Title: Powder Keg
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Steve McGarrett
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/Hawaii Five-0
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 30, Yellow
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Steve McGarrett, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Greg flopped down onto the chaise longue on Steve's front porch with a frown.

He could hardly believe what his boyfriend had just asked him; it hadn't made him angry, not really, but it was something that bothered him.

Why would Steve want to meet Nick? What possible reason could there be for such a meeting? He knew that Steve didn't want to flaunt their relationship in front of Nick, or be rude to Greg's ex. Steve wasn't that kind of person. So why did he want them to meet?

Maybe he just wanted to see what Nick was like, to get some idea of who the person was who had captured Greg's heart and held it for so long.

His relationship with Nick had lasted for a long time, Greg reflected.

But it had been past time for them to call it quits when he'd accepted the CSI job in Hawaii and moved here, Greg told himself firmly. It had already been over.

He'd been afraid to admit it then. There had been a yellow streak a mile wide painted down his back, and he simply hadn't wanted to admit that his relationship was done and it was time for him to move on, both with his career and with his life.

Oh, he could have stayed in Vegas. He could have had a good life there, and somehow, he and Nick would have managed to stay friends and work together.

But it would have been so painful, seeing his ex date other people, and doing so himself. It would have been hard on both of them, and Greg hadn't wanted to put them through that.

No, things were better this way, and he knew it. But now, he had a new fear -- the fear of his ex and his current boyfriend meeting and comparing notes. Talking about him, possible. He had nothing to hide, but he still didn't want those two phases of his life mixing.

His life in Vegas was over. His relationship with Nick had been over even before they had officially ended it. That part of his life was a close book.

It was a book that he didn't want to open up and read again.

Okay, so maybe that yellow streak was getting wider. But he didn't want the two phases of his life to spend time with each other.

Still, there didn't seem to be any way of diverting Steve from this, Greg thought with a sigh. He would have to be introduced to Nick when his ex came to town, and even though Greg didn't want to do it, they'd all three probably spend some time talking.

What was going to happen? He didn't know, but he had to admit that he wasn't looking forward to it. The whole situation felt like an unstable powder keg.

One that could blow up in his face if he wasn't extremely careful.
