Title: Pay Attention!
Author: Beverly aka Bev *too*
Prompt: #050 Joker
Fandom/pairing: CSI: Vegas, Gil Grissom
Wordcount: 100

"You loose. Again!"

With sparkling eyes, Tyler, Nick's eight year old nephew, threw down the final card on the table. It was the joker.

Nick sighed while Tyler shoved the cards together, to shuffle them again.

"You must pay more attention, Uncle Nick," he said, "or else you'll always loose."

Nick raised his head and glanced over at Gil who sat on the couch with Alina, Nick's ten-year niece, next to him, studiying some book about butterflies.

"No, Tyler," Nick said with a smile, "not always."

Tyler simply rolled his eyes at the grown-up's shmoopiness.