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Title: All He Could Wish
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: 50ficlets
Prompt: 28, Wish
Author's Note: Sequel to "This Is Forever."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


"If you could have one wish, Will, what would it be?"

Will smiled as he rested his head on Hannibal's shoulder; the two of them were lying in bed, watching the sun come up and the world outside their bedroom window brighten.

"I don't know," he said, yawning and covering his mouth with one hand. "I think now that we're engaged, I have everything I could possibly want."

Hannibal laughed softly, the fingers of one hand gently running through Will's dark, tousled curls. "I'm sure that if you try, you can think of something that you would wish for," he said, his tone slightly reproving. "Will, no one has everything they want."

Maybe Hannibal was right, but Will wasn't so sure. All that he wanted was right here, next to him in bed, holding him in such a soft and loving embrace.

He loved feeling those strong arms around him, loved how Hannibal kissed him and touched him and made love to him. He loved everything about the two of them.

Yes, he had all that he wanted.

"I guess I would wish that the wedding could just happen without all of the planning that we're having to put into it," he finally said, laughing softly. "It's a lot to deal with."

"Yes, it is, but the final outcome will be well worth all of the trouble that we've taken to arrange our wedding in exactly the way we want it," Hannibal told him, his voice soft. "Though .... if you really don't want to deal with all of this, we could always elope."

For a moment, just a brief flash of a moment, Will considered his fiancé's words. They were appealing -- but only for a second.

No, he didn't want to elope. Not at all.

What he wanted was for the two of them to have an absolutely beautiful wedding, saying their vows to each other at the altar in front of everyone they cared about.

All of their friends and co-workers would be there to see the two of them joined as one. It would be a triumph for them, and it would be beautiful.

That was what he wanted, despite all the headaches of the planning stages.

What he wanted was what he had right now -- waking up in this bed, in Hannibal's arms, watching the sunrise together, feeling at one with the world.

He had never known this kind of love before, and he'd thought that he never would. There were times when it still amazed him to know that Hannibal -- who could probably have anyone he wanted -- had somehow fallen in love with him, Will Graham, the outcast.

He had found love with the most wonderful man he'd ever known, a man who accepted him exactly as he was, in every way. He'd finally found happiness.

He couldn't wish for anything more than that.

"All of my wishes came true when you asked me to marry you," he said softly, rolling over onto his stomach and propping his chin on Hannibal's chest.

His lover smiled at him softly, raising a hand to stroke Will's hair back from his face. "And you are every wish that I have ever cherished, my love," he answered, his voice soft and loving.

Will's eyes filled with tears at those words. If he had ever entertained even a shadow of a doubt that Hannibal might change his mind about marrying him, that slight foreboding was gone in the blink of an eye, as though it had never existed.

This man loved him, thoroughly and completely. There was no way that Hannibal could say something like that, from the heart, and not mean every syllable.

And he loved Hannibal just as much, with everything that was in his heart, with all of the love and passion that was within his body and soul.

He returned the smile, blinking back tears of joy.

"I love you, do you know that?" he said softly, placing a hand on Hannibal's cheek. "I think I have since we first met, even though it took me a while to realize just how I felt."

"Yes, it did," Hannibal said with a laugh. "It took you long enough, Will. I wished every night from the first time we met that you were here with me at night, in my bed, in my arms. And I wished that your heart was mine -- as I knew that mine was undoubtedly yours."

Once again, Will was sure that he could feel his heart turning over in his chest. Yes, he loved this man -- and he was loved just as much in return.

There was no way that he could ever believe otherwise.

"I couldn't wish for anything more than what I have right here and now," he said, his voice very soft. "My life is pretty much perfect, Hannibal. Thanks to you."

"And you, my love, have made my life a beautiful place to be," Hannibal told him, his voice equally soft and loving. "I never thought that I could feel this way. But I do."

Will nodded, swallowing hard. He had thought the same thing, sure that he would never find anyone who could accept for exactly who he was, convinced that he would always be on the outside looking in. That was really all that he'd ever wished for. Love and acceptance.

Well, now he had them -- and he didn't intend to ever let them go. He was going to be with Hannibal forever, in his arms and in his heart.

Without another word, he lifted his face to Hannibal's, knowing that in just a moment, their lips would meet in a heated, passionate kiss.

When he felt those lips on his, any coherent thoughts simply melted away.

This was all that he could ever have wished for.

Now that he had this love, he would never want for anything else.
