Title: Quiet Time
By: Perpetual Motion
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Dis: Lies. All of it.
Author's Notes: Third in a series of drabbles that I posted all at once on my lj [multi-fandom/multi-pairing].
Summary: Just a drabble.

"There you are."

"I've been here." Greg set his slide down. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Nick hopped on the counter. "You?"

"Playing catch up." Greg stripped off his gloves. "I'm bored out of my mind."

"Me, too." Nick grinned wickedly. "Wanna have some fun?"

"How so?" Greg licked his lips.

Nick slid off the counter. "C'mere." He led the way to the one corner of the lab no person or camera could see. He waited for Greg to step up to him before grinning again. "Hey, there."

"Hey." Greg slid a hand around Nick's waist. "How are you?"

"Just fine."
