Title: Spring Break
Author: Bj Jones
Prompt: #62 - Spring
Word Count: 142
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: I think we all know that I don’t own them, cause if I did…. Anyway. Various executives, producers, studios, and writers who have more lawyers on retainer than I want to mess with – own them. I’m not making any money, just borrowing them. I promise to return them to the lab when I’m done with them
Beta: Kay (Joe)
Warning: Slash – if you don’t like it – don’t read it
2nd Warning: Spoilers from all seasons
Author’s Note: The episode – didn’t happen
Challenge: 100 Drabbles – Horatio Caine/Timothy Speedle

Speed stared at the littered sidewalk, the smell of booze permeating from the gutter, and the body of a college kid laid out in front of them. He hated Spring Break. Three weeks of nothing but loud kids, drinking kids, who end up dead kids.

He glanced over at his boss. Horatio sighed and shook his head. This was the fourth one, and Spring break had just started. The redhead would have the duty of calling the kids parents and explaining to them that their child was dead.

Speed really hated Spring Break. Not just because it seemed that every college kid who showed up in Miami, lost fifty points from their IQ and usually trashed the town. He hated it mostly because he was the one that had to deal with Horatio after he called the parents of said college kids.