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Title: Desperate Souls
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Matthew Brown
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: Quotables, Part 2, tv_universe
Prompt: "I know how to recognize a desperate soul."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


This was the night. Matthew had said it would be.

He'd waited two days -- two long, excruciating days. But this morning, Matthew had looked at him, nodded, given him that slightly crooked little smile, and mouthed "Tonight."

Will hadn't needed anything more than that for his mind -- and his body -- to be caught up in a state of anticipation that he hadn't known he could feel.

He didn't know why their first assignation had been thwarted; he assumed that Matthew would tell him the reason why when they were together again. But really, he didn't much care. As long as he could be with the other man, whatever explanation there was for the delay seemed unnecessary.

Was he really so desperate for contact with Matthew? Had he sunk so far that he would do anything, say anything, to have this man's touch, his nearness?

The answer to that question was a resounding yes. Will thought back to something that Matthew had said back when this had started, before the fever had risen so high.

"I know how to recognize a desperate soul."

Yes, he was desperate, and he could admit that to himself. He needed Matthew, in a way that he had never needed anyone else before.

He needed Matthew to show him that he wasn't alone, that he was still alive, that he still had needs and desires. He needed this man to prove to him that being here hadn't killed all that he was.

A part of him had been terrified that he would close himself off completely from the world as a consequence of being here, that something within him, something that made him human, would turn to stone. He had been afraid that he would start to become like Hannibal, devoid of real emotions.

That was the last thing he wanted. He didn't want to look out at the world through empty eyes, to have his emotions so deeply hidden that he could never access them again.

So he had turned those emotions onto Matthew -- and he had to admit that he was more than a little shocked to find out that his own desperation was returned.

Matthew wanted him just as much as he wanted Matthew. That much was obvious. He could see his own desperate need for the other man reflected in the depths of those dark eyes every time Matthew looked at him; he was surprised that no one else had caught on yet.

But then, no one else was looking for the signs that they so blatantly sent to each other. No one else knew; no one could possibly guess. They kept their desperation well hidden.

Though not tonight, Will thought, his breath catching in his throat at the thought. Tonight, it would all come out, in a rush. They would finally consummate their feelings.

He couldn't wait. It seemed like forever before the night would be here.

Time was going to crawl until Matthew was with him, and he had no idea how his would-be lover was going to manage it. He would just have to trust in Matthew's plans, whatever they were.

Will knew that Matthew wouldn't do anything to cast suspicion on him; he had to trust that the other man knew of a way to keep all of this hidden from Chilton.

He didn't mind admitting that he and Matthew were desperate souls, with a need for each other that they had to fulfill. It might have seemed crazy to him that he could feel this way about anyone before he had ended up in here, but prison had changed him, in far too many ways.

He would have scoffed at anyone who had told him that being behind bars would make him seek out the company of anyone, that he would be so desperate for another human being.

But he'd learned some things about himself since he'd been here -- and apparently, he was going to learn a lot more before this night was over.

Will glanced at the clock, holding back a groan when he saw the time.

It was still only early afternoon. It would be hours before he and Matthew would have their clandestine meeting, before his desperate need would finally be assuaged.

Did Matthew feel the same? Was he, too, watching the clock, counting the hours, the minutes, even the seconds until the two of them would meet again, body to body, skin to skin, to have what they wanted and needed so much? Was he just as anxious for this meeting as Will was?

Yes, Will told himself, a small smile tugging at his lips. He had to be. They were both desperate souls, in need of each other, and he was sure that they both felt the same way.

Settling back in his chair, he closed his eyes, trying not to look at the clock again.
