Title: Rays of Dawn
By: Sillie
Challenge: happy domestic
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Nope
Summary: The boys are sitting outside on the porch.


He loved moments like this, when it was just the two of them. When the lab and all the horrible things people did to each other seemed far away.

The solid warmth pressing against his side was reassuring and he squeezed the fingers between his own softly. The fingers squeezed him back in answer, and he turned his head to smile at Greg.

Greg was staring right ahead, a soft smile on his lips. Nick leaned in and placed a kiss on Greg's cheek, breathing in his unique scent, then turned his head to stare ahead also.

The sight was breath-taking. The sun seemed to be on fire, as it slowly climbed higher, the sky changing color constantly.

They where sitting on the porch, to wound up from work to go to sleep yet.

"It's amazing..." Greg breathed. Nick nodded.


A comfortable silence settled over them, as they watched the city waking up. When the sun had distanced itself from the buildings, Nick glanced to his left, grinning as he took in Greg's sleeping form.

He softly nudged him, waiting ‘till half lidded, sleepy brown eyes looked at him.

"Come on, let's get you to bed."

Greg nodded, letting Nick help him up, the door closing behind them with a soft click.
