Title: Untitled
By: maribouquet
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Nope
Summary: You say you fell while holding diamonds in your hand.


"Would you ever get a tattoo?"

"No way." Nick crinkled his brow. "Would you?"

"Mmmm," Greg dodged. "What about piercings?"

"Uh, no."

"I don't know, you'd look pretty hot with diamond studs. Or maybe some hoops?"

Nick swiped at him and missed, falling onto the picnic blanket. He blamed the champagne. Or maybe it was the dim light - it was dusk, after all.

"Happy anniversary," he pulled Greg down and snuggled him. Greg leaned back and met his eyes. God, he was beautiful.

"How about a ring, then?" Greg stroked his face. "I'd wear one, too."

"Yes. Definitely, yes."
