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Title: Love on Their Side
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: 50ficlets
Prompt: 18, Future
Author's Note: Sequel to "One Simple Kiss."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Will propped his chin in his hand, letting his thoughts wander.

He knew that he shouldn't spend so much of his time daydreaming, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't stop thinking about what his future with Hannibal was going to be like.

It was still so hard for him to believe that he was actually going to marry the man he loved, that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

It seemed like an impossible dream, but it wasn't. That dream was coming true. They worked on the wedding plans a little more every day; he had tried to tackle it all at once, but it had been too big of a job, and too unnerving for him to simply jump in and expect to take care of it all.

Hannibal had told him that they didn't need to have everything decided in one fell swoop, and had advised that they take things slowly, and work at their own pace.

Of course, his fiancé had been right, Will told himself. It was one of his failings, trying to do too much at once and then letting himself feel overwhelmed.

Hannibal had taught him to back off, to take things one step at a time.

That was something he'd have to work on, but he would eventually get the hang of it. He had always had a tendency to jump right in, not looking before he leaped.

Will smiled, unable to keep the happiness out of his expression. He'd taken one of those leaps by falling in love with Hannibal -- and he definitely had no regrets about that!

They were going to have a glorious future together, he told himself, his smile widening as he slipped into a daydream about what their lives held in store for them both. He would keep on working for the FBI, of course, and Hannibal would make his psychiatry practice even more successful.

He would have to learn to be more social -- that would be unavoidable.

Will made a face at that thought; socializing was one of the thing that he didn't think he would enjoy about the rosy little dreams he had of their future as a married couple.

But it was something that Hannibal wanted him to do, and he wouldn't let his fiancé down. He would try to be more social, and he would even try to enjoy it.

That would be much more easily said than done, but he'd do his best.

Their life as a married couple was going to be wonderful. Their future was assured; he had no doubt of that. He didn't even want to think that there was anything capable of creating a fissure in their relationship; he didn't believe that there was. No, nothing could change his love for Hannibal.

Would Hannibal ever stop loving him? The thought ripped through Will with the intensity of a heart palpitation; for a moment, a bare second, it seared him to his soul.

Then he was pushing the thought away, refusing to even countenance it. No, Hannibal wouldn't tire of him. Hannibal loved him. He wasn't a fickle man.

His feelings wouldn't change, any more than Will's would.

What they shared was going to last forever, far into the future. The two of them would have a beautiful life; they would only become closer with the passing of time.

He believed that, Will told himself firmly. He had always believed that, even before Hannibal had proposed. He'd known that when he had first given himself to his lover.

His feelings weren't going to change, or fade away. He couldn't even begin to envision a time when he wouldn't love Hannibal; he was bound to this man not only by his feelings, but by some symbiotic ties that drew him inexorably towards this man, ties that could never be broken.

He and Hannibal belonged together. He had felt that from the first, before they'd ever begun a relationship. He had simply known that this man was his future.

Hannibal was the only future he wanted. He could never go back to the sterile, lonely life that he'd led before they had become lovers, before the future had opened up to him.

There was no reason to look back. And he never would.

He had left that lonely life, the empty man that he'd been, far behind him the first time that Hannibal had kissed him. He had let love flower in his heart, and he had nurtured that love.

He wouldn't give it up. Not now, and not ever. That love meant more to him than anything else ever could; it was his salvation. He wouldn't even think about the possibility of losing it. If they had problems in the future, they would work them out. Together. As a couple.

That thought made Will smile, this time more ironically than beatifically. If any problems manifested, he would be married to a psychiatrist who could help solve them.

But they wouldn't have problems. He was sure they wouldn't.

No, he and Hannibal would have a wonderful future ahead of them. A future that was assured, one that would only hold happiness, and be filled with love.

Will pushed his chair back from his desk, taking a deep breath. He'd been sitting here for too long thinking about the future, and it was nearly time for his next class to start arriving. There was absolutely no reason for him to be sitting here daydreaming. It was time to get back to work.

And there was no reason for any disturbing thoughts to cloud his dreams of the future, he told himself. That future was bright, and it would only keep getting better.

After all, he and Hannibal had love on their side.

Love would be enough to conquer any problems that might come their way.

With that thought in his mind, he turned to greet the first students arriving for class.
