Title: Shooting Off Sparks
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Zeke Barnes
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/A Gifted Man
Rating: PG-13
Table: Un-themed 4, mission_insane
Prompt: 7, Sparks
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Zeke Barnes, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Greg made his way through the corridors of the hospital, peering at the names on doors, hoping that he could find Zeke's office quickly. He never liked being in hospitals, even though his boyfriend worked in one. They always made him feel nervous -- and helpless.

He could remember all too well the points in his life when he'd spent a lot of time in the hospital -- the last one had been when he'd been beaten up by that gang of thugs. He still shuddered at the memory; it wasn't something he liked bringing to mind.

He'd had to be here to see Doc Robbins about a case, and he'd thought that as long as he was here, he'd see if his boyfriend had some free time for lunch. He wasn't sure that Zeke would be able to go to lunch with him, but he had to ask, anyway.

They hadn't had a lot of time together lately. He'd been working overtime, and so had Zeke. It seemed that killers in Vegas had come out of the woodwork; no sooner did he finish working on one case than he had another. It was a never-ending circle, and it was getting exhausting.

But he couldn't complain about his work, Greg told himself. He had wanted this job, wanted to go from being a lab rat to being a field mouse, and he'd done a good job of it. He wasn't going to wish for anything other than what he had; he was happy with his life.

Especially now that Zeke was in it, he thought, a smile spreading across his features. All he had to do was think of his boyfriend, and his spirits lifted, his heart skipping a few beats. Thinking of Zeke made the sun shine brighter, the world seem to be a better place.

Ah, this was the hallway where Zeke's office was. He recognized the nurses' station, the signs on the walls. He'd been here a few times before, but he hadn't been sure he could find it again, without Zeke leading the way. He was surprised to discover how much he remembered.

Greg had no idea if Zeke would even be in his office, but he hoped that his boyfriend wouldn't be busy and that they would at least be able to have lunch in the hospital cafeteria. He would have preferred to go out, but his lover was a busy doctor without a lot of time to spare.

Stolen moments during their respective workdays weren't really enough, but so far, they were making it work. It helped that the two of them both worked on a night shift, and that they didn't have to rearrange their schedules to accommodate each other.

He squinted at a few name plaques on doors, smiling again when he came to Zeke's. The door was closed, and he couldn't hear anyone on the other side of it; for just a moment, he was sure that Zeke was in another part of the hospital, that he wouldn't be here.

Slowly, he reached out a hand to turn the knob and push open the door, holding his breath as he stepped into the small office. Zeke looked up at him, raising his brows in question until he saw who it was; then his smile mirrored Greg's, and he held out a hand to his lover.

"Greg! I didn't know you were coming. Why didn't you call me?" he asked, the surprise evident in his voice. Greg could hear the joyful undertone of his words; it was obvious that Zeke wanted him here, that his boyfriend was happy to see him.

When they reached for each other, Greg could almost see the sparks flying between them; it never failed to amaze him how he and Zeke could shoot off sparks, just by being in the same room. They didn't even have to be this close to each other for those sparks to fly.

He'd never had that kind of a connection with anyone else; no one had ever moved him to passion in the way that Zeke did. He hadn't had that many lovers in his life, and he'd never really been in love before. He'd known infatuation, but never true love.

With Zeke, it was completely different. This was love; no, it was more than love, Greg thought to himself. It was love, desire, passion, need, and a dozen other emotions, all wrapped up together, each one inextricable from the others.

Zeke was the love of his life; the sparks that flew around them whenever they were near each other were inevitable. There was no way two people could be as close as they were in the emotional sense and not send those sparks flying whenever they were together.

He could feel those sparks explode around them when Zeke's arms slid around his waist to pull him close, when their lips met. They were shooting off sparks in every direction, making him feel as though his body was on fire, setting the small room ablaze.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever; when Greg finally pulled away slightly, his breath was coming faster, his gaze unfocused. He had to swallow hard and clear his throat before he could speak; all he could think of was how much he wanted Zeke. Here. Now.

That couldn't happen, he told himself sternly. They were in Zeke's office, and his boyfriend was at work, on the clock. For that matter, so was he; it wasn't as though they could lock the office door and expect to have any kind of privacy.

Heaving a sigh of regret, he turned his thoughts away from that track, keeping his arms loosely wound around Zeke's waist, reluctant to let his boyfriend go. "Do you have time to go out to lunch with me?" he asked, his voice soft and a little breathless.

"It's the middle of the night," Zeke told him, laughing softly as his gaze met Greg's. "But yeah, I guess you could call taking a break in the middle of a shift going out to lunch. And yeah, I think I have the time. We've been busy tonight, but there's kind of a lull now."

"Can you leave the hospital for a while?" Greg asked, his pulse leaping. He knew that they wouldn't be able to go to some place where they could make love, but at least they could be together, and he could luxuriate in his lover's nearness for a while.

Zeke nodded, a smile on his face as he leaned forward to brush his lips against Greg's. "Yeah, that can be arranged," he said, reluctantly moving out of Greg's embrace and shrugging out of his white lab coat. "I can clock out for an hour, but I'll still have to keep a pager with me."

"Fair enough," Greg said with an answering smile. He'd have Zeke to himself for a little while, which was better than being disappointed and not being able to spend time with him until their shifts ended. And the way his was looking, he might be working overtime again.

But for now, he had time with Zeke, away from work, just the two of them. They just had to get out of here before someone came running to find Zeke, with questions or a patient or something else that would keep his boyfriend chained to the hospital.

"Come on," he said, turning towards the door as he held a hand out to Zeke. "Let's get out of here, and go somewhere to relax for a while. I don't know about you, but after the night I've had, I need it. I need to be with you and forget about the rest of life for a little bit."

Zeke nodded, taking his hand, his fingers twining through Greg's. When their hands touched, Greg felt that spark leap up between them again, sending an electric flare through his entire body. Not just desire, but a feeling of togetherness, a comfortable place for him to feel at home.

Squeezing Zeke's hand, he led his boyfriend through the door and down the hall towards the nurses' station. He could still feel those sparks flowing between them, and he wondered how long it would take for those sparks to come roaring to life.

He could only hope that they would hold back until the two of them were out of the hospital; he didn't know how much the people who worked with Zeke knew about their relationship, but it might be best to keep things low-key, at least for the present.

Greg waited patiently as Zeke clocked out, told his colleagues that he was leaving for an hour or so, and then turned back to him. As one, they moved down the hallway to the elevator, both of them hoping that the sparks building up between them wouldn't burst into flame until they were alone.
