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Title: To the Death
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Aidan looked around him cautiously, scanning the street.

He didn't think that he and Will had been followed, but he had no way of knowing that for sure. For all he knew, they were being watched right now.

One thing he had learned about their enemies was that they retained some of their wolfish abilities even when they were in their human forms. One of those abilities was being able to scent their enemies, to track them. Aiden was sure that was how they had found him.

He'd tried so hard to hide himself well, but he should have known that they would hunt him down. And now, he had involved Will in his problems.

That was the last thing he had wanted to do.

He really should strike out on his own, and hope that he could avoid his pursuers. He had no right to drag Will into all of this, to put him in the middle of a war.

That was what this was all about, really. It was a war between him and the werewolves, and they wouldn't stop until he was dead -- or they were.

He had no idea how to kill them all. Oh, he was sure that he and Will could use silver bullets to pick off a few of them. That wouldn't be hard. He was a decent marksman, and since Will was an FBI agent, he knew that the other man was a good shot. He couldn't have his job and not be.

But how many of the damned things were here? And even if he and Will managed to kill them all, how many more would come after him? Would the entire pack descend upon them?

Aiden shivered at the thought, then shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Of course the entire pack wouldn't come. He wasn't worth that much to them.

At least, he fervently hoped that he wasn't.

He and Will had come into the town of Wolf Trap to settle his bill at the hotel, and to pick up his belongings. He would be staying at Will's house from now on.

When Aiden had protested, Will had merely held up a hand and shook his head. "You need my help," he'd said, his voice soft. "And I'm not going to let you do this alone."

Aiden had felt that he should refuse that help, just on the grounds that helping him could very well get Will killed -- or, at the very least, gravely injured. But something told him that Will meant what he said, and that he wasn't going to turn away from someone in need.

He had no choice but to accept the help that was offered -- and, truth be told, he was grateful for it. He wasn't alone. He didn't have to fight by himself any more.

Without Will on his side, he would be lost.

No, worse than that, he would be dead. Aiden had no doubt that if he continued to try to stand up to the werewolves on his own, they would kill him.

With Will standing by him, he at least had a fighting chance, which was a lot more than he'd felt he had when he was on his own. He felt stronger, more able to fight his way out of this.

Though getting out of this situation wasn't going to be easy, and he knew it.

Other than the silver bullets, he didn't know how to fight these things. He felt helpless, at a complete loss, had he was sure that Will felt much the same.

This was all new to Will, Aiden thought with a soft sigh. He'd never had to face something like this before. At least he himself had some experience with how the werewolves worked -- though he had to wonder if they would modify their tactics now that they weren't on their home turf.

He didn't know what to expect, and that left him at a distinct disadvantage. He had no idea where they would show up next, or what they might try to do.

All he knew was that he and Will would defend themselves in any way they could. They had no other choice, really. They just had to do whatever they could to stay alive.

As the old saying went, all was fair in love and war. And this was war.

It was a war that he hadn't wanted to pull anyone else into, but he had to admit that he was grateful for Will's help in this. It made him feel stronger, the knowledge that he wasn't alone.

Not only that, but he felt something for Will that he hadn't expected. It went beyond gratitude; he had to admit that he was attracted to the other man.

Well, what was wrong with that? he asked himself. Will was a good-looking guy; Aiden didn't think it would be possible not to be attracted to him. And not only was he extraordinarily handsome, but he was a good person, too. That had already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

He turned as Will came out of the hotel, carrying Aiden's duffel bag. "I settled up with the hotel. You can pay me back whenever you get the chance. I'm not worried about it."

Aiden nodded, wishing that he didn't have to depend on Will for this, but at the moment, he was nearly flat broke. He hadn't been when he'd first come here, but hotels were expensive.

"I'll pay you back as soon as I can," he murmured, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't let it worry you," Will said, his voice very soft. "Aiden, you've got enough on your shoulders right now. I don't want you to add financial burdens to that."

Will's voice was soft, but his tone brooked no argument. So Aiden just nodded, opening the passenger side door of Will's car and getting in. As he did so, that strange feeling overtook him again -- the feeling that someone was watching him, someone who was just out of his line of vision.

He didn't doubt that they were watching him. He had no way to stop that observation; he would if he could, but he didn't know how. There were just too many of them.

"They're watching us," he said to Will, his voice tense. "I can feel it."

Will nodded as he turned the key in the ignition, then pulled out of the parking space. "Let them. The next time you have to face them, you'll be prepared. We both will."

Aiden leaned his head back, closing his eyes. He hoped with all of his heart that Will was right -- though he wondered if the other man truly understood just what they were up against.

They were being watched -- hunted -- by killers.

And when they did meet again, their fight would be to the death.
