Title: Worry
By: cassie_jamie
Pairing: Horatio/Speed
Rating: PG
A/N: Alternative Universe - Speed survived. This story is the latest in a universe I call "Recovery" which had a lot of little domestic stories on Speed recovering with H at his side.
Summary: Speed knew Horatio was going to hover.

Speed knew Horatio was going to hover. Four months away from work and an additional week of medical leave because of a low-grade fever had made for a worried lover. Tim could only hope no one would say anything about it.

"I'll be fine," Tim started.

He'd been awake for all of five minutes before Horatio started giving him a look. Blue eyes were colored with pleading and his face looked every bit his forty-seven years; he hadn't even said a word.

"H, I've been doing this job longer than you have. I know it inside, outside, backwards, forwards – I will be fine."

"That's not it."

Another look and Speed sighed. "You hired Ryan. He's fresh off patrol," He said, watching Horatio for his reaction. When his lover continued to stand there, stoic beside the bed they'd been in only an hour earlier, he went on. "He graduated the same academy, went through the same training, and I know he can handle his weapon."

"You couldn't handle yours."

Tim flinched. The statement made his chest ache and he felt himself deflate a little.

It was not an accusation and Caine had not spoken in malice; Speed knew it was an issue they had to breach. After all that had happened between them during the course of his recuperation, they hadn't touched the subject except for one comment when he was fresh out of the hospital.

Apparently, the talk they needed to have was going to occur fifteen minutes before they had to get to work.


"Tim," He responded. Horatio moved to the bed, settling down at the foot of it with his legs crossed at the shins and his hands in his lap.

The word vulnerable rose unbidden in Tim's mind.

"What do you want me to say? It won't happen again? I can't promise that."

"And I don't expect it. We knew going into this job that it was a risk. I just...I..." His hands twisted together, fingers curling against each other and Horatio's eyes lowered to the floor. "You don't need to make the odds worse for yourself. Half an hour, Tim, that's all it takes to clean your piece."

"I know."

Speed sat down beside the elder man. He pushed one hand toward Horatio and forced it between his partner's two. Dark skin contrasted on fair, skin standing out on bone and Tim tightened his grip.

"You watched me clean it last night and I'm bringing my backup."

A nod.

"There's nothing I can do to make you worry any less, is there?"
