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Title: Emotions Made Words
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 498
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


He had to tell Will how he felt. Now. This moment. He couldn't wait.

Aiden was sure that if he didn't, then he would explode from the intensity of the emotions that had built up inside him. He had to say something before he lost his nerve.

He opened his mouth, then closed it again. On the other side of the table, Will looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, a tiny smile on his lips. "Is something wrong?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. "I know that I'm not the best cook in the world, but the food can't be that bad."

Aiden swallowed hard, then finally managed to speak. "The food is great," he said, his voice soft. "I just .... I need to tell you something, Will. I need you to know how I feel."

Will sat up, his gaze not wavering from Aiden's face.

Aiden reached across the table, taking Will's hand in his. He could hardly believe that it was him making the first move; he hadn't thought that he could ever do something like this with anyone again. But what he felt for Will was giving him the strength to put his bad experiences in the past.

He had to do this. He had to let Will know how he felt. And then, if Will didn't feel the same, he had to try to bury these feelings, and be content for them to simply be friends.

That would be the hardest thing that he could ever possibly do.

But if Will did feel the same way .... then he was sure that the rest of their lives together would be brilliant, filled with love and hope and more joy than he could ever imagine.

Will's fingers closed around his, a slight frown marring his forehead. "Aiden, what's the matter?" he asked, his voice soft. "I know you're worried about what's going to happen. So am I. There's no shame in being afraid. I am, too. I think anyone would be. You have a right to be scared of what's coming."

Aiden shook his head, words tumbling out before he could stop them.

He couldn't stop the words. They came of their own accord, rushing out before he realized that he was saying them. They were his emotions translated into sound.

"I'm falling in love with you," he blurted. "I think I was attracted to you from the first, when I thought I didn't have anyone and you took me in and helped me. And now .... I know that I haven't known you for long, and I never thought that I could feel this way about anyone. But I do. I'm falling for you."

Once those words were spoken, Aiden could swear that he felt a nimbus of light enclosing the two of them, shining so brightly that it almost made him gasp aloud.

He gazed at Will, waiting to see what the reaction to those words would be.
