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Title: The Right Time
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 497
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


How was it possible for him to feel like this?

Aiden pushed that question away from him, not wanting to think about it too carefully. He wasn't sure that he could answer it, anyway -- or even if he should.

The reasons why he felt this way about Will weren't important to him at the moment. What was important was the fact that he did feel this way -- that he hadn't been irreparably damaged by what had been done to him, that he could still feel attraction and want to act on it.

He had been so sure that he would never want to be with anyone again, even that he would shrink from anyone's touch. But that definitely didn't seem to the be the case.

No, he wanted Will to touch him, in every possible way.

The thought made him blush; it was still hard to believe that he could desire anyone after what he had gone through. But he did. And the knowledge that he wanted Will was like the sun coming out, throwing rays of glorious golden light across a grey, leaden sky and flooding the world with sunshine.

He took a deep breath, words jumbling in his head to the point where he knew that he couldn't articulate what he felt at the moment, even if he thought it was a good idea to try.

How did he put this into words? Aiden had no idea where to start.

He would have to, at some point. He would have to talk to Will, tell him how he felt in no uncertain terms, and ask some tentative questions to find out if the other man might feel the same way.

But this wasn't the time for that. For now, he could simply sit here, eat breakfast with Will, and marvel at the fact that he could still feel. That he could desire someone in the physical sense, without panic welling up inside him and making him run the other way as fast as he could go.

That in itself was a victory, and one that he intended to celebrate.

But no, this wasn't the time for a celebration, either. They still had a lot to get through before either of them could put the past behind them and start a new life together.

The sun that had figuratively broken through in his mind disappeared behind grey clouds again; Aiden put down his fork, closing his eyes. What if they didn't make it through the battle that he knew was coming? What if he never had the chance to tell Will how he felt? That was a distinct possibility.

He took another deep breath, knowing that he had to say something. It might not be perfect timing, but he had precious little time to get those words out in the open.

Will's eyes were on him, their gazes meeting. He had to say something.

This was the right time. It was now or never.
