Title: Wench
By: Dr FooFoo
Pairing: Danny/Don
Rating: PG-13
A/N: There actually is a leather shop at the Renaissance Fair I go to, and it's run by these two amusing lesbians. x.x
Summary: Based upon prompt #79 - Wench.

Danny didn't often go to fairs or festivals of any kind. He thought they were pretty childish. Actually, he hardly ever left his apartment, except to go to work or the grocery store. But when Flack asked him out and said their destination was a surprise, he couldn't say no.

Of course, he wasn't expecting a Renaissance Fair, but that was what he got. It was way creepy, though, and Danny had to fight from clinging to Flack the entire time... Crazy people dressed like medieval peasants and nobles and people breathing fire and throwing knives and there was even a jousting match. Danny wouldn't quit talking about how disturbed he was by the whole concept, though, but Flack just rolled his eyes at him and told him to shut it.

Later in the day, however, almost into the evening, Flack and Danny were strolling down a dirt path, eyeing the small shops that had been set up in the fake woods, when they came across a leather shop. Now, neither of them was really into leather (besides Flack's ever-loved jacket, RIP), but Danny thought it was pretty sexy in general, so of course he had to stop and grab Flack's arm and pull him over to the counter.

There were racks and racks of all sorts of medieval leather things... Corsets and straps and whips and everything imaginable. Danny, of course, immediately went for the whips, and fingered one, breathing in the leather smell.

From the back room, a slightly overweight woman with giant hair immerged and crossed to Danny with a mysterious smirk on her face. Flack took a step closer and eyed her suspiciously.

"Helloooo, cutie... You interested in that one?" she cooed in a thick British accent, and Danny stared at her, suddenly quite embarrassed when he realised he had been touching the leather whip. He shook his head and started to say he was just looking, but she interrupted him.

"That's a nice one, but you'll have to take a look at this..." She circled around behind the counter and pulled out a massive, ornate leather whip and showcased it as Danny stared agape. Even Flack's eyes widened, and he'd seen a helluva lot of whips.

Danny stepped up to the counter and poked at it, then took hold and gave the air a few swats. He tried not to look at Flack, but couldn't help glancing at him to gauge his reaction, which was a fine one indeed. The wench griiiinned at the silent exchange, and leaned over the counter to quote Danny a price. Her boobs were practically spilling out of her old-age dress, and Flack had stare at Danny's ass to keep from looking.

Of course, the whip, being so masterfully crafted, was way too expensive for Danny, but he did pick out the first one he had seen, and bought it.

By the time they got back to Danny's apartment in Manhattan, Danny had smacked Flack's thigh more than enough times to make Flack sufficiently aggressive, and almost swerve off the road. Once inside, Flack grabbed Danny (not that difficult, considering) and tossed him onto his bed, then stole his precious whip and proceeded to spank him until his ass was numb, and then thoroughly fucked him for several hours.

All in all, Danny agreed to go to next year's Renaissance Fair with Flack.