Title: Good things always come in three's!
Author: nixie noo
Pairing: Sara/Sofia
Fandom: CSI
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: watch you don't burst my bubble!
Warning: There are none, just some good old subtext :)
Notes: I enjoy writing the little fic's because they make the big picture so much more real... and of course I just can't seem to help myself :P


I nibbled on the end of the pen while flicking through the pages in a familiar frustrated temper when I saw a hand place a cup of coffee in front of me…

“You looked as though you needed it!” Sofia told me with a sly smirk.

Why should this add to my fury? I considered this for a second or two and realised she wasn’t to blame. I let the tightness in my face slip and tried to offer her thanks. “That and a match of prints would be nice” I told her.

“I believe good things always come in threes, you have a print, you have a name, maybe sleep is what you really need?” She perched on the edge of my desk casually sipping on her own cup of coffee.

I brushed it off “If I had a choice I would be happy to just settle with a match!” I claimed while flicking through a few more pages.

“Well how about coffee, a match and my help? I mean if you’re not going to go and get some sleep I might as well help you get that match!” She said innocently leaning in to get a glimpse of the pages I was sifting through.

I looked up, and instantly found my eyes attached to her chest, this wouldn’t work. “I can do it!” I told her bluntly sitting back in the chair to get some space.

She retreated putting her hands up in a defeated manner “Fine…” moved away and walked toward the door seeming just as frustrated as I was in her presence. “…guess I will go bother someone else with my spare time!” and she left.

I watched her leave, her words playing through my head. Who else was on the night shift other than Grissom? I closed the file with a heavy sigh, and why was this bothering me anyway, she came to me first didn’t she? Unless she’d already seen Grissom and therefore her comment would simply be an attempt to irritate me. I opened the file again tempting to ignore my ranting, but it wasn’t to last. I closed the files again for the last time and stood for the door… just before I stepped out I noticed the coffee still steaming on the desk. I smiled to myself and decided to take the well made brew with me, after all, she had made it the way I liked it!

I walked the corridors looking for her, my first idea failing me when I knocked on Grissom’s door to find him very much alone… apart from the bugs of course. I made a bad excuse for going there, something along the lines of going for breakfast in a few hours which he replied by saying he had to feed his experiment first. On my way out Sofia saw me, great! How’s that going to look?

Sofia paused in her step and bite on her lip almost saying something before walking straight passed me.

“Hey wait up!” she paused again not looking back as I joined her.

“Sara… found your match yet?”

“No, actually.” I needed to keep my cool with her instead of biting her head off whenever she made a sarcastic comment, her and I were much the same. She raised an eyebrow while waiting for me to finish “I err, I was looking for you…”

“Decided to take me up on my offer after all? Because you know, I was actually just on my way to copy some paper work for Greg!” She carried that sarcastic tone again.

Deep breaths Sara, keep it together! “Wait, Greg is here?” I realised I was wrong, she wasn’t trying to spite me at all.

“Yeah?” By the look of confusion on Sofia’s face I could tell she’d figured out why I was in Grissom’s office. “So you were looking for me?” She pulled it back before the moment became too painful for me.

“I was…” I paused “Sorry about before, to think you were bringing me coffee and offering your help. I was a being a b…”

“Cranky?” she was quick to finish.

I nodded “Frustrated!” I attempted to rephrase.

She nodded all the while looking amused at my discomfort “You know, you should really go get some rest…” she said as she turned to walk away.

“Sofia?” I had to do something… she looked over her shoulder, brow raised. “You wonna get some breakfast with me?” Ok so I had already invited Grissom, but he said it himself he’d be busy for a while, he wouldn’t mind.

She looked around her, I wondered if it was to check we were alone or something “that depends, will you promise to go home after?”

“I’m rarely one for promises!” I added truthfully.

She smiled, enough said. She lifted the papers still in her hand to indicate she had them to copy for Greg first! “I will come find you when I’m done!” I nodded and she walked off.

15 minutes later….

Sofia popped her head around the door “Hey, ready when you are!”

“Sofia hi, so guess what…”

Sofia stepped in “You got a match?”

“A boy of 5 was submitted by parent/guardian last year with bruises on his back, suspicious causes.” I passed the file to her.

“I thought you were doing prints?”

“I did, I got nothing from them so I took a look through the medical files”

“You want me to look into it?” she said taking a look at the file.

“Sure… after breakfast!” I made it clear that now that I’d found my match I was content enough to enjoy a little time out.

She looked up from the page “You’ve proven me wrong, things don’t always come in three’s sometimes they come in fours too!” she passed me back the file with a smile.

“Or fives if I get some sleep!” I said following her out the door and toward the locker room.

She smirked “See you do keep your promises!”
