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Title: All That He Wants
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Matthew Brown
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,241
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


He needed Matthew more than he'd ever needed anyone.

Will almost felt as though he was jumping out of his skin; he had to struggle to keep the anticipation back, to look as though this was just another morning.

But it wasn't just another morning. Matthew had told him that something was going to happen, and Will could feel his stomach clench in anticipation.

What did Matthew have planned? Whatever it was, it would be happening in the shower. Will showered alone; that in itself was a blessing, though he'd been more than a little disconcerted to find out that there were cameras in the showers, as well as microphones.

Though given Chilton's propensity for spying on anyone and everyone, he really shouldn't be surprised, should he? Will asked himself, a wry smile twisting his lips.

Still, he didn't like knowing that Chilton apparently watched him shower. He didn't like the idea that the pervert got to see him naked.

He was just glad that he didn't touch himself when he was there.

That would be all he needed, for Chilton to see him doing something like that and bring the fact up in his so-called "therapy" sessions.

Will shuddered at the thought of those sessions; he hated sitting there, trying to avoid having Chilton probe too deeply into his thoughts, afraid that at some point, he would slip up, make a careless mistake, and Chilton would have some proof of his feelings for Matthew.

Of all the things that frightened him, that one was the most prominent. Even his fear of the upcoming trial faded before that burgeoning fear of discovery.

If Chilton found out about the two of them, he would lose Matthew, and his lover was the only thing that kept him going in this cold, cheerless place.

Not only that, but Matthew would lose his job, and his good name.

He would never see Matthew again if they were discovered; he was absolutely positive of that fact. Chilton would make sure that the two of them were kept apart, even if Will did manage to get out of here -- which, at the moment, he very much doubted would happen.

Matthew was all that kept him hanging on to the slim thread of sanity. Matthew, and the thought of proving that he'd been framed, and taking his revenge on Hannibal.

His fists clenched as he thought of that monster, then he took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. He didn't want to think about Hannibal now.

If Hannibal hadn't framed him for murder, then he wouldn't be here -- but he also wouldn't have met Matthew, and discovered what it was like to fall in love, so deeply and irrevocably that he knew he would always feel this way about this particular man, not just for all of his life, but for eternity.

Just that thought made his heart sing, even on his darkest days.

The anticipation of seeing Matthew now almost made him feel as though he could jump for joy -- but of course, he couldn't do that, not where he might be seen.

He had no idea just when the cameras would be turned off, or when Matthew would come to him. He had to look as though this was just another mundane day.

The last thing he and Matthew needed was for Chilton to have any kind of inkling that something was different, that there might be something going on between them. He couldn't let his mask of ennui slip; he had to make his jailer believe that he was cowed, suppressed, diminished.

That was difficult, given how he had been feeling ever since the first time he and Matthew had been intimate. But it was something he had to force himself to do.

Though it was easy enough to manage in the therapy sessions, Will thought, a small, more genuine smile quirking his lips. It was actually fun knowing that he was fooling Chilton.

But he'd still have to be careful not to slip up.

He took a deep breath as another orderly, not Matthew, unlocked his cell door and took his arm to lead him to the showers. The man left him alone there, slipping away unobtrusively.

That was one way that Chilton managed to fool the inmates of this place, Will himself sourly as he methodically stripped off his clothes. He gave them the illusion of some privacy.

He'd always thought that he had some privacy here, in the showers, if nowhere else. He wasn't surprised that Chilton surreptitiously watched his patients shower, though. The man had a prurient mind, and Will didn't doubt that Chilton enjoyed looking at naked men.

Just the thought of Chilton watching him made his skin crawl; he couldn't suppress a shudder as he tried not to look around to see where the cameras might be hidden.

He couldn't do that, he told himself firmly. He couldn't let Chilton know that he had any idea he was observed; that would only cause him more problems.

It would be one more thing for Chilton to hold against him.

The anticipation was growing now, collecting in the pit of his stomach, making him feel short of breath, dizzy with the need to see his lover.

All he wanted right now was to be close to Matthew, to be in the other man's arms, to feel Matthew's warm breath on his neck, feel the other man's presence.

No, that wasn't all he wanted, Will told himself as he moved into the shower area and turned on the hot water, adjusting it to the right temperature. He wanted to feel Matthew inside him, filling him, fucking him, taking him. He wanted their bodies to be joined.

He needed that heat, that light, that feeling of becoming one with Matthew. He needed that connection more than he'd ever needed anything in his entire life.

Without it, then he would let himself fall into true ennui; he would become depressed, and he might not be able to make it out of here alive.

He had to make it out. Just as he had to be with Matthew.

Will didn't know when Matthew had come into the room, or moved behind him; he could just sense that his lover was there, near him, his presence filling Will's reality.

Matthew was here. He let himself sink back against the other man, his head falling back, his eyes closing; his world was complete now, even though they could only be together for a short time. He would make the most of this time, make this last, and savor every second of it.

Matthew's arms were around him, his lips on Will's neck, then his shoulder; Will could feel that the other man was already naked, and in need of him.

Well, he needed Matthew just as much, if not more.

He leaned forward, his hands on the slick wall of the shower, bracing himself.

He was ready -- and he was willing to do whatever his lover wanted of him.
