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Title: Let's Have Some Fun
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 983
Author's Note: Sequel to "Headlong Into Happiness."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Hannibal Lecter, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


"I think that we need to go out and have some fun."

Will raised his head from the computer screen, where he was perusing different decorations that they could order for the wedding. "What do you mean?"

Hannibal shook his head, pointing to the computer. "Turn that off, Will. Please. Now. You have been immersed in the plans for the wedding lately, and I believe that it's making you stress even more than you usually do. You and I need to do something that will be fun for both of us."

"Fun?" Will blinked, unsure as to what Hannibal meant. "But .... we don't have time for that, Hannibal. We have to get all of this done so we don't have to stress on our wedding day."

Hannibal shook his head again, a smile hovering on his lips.

"Will, I can assure you that we will not stress on our wedding day. Please believe me when I say that. We will both be far too happy for stress. You are worrying far too much."

Will looked doubtful, having a hard time believe what his fiancé was saying. "But the wedding is so close, Hannibal, and I haven't gotten a lot of stuff done. I don't really want to hire a wedding planner; that feels way too .... impersonal for me. I want this to be hands-on."

Hannibal came over to where Will was sitting, putting a hand on the other man's shoulder and squeezing gently, even as he shook is head again.

When his words came, they were spoken slowly, as if he was feeling his way.

"Will I can understand why you feel that you need to do all of the wedding planning yourself. You want this to be just the way we want it," he began, his voice soft.

He raised a hand when Will opened his mouth, asking the other man to be silent for a moment. "But I believe that you are working far too hard on this. Running yourself into the ground before the wedding is not going to do either of us any good, and it will reduce your pleasure in our big day."

Will sighed softly, nodding in agreement with Hannibal's words. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew that his fiancé was right; he had been working too hard.

He had been stressing over every little detail for the wedding, and he had forgotten that the two of them needed to spend some time having fun and enjoying themselves.

Maybe Hannibal was right, he told himself, a smile starting to curve his lips. The two of them needed to do something together, something that they both enjoyed, something that would bring smiles to their faces. He needed to put away his stress and worry, at least for a little while.

"You know, having fun sounds like a great idea," he said, smiling up at Hannibal and putting his own hand over the other man's. "What did you have in mind?"

Hannibal gazed at him with an enigmatic expression, smiling again.

"If I told you now, then you would not be surprised when we get there," he said, his smile growing. "But I believe that it will be something we can both enjoy."

"Now I'm curious," Will told him, laughing. "Come on, at least give me a little clue. What could it be? Roller skating? A visit to the dog park? Wait, I know!" he said, snapping his fingers as though a brilliant idea had just occurred to him. "We're going out to a fancy dinner and a museum!"

Hannibal shook his head, though he laughed along with Will. "Of course not, my love. Dinner and a museum would be enjoyable, but not something that you would have fun doing."

Will laughed again, shaking his head. "Then I'm all out of ideas."

"You do not need to think about what we'll be doing," Hannibal told him, taking his hand. "All you need to do is to get ready to go out for the afternoon."

"How should I dress?" Will said, getting to his feet. "Casual, or dressy? And if it's casual, are we taking the dogs with us?" He was a bit iffy about that; he knew that Hannibal was growing fond of the dogs, but two men and six dogs at once sounded like a bit much to cope with.

Hannibal shook his head, still smiling. "No, we are not. This will just be fun for the two of us. And you don't need to be dressy. Jeans and one of those ubiquitous plaid shirts will do."

Will saluted, laughing again. "Aye aye, sir. Give me five minutes."

It was closer to ten minutes when he came back downstairs from changing his clothes and running a comb through his unruly curls; Hannibal was waiting by the front door.

"You look absolutely wonderful," Hannibal told him, his voice soft. He took Will's hand again, threading their fingers together. "This will involve a bit of a drive, and we will be gone until this evening. I hope that you don't mind leaving the dogs to their own devices today. They have plenty of food and water."

Will nodded, knowing that Hannibal would be true to his word. "They'll be fine. They're used to being alone for long periods of time. They were when I lived in Wolf Trap."

Hannibal nodded, then opened the door, letting Will go out first.

"Then let's have some fun," he said as the locked the door behind them, then bounded down the steps beside his fiancé. "I believe that this will be a good day for both of us."

Will followed him, increasingly curious as to just what the other man had planned for the two of them. Whatever it was, he was sure that it would prove to be a new -- and interesting -- experience.
