Title: 'Pink'
Author: Beverly
Rating: PG
Fandom/pairing: CSI: Vegas, Gil Grissom/Nick Stokes
Wordcount: 104
Summary: Drabble based on challenge #019 Pink.

"You're right. I should have taken a closer look. But I was so tired." Nick looked like a beaten puppy and Gil sighed.

Okay. Maybe this was his own fault, too. He knew that this was new for his lover. Carefully, he picked up the 'corpus delicti' and gazed at it thoughtfully. Suddenly he saw the fun in this situation, and a big smile threatened to split his face in two. He picked up another piece of evidence and grinned.

"Well...I will make sure to wear my pink underwear only when we're at home."

Nick hesitated but then he joined his lover's laughter.