Title: His Favorite Outfit
Author: Bj Jones
Prompt: #13 - White
Word Count: 139
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: I think we all know that I don’t own them, cause if I did…. Anyway. Various executives, producers, studios, and writers who have more lawyers on retainer than I want to mess with – own them. I’m not making any money, just borrowing them. I promise to return them to the lab when I’m done with them
Beta: Kay (Joe)
Warning: Slash – if you don’t like it – don’t read it
2nd Warning: Spoilers from all seasons
Author’s Note: The episode – didn’t happen
Challenge: 100 Drabbles – Horatio Caine/Timothy Speedle

Horatio paused in the bedroom doorway. He leaned up against the door jam openly staring at his lover. Speed wouldn’t win any fashion awards. He preferred to be comfortable. Horatio could count on one hand how many times he had seen him in a suit outside court.

In Horatio’s humble opinion, his lover looked good in anything. A suit made him look distinguished. The ‘I just rolled out of bed’ look was also very nice. The black tight jeans and blue shirt always made his blood boil.

This was one of his favorites. A worn, soft as butter, pair of blue jeans and a crisp white button down shirt. Actually, it was his shirt. He loved seeing Speed in his clothes.

But the thing he loved the most, was removing said clothes. He stalked his lover across the bedroom.