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Title: Defeating Their Enemies
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 23, Defeat
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


How were they going to win this battle?

Aiden sat on the front steps of Will's house, watching the dogs run about in what passed for a yard. They darted in and out amongst the trees, barking happily.

He felt comfortable around Will's dogs now, which surprised him, as he hadn't thought that he could be around any animals that was anything like a wolf and not feel that he had to run and hide. But these dogs were friendly -- and Aiden was sure that they would protect him.

He was lucky to have found this place, to have found Will. He felt safe here, and he knew that he'd ended up where he was supposed to be.

Fate had led him here. It had smiled on him.

He only hoped that fate would continue to do so, and that they would have a helping hand in the battle that he knew was to come. They would need all the help they could get.

How were they supposed to beat an enemy that held all the cards? Aiden was certain they the werewolves would know where to find him. He didn't doubt that they'd been in the town of Wolf Trap when Will had taken him by the motel to pay his bill and to pick up his belongings.

They'd probably been right there, in the motel itself. Aiden wouldn't have doubted that for a moment. They knew how to hide, to keep themselves in the shadows.

They were stealthy and sneaky -- after all, they had the instincts of wolves. He was certain that they knew exactly where he was now, and they were watching him.

The thought was terrifying. Not just for himself, but for Will as well. He shuddered at the thought of those beasts doing anything to Will, of them holding him captive in some way to get Aiden to surrender himself. And they would do that, too. He had no illusions about what they were capable of.

How were he and Will, just the two of them, supposed to defeat that pack? The only thing they had on their side was a will to survive. Would it be enough?

Aiden took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders.

They would have to find a way to defeat their enemies. They'd have to come up with some kind of plan that would work to their advantage.

Of course, it would involve a lot of danger. He knew that. He'd known that ever since he had first out what Vivian was. That seemed so long ago now, part of another life, a life lived by someone else. He wasn't part of that world any more -- and in truth, he had never wanted to be.

He wanted a future with Will. But that meant defeating the monsters, once and for all. Aiden wasn't sure if that would be possible, but he was going to try.

Hopefully, fate would be on his side this time, too.
