Title: That Special Sound
Author: Beverly aka Bev *too*
Fandom/Pairing: CSI: Vegas, Gil Grissom/Nick Stokes
Rating: R
Wordcount: 121
Prompt: #037 "Sound"

With a look of wonder on his face, Nick gazed across the breakroom at Gil Grissom. Catherine saw it and smiled. Oh my, that boy had it real bad. In a good way. He was head over heels in love with his boss. And sometimes, she saw the same look in the older man's eyes.

But this time it was Nick who had caught her attention. The way he looked at Gil, moving in his chair, trying to adjust a jeans that suddenly seemed too small.

And all because of that sound. True, it was a sound they didn't hear very often here.

Catherine followed Nick‘s gaze to Gil who was sitting at the other end of the room.

Laughing loudly.