Title: Solo resto coi ricordi (Alone with the memories)
Author: babykid528
Characters: Sara Sidle
Word Count: 330+/-
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for the season 7 finale - Living Doll!
Summary: Depressingly enough, it’s remarkably similar to how I picture the end of the seventh season’s finale.

Vedrai vedrai si aggiusterà (You will see, you will see that it will be fixed)
Ora fa un po' male ma se ne andrà (It hurts a little now, but that will go away)
Josh Groban

She lay completely still as she stared at the indigo sky, vision blurred by glowing white and orange spots. Her chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths, kicking up little clouds of dust off her sand covered face. The great temperature extremes of the desert would always be a marvel to her: scorching in the daytime and deathly chill in the darkness of night. The sun was brutal, but the night was what killed you. She knew this and she thought on it as she closed her eyes against the offensive glow of the full moon. In less than three hours, she speculated, the temperature would drop to dangerous levels. Cold would be gripping her body, compressing her lungs, making breathing a more laborious process than it already was. She’d either choke or freeze to death. That was, if the bleeding didn’t kill her first.

She remained calm. There was no point in panicking, that would only rush the inevitable. Sara had developed a level head in situations like these, not that she’d ever been in this situation before. She was dying. She was dying in the Nevada desert. She suddenly thought, How cliché. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed painfully.

The past events of the day were vivid as they replayed through her head. She had been heading down to San Francisco. It’s a family thing, she’d told Grissom. God, he wouldn’t even know she was missing. The small groan that escaped her throat with this realization was enough to make her abdomen burn. She tried to lift her arms and touch her hands to her wounds but she couldn’t. Sara’s arms felt too heavy. Her entire body seemed too heavy. No good, she thought. A stifled sob escaped her as her dirty face became streaked with tears. Her composure was slipping. Sara was running low on time. Fear gripped her as another stifled sob racked her flaming body. All she could think about was how strange it was that the woman who did this to her had been carrying a tazer. Then she lost consciousness.