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Title: Pursuing His Goal
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/John Reese
Fandom: Hannibal/Person of Interest
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 498
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or John Reese, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


John was more than usually reluctant to leave the bookshop.

He stood near the front, holding a book, watching everyone who came in.

After seeing Hannibal outside, he was sure that the other man was lurking somewhere, simply waiting for him to leave so that he could terrorize Will again.

There was no denying that seeing Lecter here, so close to Will, had made dark clouds gather over the day. It had only driven home the fact that even when they tried to put a glossy veneer over things by going out to lunch and talking, Will was in danger, and would be until Lecter was neutralized.

John wasn't entirely sure just how he and Harold were going to manage that. Harold would want Lecter in jail, of course. That was how he worked. It was just his way.

John, however, had very different feelings about the issue.

He wanted Lecter out of the way permanently. He wanted that monster out of Will's life, never to darken his door again, and the only way that he could see that happening, given the persistence with which Will had said that Lecter kept coming after him, was for their nemesis to be dead.

Did Will want that, too? John wasn't entirely sure. He knew that Will wanted Lecter away from him, but he didn't think that Will would wish anyone dead, even his worst enemy.

Will simply wasn't that kind of person, and John admired him for it.

But no matter how much he admired Will for being such a good person, it still didn't solve the problem. And it didn't make those dark clouds hanging over them get any lighter.

Lecter wasn't simply going to give up and go away. John was sure of that, even if the machine hadn't given them Will's number and pointed out the fact that he was in danger. It was obvious that Lecter considered Will to be "his," in that twisted, labyrinthine logic that he used.

John was sure that Lecter would be willing to fight for Will.

Well, he was, too, he told himself, looking up from the book that he'd been pretending to peruse. The last customer was just leaving, and Will was behind the counter, petting Winston.

It was a peaceful scene, but John's eyes strayed to the window, as they did every few moments. Ever since seeing Lecter there, he was keeping an eagle eye out -- and this time, he was prepared to do whatever he might have to do to catch the other man and bring him down.

The next time John saw him, Lecter wasn't going to get away. The dark cloud that he cast over Will's life would be erased, no matter what John had to do to achieve that end.

And then, he and Will could start a new life. Together.

Somehow, some way, he was going to make that dream come true.

Everything he did now would be in pursuit of that goal.
