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Title: Finding A Solution
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Matthew Brown
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


What was he going to do about the situation he and Will were in?

Matthew sighed softly, closing his eyes as he propped his chin in his hands. He rested his elbows on the table in the cafeteria, pondering his problem.

He wanted to get Will out of here. He wanted the two of them to have a life together, a life where they didn't have to sneak around and hide what they felt for each other. Most of all, he wanted to prove that Will was innocent of what he was supposed to have done.

He didn't believe for one single second that Will Graham was a killer. No. That wasn't possible. Not Will. Not the man he knew, the man he had come to love.

Will would never do the things that had been attributed to him. No, he had been framed, and Matthew was sure that he knew who had done it.

Hannibal Lecter. The man looked like a snake, and reminded Matthew of a reptile. Cold-blooded, uncaring, the sort of person who lived only for themselves.

The man just rubbed Matthew the wrong way.

He hadn't liked Lecter from the first time he'd seen the man. There was just something slimy about him; there was an aura of evil that surrounded him.

Matthew didn't think that he was being foolish to feel that way. There was something wrong with Lecter, something that made him back away.

And this man was, for some reason, obsessed with Will. He constantly came to see Will, and even when Matthew hadn't been able to hear their conversations, he could tell that being around this man agitated Will, made him uncomfortable. He didn't like that.

He didn't want Lecter anywhere near Will. He didn't like Lecter's attitude, his arrogance, his attitude of being ablve everyone in this place.

He wasn't jealous. There was nothing to be jealous about.

Will didn't like Lecter, either. He could tell from the way the young man looked at his visitor, the way his lip visibly curled whenever he said Lecter's name.

Matthew was sure that Lecter was the reason Will was here. That man had framed Will for these murders, he was absolutely positive of it. Lecter seemed like the sort of person who would kill indiscriminately; Matthew didn't doubt that he would throw Will under the bus to save himself.

He would use anyone else who happened to be convenient to cover his own tracks. Lecter was a snake, and he was also a dangerous man.

But there was nothing that Matthew could do to keep him away.

He hated feeling so helpless. He hated knowing that there was nothing he could do to prevent that man from seeing Will, from being near him.

If only there was some way to prove Will's innocence, to get him out of here so that the two of them could have a life outside of these walls. This wasn't the kind of place to forge a relationship; nothing could come of it, and it wasn't something that Will would want to remember when he got out.

Matthew didn't doubt that he would get out. Lecter had done a good frame job; he had to admit that. But Will wasn't guilty. He was positive on that score.

Somehow, Will's innocence would be proven, and he would be a free man again. And Matthew was sure that he wouldn't want to carry any memories of his time here with him.

So what was he going to do? How could he fix things?

Matthew sighed again, rubbing his hands over his face. It had been a long night, and he was tired. He couldn't think straight. He needed to sleep.

Maybe once he did, he could come up with some kind of solution. Maybe his head would clear and some ideas would present themselves to him once he'd rested.

He placed a hand over his mouth as he yawned, shaking his head as he pushed back his chair and got to his feet. He really needed to go home and get some sleep.

He couldn't think about the problem that faced him and Will when he was this tired. And it wouldn't do Will any good for him to come at the problem when he was confused and his mind wasn't in proper working order. He needed to rest before he could tackle this.

He desperately wanted to see Will again before he left for the day, but he knew that he couldn't. It would be too risky; he'd be seen as spending too much time around Will.

The last thing they needed was for their relationship to be discovered.

That thought was enough to make him shudder. If they were found out, there was no telling what could happen to Will, what Chilton might do in retaliation.

He'd probably move Will some place where Matthew wouldnt have access to him; his accommodations would become even worse, and they were bad enough already. No, he wasn't going to put Will through that. He would stay away, at least for now.

But he would find a way out of this situation. He would find some way for Will to be freed, and for the two of them to start a new life together.

It wouldn't be easy, but with enough work, anything was possible.

It was just a bad situation all around, Matthew reflected a few moments later, as he closed his locker and turned to leave the building. Both for Will and for himself.

Somehow, he would manage to find a solution to their problem, he vowed to himself. He would find out for his love, and they would build a life as a couple.

Matthew was smiling as he left the building and headed for home.
