Title: The Perfect Words
By: Gregisamazing
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Who will ever know what the perfect words actually are?
A/N: I wrote this in the 20 minutes to make me feel good challenge set by Mave. Feedback, as always, welcomed... Free cookies?

There’s forgotten words that lurk somewhere within his mind, the kind of words that could torture a soul if they weren’t said, the kind of words that had so much passion and so much intent behind them, the kind of words that could change a persons life.

It was not out of fear that he did not say them, it wasn’t a case of him being worried about what could come of them… No, in fact, he was worried how he could say them. How could you craft those words that hung in the back of your mind? How could you change them from fragments into something that could be truly beyond the realms of beautiful?

They were like wisps of smoke that danced in front of his face, they were truly there but they were out of his reach. Every time it looked like he could grab hold, his fingers would simply pass on through and they’d be gone before he even had time to understand. They were just simply moments of fog that cast hung lazily upon his mind.

Someone had always told him to speak what was on his mind, that perhaps that would be the solution to all the problems… But what do you do when you don’t know exactly how to speak the words that linger on your mind?

He didn’t know what to do.

He could try and mutter them, but would they really do justice to what was being thought? He could wait until they finally strung themselves together, but that could be all too late… He could do many things… But the words somehow found a way to escape him.

Just some when, whilst trapped in the locker-room with no obvious routes of escape, the words just came to him. They were there in all their beauty, with all their poetic license and with all their intensity that could set the soul alight.

It was then, without even thinking, the words poured out- breaking forth from their restraints and found their way into the world. They were out there, being flung to the critics to hear and choose whether they made the grade; they were there to either make or break the moments they were there for. They blossomed like flowers from his mouth, something so delightful to some and to others there could be this stinging sensation left from the sight that was so pure that it wasn’t clean at all.

He looked up, a smile gracing the features of the other, finding the words nectar that sent warmth throughout his nerves and set that dizzying sensation whirling in the back of his mind. He didn’t know what was said then, he didn’t want to know and perhaps ruin the illusion that they were something that were far more poetic than normally uttered from his mouth- he didn’t want to find out if he’d just been ranting and making no sense at all.

In fact, all he wanted to know was the sensation of the others lips upon his in the way they were now. He didn’t want to know about what words had been passed, or what words would be passed in the future…. That was to be saved until later…

Right now, he was content with the silence, as long as they meant Nick’s lips were upon his.