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Title: Man Into Beast
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 27, Animal
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Why did he believe all that Aiden had told him?

Will really couldn't answer that question. Anyone else would probably have thought that Aiden was crazy, that he was raving, that what he said couldn't be true.

But for some reason, Will believed every word that he'd said about werewolves. It was just too fantastical, and too detailed, a story for Aiden to have made up. And besides that, there was the ring of truth and sincerity in every word he spoke, in his expressions as he talked.

He could tell when someone spoke the truth -- and Aiden was doing just that. He'd really lived through all that he was talking about. He hadn't made it up.

Besides, he'd seen the beastly side of human nature up close and personal.

What was Hannibal if not a beast? Maybe he didn't actually transform into an animal, but he was the closest thing Will had ever encountered to an animalistic predator.

The idea of seeing people actually turn into animals before his eyes made him wonder if maybe this was a little crazy, but he wouldn't let himself doubt Aiden. If this young man said that he had seen such things, then Will would believe him. Aiden wasn't a liar.

Besides, his words had the ring of truth. There had been real fear in his eyes when he had spoken of the loup garou. Will didn't doubt that they existed.

It sounded crazy, but it wasn't. If a man could be a cannibal and commit hundreds of murders without being caught, then werewolves could exist in the world.

The thought made him shiver, and he had to admit that the idea of going up against what appeared to be a pack of vengeful werewolves terrified him. But he couldn't leave Aiden to their dubious mercy; he knew that the young man had already been victimized by them once.

He wouldn't let that happen again. For some reason, he felt very protective of Aiden; he didn't want to turn away just because he was afraid.

Together, they would stand their ground. They could do nothing else.

Will took a deep breath, closing his eyes and sending up a heartfelt wish to any deity that might happen to be listening that both of them would come through this alive.

He doubted that they would be unscathed, but if they made it through with their lives, and with the threat to Aiden neutralized, then they could consider themselves lucky. Will just hoped that he wasn't hoping for too much with that wish.

When they faced the loup garou, a part of him almost wished that he would see man become beast. That would be something to witness.

But if seeing that moved him one step closer to death, it was a sight that he would turn away from.
