Title: And The Winner Is...
Author: CSI_Nightowl
Pairing: David/Nick
Rating: PG
Warning: slash
Spoilers: none
Summary: Nick wants to watch television; David wants Nick.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, actors or singers mentioned and the award show is pure fiction.
A/N: This is another fiction that started out short and took on a life of its own. Please read and comment. Comments always put a goofy grin on my face.

David rolled his eyes as he walked into the room. Nick was on the couch watching the beginning of an awards show. "Do we have to watch that?

"Yes, it wouldn't kill you to expand your musical horizons."

"I think you have that backwards."

"I don't understand what you have against country music." Nick held up his hand. "It's coming on. You can explain later."

"Great." David flopped down beside him.

Nick put his arm around him and grinned. "You'll like it if you give it a chance."

"That's what they said about sex with women." David shuttered. "Guess how that went."

"Lucky for me. Now hush, I want to hear this song."

David sighed heavily. They had finally managed to get some time off after almost two weeks of double shifts and coming home exhausted, barely having enough energy to kiss goodnight. Now they had two days off and he'd be damned if they were going to sat through three hours of stupid music and even stupider jokes. Oh good, it's advertising. Time to work on Nick.

"You're recording this, right?" David knew he was. They had learned a long time ago to record whatever they wanted to watch because they rarely got through a whole program before one of them convinced the other that there were better things they could be doing. This was definitely going to be one of those times if he had anything to say about it.

"David, I know what you're thinking and I'm not playing." Nick warned. "I want to watch this."

"Come on, Nicky. You can watch it tomorrow."

"I like the suspense of not knowing who wins. If I wait to watch it I'll find out who won."


"The paper or the radio."

"So we won't turn on the radio and I'll censor the paper for you." David thought it was a reasonable solution.

"No. I am watching it."

Hmm. Time to change tactics. David moved to the other end of the couch and folded his arms.

"That won't work." Nick said as the show came back on.

"Don't think I don't know the real reason you are glued to the TV."

Nick wanted to strangle the man but instead simply ignored him.

"Brad Paisley is on here, isn't he?"

Nick gave up hope of listening to the current song being performed. "Yes David, he is."

"So you'd rather watch him than be with me?"

"I am with you."

"You know damn well what I mean. It's been two weeks, Nick."

"Ten days." Nick corrected.

"So you've been counting too." David, taking this as a good sign, moved back beside him. "You know you want too." he said as his hand went underneath Nick's shirt.

"After the show." Nick grabbed the man's hand and placed it firmly back on his lap. "Now, please keep your hands to yourself."

"Hmm!" David wasn't going to take the rejection lightly. "I can't believe you're turning down sex just to watch him. I guess I know where I stand now."

"Oh, don't you dare try to guilt me when you have done the same thing."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? Remember our weekend vacation last fall? Our plan was to stay in bed the whole time, that was until you found out there was a car show going on and ‘Oh my god, Tom Wopat' was going to be there. We spent a whole day at that stupid show so you could get a glimpse of him."

"You're honestly comparing Brad Paisley to Luke Duke? That's just wrong. Luke Duke is an American icon."

Nick laughed. "You're crazy."

"Hey, if you wanted to watch this to see Merle Haggard or George Jones, true icons of country music, then I would understand. But some guy that happens to look good in tight blue jeans? Come on."

Nick looked puzzled.


"You sure seem to know a lot about this music for someone who hates it."

David sighed dramatically. "Mom is a bigger fan than you. Not only was it playing constantly at our house, we had to watch these stupid shows." he gestured towards the TV.

"Did you bitch back then too?"

"You've met my mom. She would have taken me over her knee, spanked me and sent me to my room."

"That's a good idea." Nick grinned.

"You want to spank me?" David leered.

"I meant the sending you to bed part."

David continued to leer.


"You haven't missed me at all, have you?"

"You know that's not true. I just thought we could watch this and cuddle..."

"I am not cuddling you while you drool over Brad Paisley!"

"I don't drool."

"I'll take a picture."

"Enough already! You've already made me miss too much."

Without saying another word, David stood and went into the bedroom. Nick had as much told him to shut up and that didn't sit well with him at all. He jerked the closet open and pulled out a pillow and blanket. See how he likes sleeping on the couch for a few days, he thought.

Nick knew if he was smart he'd turn off the television and go apologize. He hadn't meant to hurt David's feelings but the man just wouldn't leave him alone. He was still debating what to do when he was hit in the head, first by a pillow then a blanket.

"Since you obviously don't want me, you can sleep on the couch."

"I just don't want you right now." Nick mentally kicked himself; he'd made it so much worse. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." he hurriedly added.

David stood there, staring blankly at him. "How did you mean it then?" he finally asked.

"I... I just... I really want to watch..." Nick stammered. "I love you."

"Jackass." David smiled slightly. "It's a good thing I can't stay mad at you for long, especially when you're trying desperately to remove that big foot of yours from your mouth."

"Come and watch this with me. Please."

"Fine but only because I don't want to spend our time off fighting." David sat beside him. "One condition though."

"What's that?"

"After your precious Brad goes off we go to bed."

"Um, okay." Nick agreed.

David grabbed the pillow he'd thrown at Nick and placed it in the man's lap.

"Um, what are you doing?" Nick asked as David laid his head on the pillow.

"If I have to suffer through this, I'm going to at least be comfortable."

Nick picked the blanket off the floor and covered him up. "Comfy?"

"The bed would be better."


"This will have to due for now." David sighed.

Nick bent down and kissed him. "Thanks hon."

David smiled to himself. He couldn't believe Nick thought he was giving up. He lay facing the television for a few minutes before turning on his back and staring up at the Texan.

"You're supposed to be watching the show." Nick glanced down.

"I'd rather see your handsome face."

"Don't start this again."


"Trying to seduce me."

David smirked. "Kiss me and I'll stop."

Nick kissed his forehead.

"That's not the kind of kiss I meant."

"A kiss is a kiss."

"I want a kiss on the lips."

"If I do will you really stop?"

"If that's what you want."

Nick inwardly groaned. He knew if he kissed him it would be over, David would win. Truth was if the man hadn't pushed the issue they'd already be in the bedroom, after all it had been ten days, but instead Nick's competitive streak kicked in and he was as determined to win as David.

"You're not afraid of a little kiss are you, Nicky?"

"You're not as irresistible as you think."

"When have you ever been able to resist me?"

He had a point but Nick wasn't about to let him know it. He could do this; just think about something awful during the kiss. Yeah, that'll work.

"Stop!" David shouted as Nick leaned down.

"I thought this is what you wanted."

"Not when you're looking like that."

"Like what?

"Like kissing me is the most disgusting thing in the world."


"Not funny."

"I thought so."


"You're repeating yourself, hon."

"Just shut up and kiss me."

"That's what I was trying to do."

"What the hell were you thinking anyway?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

"Well, you are supposed to be thinking of me when you're kissing me."

"Self centered much?"


"I don't see what the big deal is; I do it all the time."


"I'm kidding. God, you're so easy sometimes."

"I'll make you think I'm easy."

"Please, you can't resist me either. Hell, you can't even wait till this show goes off."

"Any man in his right mind would rather have sex than watch this."

"So you're saying I'm not in my right mind?"

"If the brain fits."

"Guess that explains why I'm with you."

"Again, not funny."

"Aww... you know I love you."

"Prove it."

"Prove it?"

"Yeah, kiss me."

Somewhere in their bantering everything else had been forgotten. Nick grinned as he leaned into a smirking David. Their lips almost touched when...

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Brad Paisley!"

Nick's head jerked up so fast that David almost fall off the couch.

"Shit!" David exclaimed but Nick wasn't paying any attention to him. He had been so close to having him right where he wanted him. Damn Paisley.

David sat up and watched as his lover drooled over the singer. Okay, maybe he wasn't really drooling but he might as well be. He tried to think of the positive. Nick had agreed to turn off the television after this. As he waited for the song to end he started wondering what it was about this guy that Nick found so appealing. Was it those tight jeans or maybe it was the cowboy hat?

"Man, that was great. Don't you agree?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, just dandy." David reached for the remote.

"Hey, hey. What are you doing?"

"I'm turning it off. That was our deal, remember?"

"No, our deal was when Brad Paisley went off but he's up for three awards so he might be back on later."

"You tricked me."

"No, you assumed he would only be on once."

David had had enough. "Fine, watch TV as long as you want. I'm going to bed."

"Come on, Dave."

"Goodnight, Nick."

Nick sighed. "Does this mean I have to sleep out here?"

"No, but don't think you're getting anything but sleep."

David marched into the bedroom. It galled him to give up but he didn't know what else to do. He noticed he had left the closet door open. Walking over to close it, his eyes fell on the item on the top shelf. A mischievous grin slowly formed on his face. He grabbed it and a few other items out of the closet and went into the bathroom. Nick wasn't going to know what hit him, he chuckled.

Nick shook his head as he watched David disappear into the bedroom. He felt like he was in one of those stupid cartoons where he had a little Nick on each shoulder, the good Nick telling him to go after David and the bad Nick jumping up and down shouting "We won, we won!" After considering a few moments, he decided he liked the bad Nick's attitude. He could always make it up to David later; right now he was going to enjoy watching the awards in peace and quite.

David put the finishing touch on and grinned at his reflection in the mirror. "Eat your heart out, Paisley." He smiled as he opened the door, casting a glance at Nick, who was so engrossed in the show he didn't notice the door opening. David made his way into the kitchen, pausing long enough to see what was so interesting. Some guy named Tim something was performing. Don't they have any females on this show? Once he was in the kitchen, he headed straight to the refrigerator and removed the bottle of beer from the top shelf. Then he turned and started back into the living room.

"I thought you were going to bed." Nick said without looking up.

"Want a beer?" David simply asked.

"Sure." Nick glanced at him as he took the beer. He started to open the bottle when his brain finally caught up with his eyes. He slowly looked David up and down, eyes widening as he took in what the man was wearing. He had on the cowboy boots Nick's parents gave him for Christmas last year, tight blue jeans and a green t-shirt that fit just right but it was the old cowboy hat that he had on that Nick couldn't stop staring at.

Smirking, David took the bottle back and sat it on the coffee table. Then he straddled Nick's lap. "So tell me Nicky, what do they have that I don't?"

Nick, trying to hold onto what little control he had left, mumbled something about musical talent.

"Oh, but I have other talents." David grinned. "Would you like me to show you those talents, Nicky?"

Nick moaned and reached for the remote as David started nibbling on his ear.

David smiled when he realized the noise from the TV was gone. He raised his head and looked into Nick's eyes. His smile widened when he saw the desire in those eyes.

"David, you look so..."

"Hot? Sexy? Amazing?"

"All of the above and so much more." Nick tried to pull him closer but he wouldn't let him.

"Say it, Nicky."

"Say what?"

"You know what I want to hear."

"I love you?"

"That's nice but no."

"You're much hotter than Brad Paisley."

"Close but still no."

"Come on, Dave, stop being a tease."

"All you got to do is say it and I'll show you all those talents."

"Fine, I'll say it so we can get on with it."

"Very romantic."

"Says Mr. Romance himself."

"I do try. Now say it."

Nick sighed. "You won."

"Now was that so hard?"

Nick rolled his eyes as he stood up and carried David into the bedroom.


A/N: David's dislike of country music is based on people I know that dislike it. Personally, I love it and adore Brad Paisley.