" Nick yelled, as he chased Greg down the hall past Brass and Grissom.

"Dream on Mullet Boy!" yelled Greg over his shoulder as he ran for the break room.

Brass and Grissom looked at each other.

"Jim, do you have any idea what just happened?"

"Not a clue; and I have a feeling we probably don't want to know."

"I have a feeling you're probably right. So about the Wilson case..."